Sunday, June 30, 2013

the Birds of the Bible Museum page 4

the Birds of the Bible museum page 4 by ric gustafson

Betty turned the corner and stopped at the next display.
" What an ugly bird" squealed one of the girls. " It's black and spooky looking".
" That's true" Betty replied with a sigh. " But the raven has an important role in the bible".
" It does". The mother stared at the display. " How's that?".
" After the Great Flood, Noah sent a raven to see if the waters had begun to dry up".
" What happened?" asked the father.
" The raven did not come back again".
The father studied the display. " I had forgotten about that".
" Jesus himself talked about the raven".
The mother smiled. " Where is that in the bible?".
" In Luke chapter 12, Jesus says not to worry about your daily needs because he takes care of the ravens also".
" That bible verse we need to think about every day".
Everybody nodded in agreement.

research help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

First Century kitchen page 10

First Century kitchen page 10 by ric gustafson

Olives and olive oil were very important to a first century diet. Olive trees have been around for at least five thousand years. Olive trees flourished in the time of Jesus and his followers. Because of olive trees, olive oil became an important commodity. Olive trees were a part of the landscape of Judea and Galilee. Some of the trees grew to at least fifty feet high and a canopy of thirty feet. The average life of an olive tree was five hundred years and some lived longer. Olives are fruit with a single seed or pit. Olive trees bloom in the spring and the fruit ripen in the fall. When olives ripen, they turn a darker green and then a dark black color. Black and green olives come from the same trees and differ only in degree of ripeness. Olives need mild weather but also a long hot growing season. Olives were the last crop to be harvested before winter.
To pick olives, the workers spread a tarp under one of the trees. One worker would shake the branches and pick what he could catch. One worker would use a long pole to hit the branches so the fruit would fall on the tarp. A third worker would gather and seperate the olives and put them into baskets. The goal was to pick the most ripe dark olives they could find. These were the best for olive oil.
Olive oil was the preferred oil for cooking. It was used as an ingredient as it is today. It was used as a dip for bread, vegetables and meat. It was also used for lamps and lighting. Olive oil was also used as an ointment and medicine. People were anointed with olive oil for a blessing. Olive oil was used for praying for healing.
Olives and olive trees represented joy and peace.
Next we will look at a first century banquet.

research help:  ' The Food and Feasts of Jesus' by Douglas Neel and Joel Pugh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 29, 2013

First Century kitchen page 9

First Century kitchen page 9 by ric gustafson

Bread was the key to a first century diet. It was made every day and eaten at every meal. It is part of the religious rituals of Judaism and Christianity. Jesus proclaimed that he was the bread of life. Before Jesus, bread was flat with dough from flour and water. Later, part of the dough was seperated from the rest and mixed with the next day's flour and water. This way the leavening action started faster. Each family had someone appointed to make the bread. They would light the fire in the bread oven, grind wheat for flour, make the dough and mix in the leaven from the previous day. When the oven was ready, the coals and ashes were swept  and replaced with the coals. Bread was made every day except on the Sabbath. Before bread ovens, the dough was placed on a flat rock and covered with hot coals. Bread was used as an eating utensil and as a napkin. Common and poor folk ate bread made from barley. The wealthy made their bread from wheat. Jews ate unleavened bread which was made with just water, flour and perhaps a little salt. Bread is a symbol of life and also hospitality.
Next we will talk about olives and their importance to a first century diet.

research help: ' The Food and Feasts of Jesus' by Douglas Neel and Joel Pugh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Birds of the Bible Museum page 3

the Birds of the Bible Museum page 3 by ric gustafson

The group stopped at a large display that showed a large majestic bird in flight.
" What kind of bird is that?" squealed one of the little girls as she clung nervously to her mother's leg.
The father grinned at his daughter. " An eagle".
" That's correct". Betty pointed at the display. " The eagle represents authority and strength". She pointed at the talons of the bird. " Did you know that the talons of a crown eagle can exert 480 pounds per square inch".
The wife smiled. " Are there any bible verses talking about the eagle?".
" Yes, Isaiah 40:31 talks about waiting on the Lord and mounting up with wings like eagles".
" Are there any other verses?" asked the father.
" Exodus 19:4 says that God bore us up on eagle's wings".

research help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Dashboard: a Dashboard Jesus

