Friday, June 28, 2013

the Birds of the Bible Museum page 2

the Birds of the Bible Museum page 2 by ric gustafson

" Let's move on to the next display". She walked up to a large display that had two sections. " This display shows that chickens were prominent in the bible".
" Chickens" squealed one of the small children. " I love chicken".
" Yes". The young man smiled. " Matthew 23:37".
" That is correct". Betty pointed at the display. " Jesus, as he was coming into Jerusalem for the last time cried and said he wanted to gather his children together like a hen gathers her brood". She pointed at the other part of the display. " Does anybody know what roosters are famous for?".
The mother grinned. " Crowing loudly in the morning".
" That's right, Roman soldiers used roosters to signal the changing of the guard detail". " Are there any other bible passages talking about roosters?".
" Yes, Mark 14".
" Yes, that is the passage where the rooster crowed twice because Peter denied knowing Jesus three times".

research help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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