God's Dashboard: a Dashboard Jesus by ric gustafson

Some people have a bobblehead of Jesus on their dashboard. What's important to God is whether you believe in his Son or not. Is Jesus living in your heart?. Jesus is not just a bobblehead on our dashboard but a real world Savior. Jesus came to earth and died on the cross of Calvary for our sins. He rose from the grave on the third day and offers us eternal life. He's waiting to enter your heart and become your Savior. 
Who's driving your car right now, a Dashboard Jesus or My Lord Jesus

The End

research help: Turning Points June 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 28, 2013

the Birds of the Bible Museum page 2

the Birds of the Bible Museum page 2 by ric gustafson

" Let's move on to the next display". She walked up to a large display that had two sections. " This display shows that chickens were prominent in the bible".
" Chickens" squealed one of the small children. " I love chicken".
" Yes". The young man smiled. " Matthew 23:37".
" That is correct". Betty pointed at the display. " Jesus, as he was coming into Jerusalem for the last time cried and said he wanted to gather his children together like a hen gathers her brood". She pointed at the other part of the display. " Does anybody know what roosters are famous for?".
The mother grinned. " Crowing loudly in the morning".
" That's right, Roman soldiers used roosters to signal the changing of the guard detail". " Are there any other bible passages talking about roosters?".
" Yes, Mark 14".
" Yes, that is the passage where the rooster crowed twice because Peter denied knowing Jesus three times".

research help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Dashboard: the Odometer

God's Dashboard: the Odometer by ric gustafson

The word odometer comes from the greek words hodos and metron. In a car, the odometer measures the distance you have traveled. The word odometer started at the time of Alexander the Great who wanted to know how much he had conquered. In Roman times, mileage was calculated by the rotation of chariot wheels. The Chinese used bells or drums to record the sound of a wheel.
A spiritual odometer  is used by God to track the progress of our spiritual walk with him. Are we progressing down the narrow path. Isaiah 35:8 refers to the ' Highway of Holiness which is a road we should be traveling on. What does our spiritual odometer say right now?. If we have been having trouble staying on the narrow path, we can change right now. We should read God's Word more and display more of the Fruit of the Spirit. We should be more loving, have more joy and patience. Our prayer life could be more consistent and our witness could be sharper. High mileage christians are a delight to God and we should praise him as we travel the Highway of Holiness.

research help: Turning Points June 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 27, 2013

the Birds of the Bible Museum page 1

the Birds of the Bible Museum page 1 by ric gustafson

Betty Baker adjusted her name badge as she finished drinking her third cup of coffee. " Claudette" she said to her coworker as she stood up from a breakroom chair and put her coffee cup in the sink. " I sure hope it is busy today".
A bell rang and she walked out to see a family of four standing by the register. " Good morning, I'm Betty". She handed a pen to the man. " Welcome to the Birds of the Bible Museum". She smiled. " If you could please put your names in our register". " Would you like a free tour?".
The young man grinned at his wife. " They have a free tour".  His wife nodded her head. " Sure".
She put the register by the front door. " To begin the tour" she said as she pointed down a hallway. " We''ll be going this way".
They walked toward an exhibit. Betty stopped in front of a display of a beautiful white bird in flight. " This first display is of a Dove which is a bird mentioned several times in the Bible including Matthew 10:16".
The wife raised her hand. " Isn't the Dove important as far as the Baptism of Jesus?".
" Yes, that is true". Betty grinned. " When Jesus came out of the water, the heavens were opened and the Spirit of God descended on him like a Dove".
Betty pointed at the bird. " Doves are harmless, peaceful birds who are used as symbols of the Holy Spirit".

research help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Dashboard: the Seat Belt

God's Dashboard: the Seat Belt by ric gustafson

As followers of God, we need two things to serve God faithfully. When we drive a vehicle, we need a seat belt to keep us safe. Second, we need to be spiritually healthy to do his will. The question we need to ponder is do we have a seat belt for the soul?.
There are three things we need to think as far as safety for our souls. Attending worship with other believers will help maintain our health and well being. Accountability with our spiritual family will help us to stay stable and safe from Satan. Our spiritual seat belt needs personal accountability also. We need to find someone whom we can trust and be a close, trustworthy and faithfull friend. We need to have these three spiritual accountabilities in place. We need to buckle up our soul, keep it in place with corporate, family and personal accountability.

research help: Turning Points June 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time chapter 9 page 1

No Time chapter 9 page 1 by ric gustafson

Bryson could see the sign for Father Time's shop. " We are just about there". He noticed a young man holding a sign that read ' Free Hugs'. " Look Jessica, a guy is over there holding a free hugs sign'
She smiled. " Let's go talk to him".
He frowned at her. " Let's not stay long, I'm can't wait to get back and get my watch".
" Ok".
They walked quietly up to the young man who was giving an elderly woman a hug.
" Good afternoon Mr Hugs".
" Jessica". He walked over and gave her a big hug. " My watch is already fixed".
" It sure is". She handed him a small wrapped package. " You are my last delivery today".
He gave Bryson a smile. " Jessica, who is your friend?".
" This is Bryson, he's been helping me make deliveries today".
" Nice to meet you". He gave him a hug.
Bryson stared at the sign. " Why the free hugs sign?".
" Bryson, the answer is love".

research help: ' Love 2.0' by Barbara Fredrickson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

living with a purpose: to be humble

living with a purpose: to be humble by ric gustafson

Luke 14:11 says for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted. Those who want to be the best of the best want to show off their wealth or status. God wants us to think completely the opposite. God wants us to be humble and not full of pride. When we are prideful, we only think of ourselves and not God.
God wants us to be humble, serve others and not think about ourselves. James 4:6 says God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble. We need to be humble, think of others first and give God the glory. Because of God's grace, we have been saved and showered by blessings.

research help: ' A Life that Matters' by Kimberley Woodhouse

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time chapter 8 page 3

NoTime chapter 8 page 3 by ric gustafson

" Repent" Mr Doomsayer said in a loud voice to the crowd in front of him. " For the seas will boil and the mountains will move".
" How can a mountain move old man?" snickerded a young man.
Bryson studied the crowd again. " Does anybody heed your message?".
" Sometimes" he replied with a sigh. " Most of the time they don't".
Jessica glanced at her watch. " Mr Doomsayer, have you seen Mr Hugs today?".
" I believe he is holding his sign somewhere on the next block".
" Perfect" she said as she turned toward Bryson. " Bryson, are you ready to go?".
" Yes". He shook Mr Doomsayer's hand. " It was nice meeting you".
" The feeling is mutual". He smiled at Bryson. " Oh Bryson by the way, I learned something very important as I studied the bible and the life of John the Baptist".
" What is that?".
He grinned at Bryson. " There is no time in heaven".

research help: ' Apocalyptic Planet' by Craig Childs

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

No Time chapter 8 page 2

No Time chapter 8 page 2 by ric gustafson

" Good afternoon Jessica". He stared at Bryson. " Who's your friend?".
" This is Bryson, he's been helping me make deliveries today".
Mr Doomsayer held up a small black bible. " The bible says that the cold will return and species will vanish".
" You are just trying to scare us old man" yelled a young man.
Jessica handed him a package. " Here is your fixed watch".
" Thank you" he said as he shook his bible at the evergrowing crowd. " Please give Father Time my regards".
Bryson studied the angry crowd. " Mr Doomsayer, why are you doing this?".
" Bryson, I believe that God gave me the vision to be a modern day John the Baptist".

research help: ' Apocalyptic Planet' by Craig Childs

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time chapter 8 page 1

No Time chapter 8 page 1 by ric gustafson

Jessica pointed toward an enpty parking space. " Bryson, park there".
They got out and began to walk down the busy sidewalk.
" Why are we parking four blocks from Father's Time shop?".
She smiled as she moved so a woman could walk by her. " Our last two deliveries are on the way back".
" Oh".  They crossed the busy street and continued walking. " There are a lot of eating establishments on this street.
She smiled again. " Father Time and I love to eat lunch at different places on this street".
As they walked, Bryson could hear someone talking in a loud voice as if they were preaching. They walked up to a middleaged man who was standing on an old packing crate preaching to a large crowd.
" The end of time is coming when deserts will consume and ice will collapse".
" You're lying old man" sneered a young woman from the crowd.
" God's Holy Word says that the seas will rise and civilizations will fall".
" The Bible is a book of lies" yelled a man from the crowd.
Jessica walked up to the man.
He stopped and smiled at her. " Hello Jessica"
" Good afternoon Mr Doomsayer".

research help: ' Apocalyptic Planet' by Craig Childs

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

living with a purpose: to be positive

living with a purpose: to be positive by ric gustafson

Luke 18:27 says the things that are impossible with people are possible with God. In life we have everyday decisions. With these decisions, we can have one of two outlooks. One is a negative outlook where we complain about how the situation affects us. The other outlook that we could have is a positive one where we can remain calm and positive and be grateful.
Philippians 4:13 says that I can do all things through him who strenghtens me. God wants us to abandon negative thinking as soon as it enters our mind. God wants us to be positive, calm and to change our negative thoughts into positive ones.

research help: ' A Life that Matters' by Kimberley Woodhouse

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 24, 2013

living with a purpose: to be kind

living with a purpose: to be kind by ric gustafson

Ephesians 4:32 says to be kind to one another tender hearted forgiving each other just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. In God's Word it says to be kind to those who are kind to us and also to those who are not. Our actions and attitudes are a reflection of our heart. We need the Lord to change our attitude toward others. It's hard to be kind to someone who has been unkind to us. As followers of Christ, we need to be an example of him to everyone that we meet. Luke 6:35 says but love your enemies and do good and lend expecting nothing in return and your reward will be great.
Jesus wants us to be kind to everyone we encounter today and everyday.

research help: ' A Life that Matters' by Kimberley Woodhouse

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 23, 2013

living with a purpose: running our race

living with a purpose: running our race by ric gustafson

Hebrews 12:1-2 says ' And let us run with endurance the race that is set before us fixing our eyes on Jesus'. Each of us has been given a race to run. Sometimes instead of looking toward the finish line, we look at our competition. We stare at the runners around us and not on the finish line. Sometimes we slow down or even stop running altogether.
God wants us to focus on our race. He wants us to train every day and focus on our lane. We need to focus on the finish line and not to get distracted. Reading God's Word will help us focus on the finish line which is Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 9:24 says ' Do you know that those who run in a race all run but only one receives the prize, run in a way that you may win'.
God wants us to stay focused on the finish line which is Jesus Christ his Son.

research help: ' A Life that Matters' by Kimberley Woodhouse

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 22, 2013

I Am: a struggling God

I Am: a struggling God by ric gustafson

Even though God is unchanging and accomplishes all of his purposes, he feels grief and struggles for us. God struggles for us because he angonizes over us. He loves us so much that he angonizes over us constantly. God struggles because grief comes over him for us. Because of his grief for us, God's perfect love and peace comes to us. God loves us so much that he turns grief into true compassion.
God struggles because he loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' I Am" by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 21, 2013

I Am: a righteous judge

I Am: a righteous judge by ric gustafson

Genesis 18:25 says ' will not the Judge of all the earth do right?'. God is gracious and he is an unbiased Judge. Even though God judges his love and grace is abundant for us. God is a perfect Judge and Father. He loves us as his children but tells us where we stand. God is a God of justice and is always truthful. We need to welcome God's judgment and not run away from it. God judges quickly but also God loves us more than anything else and wants the best for his children.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Dashboard: in the Right Gear

God's Dashboard: in the Right Gear by ric gustafson

Most cars come with automatic transmissions. On the dashboard are three letters. The first is the letter D for Drive.  In Philippians 3, the Apostle Paul urges us to reach forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal. Is your christian life moving forward and making progress?. God wants us to be shifting gears and being transformed into his image.
The letter N stands for Neutral. Sometimes like gears we slip in our spiritual lives. We become idle and our church attendance slacks off. God does not want us to be stuck in neutral. We need to tap the brakes, grab our gearshift and start on our journey again.
The letter R stands for Reverse. Everyone eventually finds ourselves in this position. God does not want us to be in this position very long. If habits or storms in life are pulling us away from God, we need to hit the brakes, stop ourselves and shift gears.
God wants us to be in Drive and go forward in our daily walk with confidence. If our christian life is stalled or going in reverse, God will get us in the right gear again if we will let him.

research help: Turning Points June 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 20, 2013

I Am: a true friend

I Am: a true friend by ric gustafson

A true relationship with someone can be measured by the honesty and the love between them. God wants us to be a true friend of his where we can receive his love and anger. When God can be angry at us and love us at the same time, that is true friendship. When we can become more secure in God's love, he can become more direct with us. God wants to be our friend and I pray that we can always be secure in his anger and his neverending love.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Dashboard: The Temperature Gauge

God's Dashboard: The Temperature Gauge by ric gustafson

There is an icon on the dashboard for the car's cooling system. There is an H at the top for hot and a C at the bottom for cool and a line in the middle for just right. Consistency is the key to our car's temperature and cooling system. The water has to be cool enough to keep the engine from overheating but hot enough to keep us warm in winter. The water in our car needs to be at around 190 degrees, not too hot or cold but just right.
Malachi 3:6 says ' For I am the Lord, I do not change'. God never changes, he is always consistent in what he says and does. As believers of God, he wants us to be consistent in our spiritual lives also. In bible study he wants us to be consistent. In prayer and worship, he wants us to be consistent. In Proverbs 2:4, Solomon says that working toward growth is like looking for hidden treasures. As we follow God and Jesus, we need to monitor and make sure that we do not burn up or freeze. We need to check our spiritual temperature gauge often and run our race with consistency.

research help: Turning Points June 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

God's Dashboard: the Check Engine Light

God's Dashboard: the Check Engine Light by ric gustafson

When the check engine light comes on we panic thinking why is it on?. We think to ourselves is there something wrong with the car even though it's running ok. If we take it in, hopefully it's just a spark plug or a gas cap and nothing worse.
The check engine light that comes on in our spiritual lives is church attendance. Church attendance is an indicator of a person's spiritual life. When people start to stay away from church, that's an indication that something is wrong. In some cases, illness and other physical reasons can keep a person from attending a church. Sometimes jobs or a crisis in the family will keep someone from attending.
There are lots of benefits to attending a church service. The Holy Spirit makes us accessible to God's grace, guidance, words of insight and fellowship with other believers. When our spiritual check engine light comes on, we need to pay attention to that warning and make an effort to come to church if we are able. That will bring a smile to God's face.

research help: Turning Points June 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Busch page 14

Busch page 14 by ric gustafson

In early 1975, August came up with a plan to force his father to leave the brewery for good. At the time, the Miller brewery in Milwaukee was doubling it's production capacity and it's market share. It's signature Miller High Life brand was growing leaps and bounds and in January of that year introduced Miller Lite to the public. Because of all that advertising, it took fourth place in the brewery wars. August saw Miller as a threat to their business. Because of this, August talked to the Board of Directors about ousting his father. The Board agreed and Gussie was forced to become Chairman while August became President of the brewery.
Gussie's son Adolphus was furious and demanded a meeting with August. He defended his actions and said that what he had done was for the best for the brewery. Gussie owned fifteen percent of the brewery's stock and another fifteen percent through trusts. On May 8 1975, it was announced that Gussie Busch was stepping down as Chief Executive.
By the end of 1975, August Busch was happy for two main reasons. The first was that now he was the President of the brewery. The other main reason was that their rival Schlitz had a massive recall of ten million of their bottles and cans resulting in a sales drop of 40 percent. Schlitz's stock plummeted to five dollars a share and the brewery basically vanished until it was bought by Stroh Brewing Company in 1982.

research help: ' Bitter Brew' by William Knoedelseder

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Dashboard: The Oil Light

God's Dashboard: The Oil Light by ric gustafson

The word oil comes from the word olive. The word means a chemical that is high in carbon and is slippery. The first oils came from olives and other plants and some animals. Motor oil is petroleum based and lubricates the moving parts of an engine.
In the life of a christian, prayer is the motor oil of the soul. Our lives are better when we are oiled up in prayer and with the oil of praise. When somethng in our lives worries us, we can pray and ask for wisdom. If we have a major problem and want it removed from our lives, we can pray to God and he will solve it for us. Sometimes things are not solved as quickly as we would like, but God does listen and will solve it in his time and for our benefit.
So what is our spiritual oil level right now?. Is it a quart or two low?. Sometimes we need to adjust our busy schedules and tinker with our prayer life. We need to find a regular time to pray. Prayer does change things for our good and it is oil to our souls.

research help: Turning Points June 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time chapter 7 page 3

No Time chapter 7 page 3 by ric gustafson

Bryson looked at the stakes. " So you need to have a square foundation at a 90 degree angle".
" Very good Bryson". He smiled. " You know your foundations".
" Then what do you have to do?".
" Then I need to set and level the cornerstones".
" So even in a storm, it will stay up".
" That's the idea". He showed Bryson his master plan. " Then I'm going to do the floor frame and then put down a floorboard".
Jessica grinned. " That way you will have a floor".
" Then I will frame the walls and roof".
Jessica glanced at her watch. " Bryson, we need to get to our next delivery".
" Ok". He yawned. " How many more do we have to do?".
" Two and then we're done".
They turned to leave.
" Oh Bryson, there's one thing that I've been thinking about as I've been doing this plan for this clubhouse?".
" What is that Mr Parkson?".
" Bryson, there is no time in heaven".

research help: ' Keep Out!' by Lee Mothes

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 17, 2013

No Time chapter 7 page 2

No Time chapter 7 page 2 by ric gustafson

Bryson and Jessica quietly walked on the small sidewalk past rows and rows of beautiful flowers. " Jessica, this flower garden is beautiful".
She smiled back. " Mrs Parkson is a master gardener".
They heard a noise and walked into the backyard. They walked up to a middleaged man who was pounding stakes into the ground with a rubber mallet.
" Hello Mr Parkson".
" Jessica" he replied as he stopped pounding. " Nice to see you".
" I gave Mrs Parkson your fixed watch".
" I'm sure Father Time did a good job fixing it". He grinned at Bryson. " Jessica, who is your friend?".
" This is Bryson, he's helping me make deliveries today".
" Nice to meet you". He shook the young man's hand.
Bryson stared at the stakes. " What are you building?".
" Bryson, did you have a clubhouse when you were a kid?".
" I sure did".
He smiled. " I am putting in the stakes for the foundation of a six foot by eight foot classic clubhouse".

research help: ' Keep Out!' by Lee Mothes

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Dashboard: The Fuel Line

God's Dashboard: The Fuel Line by ric gustafson

When we drive our cars, we need fuel to power our vehicle. As God's people, we also need power to fuel our spiritual lives. As christians, our fuel source is God's Word. Our fuel for our daily walk with God is the truth from God's Word. John 8:44 says that Satan is the father of lies. We need God's truth in his Word to help us resist the pressure of this sin filled world. When we fill our spiritual tank, is it God's fuel or Satan's?. We need to be fueled by God's truth from God's Word. Just like with our cars, we need to constantly check our spirtual fuel tank. The next question is how do we do that?. By consistently having personal bible time and discussing the bible with others.
Having the wrong fuel in our cars could cause rough riding, poor gas mileage and trouble starting. We need to pay attention constantly to our spiritual fuel line and keep it full by studying God's Word and that will fill us with God's truth.

research help: Turning Points June 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 16, 2013

God's Dashboard: The Speedometer

God's Dashboard: The Speedometer by ric gustafson

When we look at our car's speedometer, we are wondering how fast or how slow we are going. For some of us, we are going too fast to build a relationship with God on a daily basis. Romans 12:2 says don't let the world around you squeeze you into it's own mold, but let God remould your minds from within. Somtimes we are so busy with our lives, it's hard to take time and fellowship with God. On the other hand some people are slow with their spiritual lives. These people spend no devotional time with God, do not pray or spend time with other believers. Where should our spiritual speedometers be?. We know we are ok when we have spiritual contentment, we are growing in our faith, we serve Christ and have healthy relationships with family and friends.
We need to check our spiritual speedometer to see how we are spending our time. I pray that we are making and taking time with God.

research help: Turning Points June 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Busch page 13

Busch page 13 by ric gustafson

Even though the brewery suffered a strike in 1969, it still sold 18.7 million barrels. The brewery did well in 1970 producing 122 million barrels the highest since Prohibition. Half of all production came from only five companies, Anheuser Busch, Schlitz, Pabst, Coors and Schaefer. Only 157 breweries remained from more than 700. In two years, only 65 will remain.
Anheuser Busch continued it's lead over Schlitz. Not only in barrels produced, but also in production capacity and profits. Changes were occuring at Schlitz including Robert Uihlein becoming it's CEO and replacing barley malt with corn syrup. By the 1970's, the Uihlein family would become one of the richest in the country. His family owned 82 percent of Schlitz stock and held fourteen spots on their Board of Directors.
Problems persisted at Anheuser Busch with Gussie getting tired of August's meddling with company affairs. At their annual shareholders meeting, Gussie went so far as to suggest that a friend Dick Meyer become President of the brewery and that August would become Executive Vice President.
In 1972, Cardinal players started a Major League Players strike which was the first in the history of baseball. The season ended badly for the team and Gussie lost nearly $ 600,000.
Problems for Gussie continued with the news that Busch Gardens in Houston was losing money and the company stock dropped. In 1973, the US economy suffered from inflation and a bear market. The brewery's stock plummeted downward from 55 to 28 dollars a share. By the end of the year, the brewery's profits were down $ 11 million and Schlitz was now more profitable than it's rival.

research help: ' Bitter Brew' by William Knoedelseder

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Busch page 12

Busch page 12 by ric gustafson

Gussie Busch was in his late sixties and had no plans to retire. The brewery had doubled it's market share and the St Louis Cardinals were playing well in the new Busch Memorial Stadium. The Cardinals won the National League pennant in 1967 and 1968 thanks to the pitching of Bob Gibson. The Cardinals owner was Gussie but the brewery owned the team.
Gussie and August were always at odds about how the brewery should be run. August wanted to reorganize and modernize the brewery but Gussie enjoyed the old ways and the bankers hours he stuck to. August was concerned that Gussie was not up to run the brewery. August's nicknames were the ' Third' or ' young August'. One of August's projects was to analize the brewery's production capacity versus the demand for it's product. The result was to build more plants located to minimize freight costs. Eventually, seven plants were built around the country. In 1969, all seven plants were shut down by a Teamsters strike. In June 1969, Philip Morris purchased 53 percent of Miller Brewing Company. This scared both Gussie and August.
August's personal problems continued when in 1969, his marriage to Susie was in trouble. August moved into an apartment and divorced Susie quickly and quietly.
In 1969, the Cardinals had a dismal season and the strain of life began to show in Gussie Busch.

research help: ' Bitter Brew' by William Knoedelseder

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 14, 2013

Busch page 11

Busch page 11 by ric gustafson

Gussie Busch's first born son, August III had his own problems growing up. He did not like Trudy and was only ten years older than he was. He enjoyed spending time with his father, shooting firearms at Belleau Farm. Their relationship got harder when Trudy came. He moved back in with his mother and their father son relationship never improved. In high school, his nickname became Augie and he made few friends. He was a good student but got poor grades.
In 1956, he enrolled at the University of Arizona and in his freshman year, started working at the brewery. On May 4 1958, August's mother Elizabeth Busch died at her home. In his junior year, he joined the Army Reserves. In 1960, he enrolled at the Siebel Institute of Technology in Chicago.
In 1963, he was promoted at the brewery to Vice President of Marketing and elected to the Board of Directors. During that summer, he married Susan Hornibrook and be 1966 had two children, Susan and Anheuser Busch IV.

research help: ' Bitter Brew' by William Knoedelseder

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time chapter 7 page 1

No Time chapter 7 page 1 by ric gustafson

Bryson stopped in front of the brown decorative mailbox. " This is the address?".
Jessica glanced at her notebook. " I think so, does the mailbox say 1000 Forest Place Dr?".
" It sure does".
She noticed the middle aged woman watering some plants on the front stoop. " This must be it". She waved. " Hello Mrs Parkson".
The woman put down her gardening hose and turned around. " Well hello Jessica". She turned off the water and began to walk down the driveway. " Isn't it a beautiful afternoon".
" It sure is" was her reply as she and Bryson got out and now stood by the mailbox. She handed the woman a wrapped package. " Here is Mr Parkson's fixed watch".
" Thank you" she said as she wiped sweat from her brow. " Alan is in the back yard still working on that crazy thing". She smiled at Bryson. " And who is this handsome young man?".
Jessica blushed. " This is Bryson and he's helping me make some deliveries today".
He shook her hand. " Nice to meet you".
She smiled back. " Bryson, did you have a clubhouse in your backyard when you were a kid?".
" I sure did".
" You might be interested in what my husband is doing in the backyard".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Talents scene 2

The Talents scene 2 by ric gustafson

                                   Scene 2

                        Bernard Talent is sitting next to an easel at the end of a long conference table.

{ the conference room door opens]

                                               Roger Talent

Good morning Dad

[ He puts his briefcase on the table next to his father]

                                                Roger Talent

I hope I'm not late

                                             Bernard Talent

In fact you are ten minutes early

[ Five minutes later, another young man enters the room]

                                              Richard Talent

Hi Dad  [ beat]  I hope I'm not late

                                               Bernard Talent

Actually you are five minutes early

[ He glanced at the clock on the far wall]

                                                Bernard Talent

It's 10:00  [ beat]  has anybody seen Lawrence yet?

                                                   Roger Talent

No Dad I haven't  [ beat]  I'm sure he'll saunter in before too long

[ Ten minutes into the meeting, another young man enters the room]

                                                     Lawrence Talent

I'm sorry I'm late Dad

[ He stared at his two older brothers]

                                                         Lawrence Talent

Did I miss anything?

[ Bernard shook his head and handed a packet of papers to each of his sons]

                                                    Bernard Talent

As you know I am going on a year vacation and these packets explain what I expect from each of you while I am gone

[ All three sons opened their packets and began to study them]

                                                      Bernard Talent

Roger, while I am gone I want you to be in charge of fifty percent of my bookstores

                                                      Roger Talent

Ok Dad  [ beat]  I won't let you down

                                                         Bernard Talent

Richard, while I am gone I would like you to be in charge of forty percent of my bookstores

                                                         Richard Talent

You can count on me Dad

                                                        Bernard Talent

Lawrence, while I am gone I would like you to be in charge of ten percent of my bookstores

[ He gave his father a resentful stare]

                                                            Lawrence Talent

Why did I get just ten percent and they got so much more than I did

[ Bernard gave his youngest son a loving grin]

                                                              Bernard Talent

Son, to be honest I believe that that is all you can handle

Always: God is always faithful

Always: God is always faithful by ric gustafson

Storms happen in our lives and it is easy to fear the worst. God wants to reassure us that he is in control and that we have nothing to fear. Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the End, the One who was and is to come. According to Revelation 1, Jesus is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead and the ruler over the kings of the earth.
God is faithful to his word and always keeps his promises. God is a hard worker and is faithful over the long haul. God is always faithful in his promises and we can have peace and joy in that belief. God's plans for the ages have never changed and never will. God has a plan for us and Jesus will lead us in those steps.
God is always faithful to his people. Fear is part of our emotions and today we really feel it. Events we see on TV overwelm us and we worry about the future for us and our families. No matter what storms come our way, God is always faithful and will never abandon us.

The End

research help: Turning Points November 2012

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

the roar of the Lyon chapter 1 page 3

the roar of the Lyon chapter 1 page 3 by ric gustafson

Marcia put some mashed potatoes on a plate and then handed it to her husband. " He actually asked you if you were a christian".
" He did".
She poured two glasses of wine and then handed him one. " What did you say?".
" I told him I was".
" And what did he say?".
Dwayne took a sip of his wine. " He told me he worked for an employer a long time ago who was a christian". He took a bite of the roast beef that was on his plate. " He said that he was in charge of their finances". He frowned. " I'm worried that my chances for the job are nil because I told him that".
She took a sip from her wine glass and then smiled. " God will determine if you are going to get the job or not".
Later as they washed the dishes, the phone rang.
" I'll get it". He put down his towel, walked over, picked up the cell phone and pushed the green button. " Hello". " Yes, this is Dwayne Hodgins".
Marcia watched as he listened intently to the caller.
" Thank you, I'll see you Monday morning". He hit the red button and put it back on it's hook.
" Dwayne, who was that?".
" Mr Lyon" he replied as a smile came to his face. " I got the job".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Always: God is always present

Always: God is always present by ric gustafson

A security blanket for christians is knowing without a doubt that God is always present in our lives. God wants us to be reassured that he is always here with us and protecting us from harm. King David tried to flee from God but according to Psalm 139 he could not. In Acts 17, the Apostle Paul reminds us that God is not far from each one of us.
There are many benefits for having God always with us. He can teach us, comfort us, guide us, correct us, encourage us and celebrate with us. God wants to make himself known to others through us. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can tell others that God is present in their lives also.
We must never forget that God is always with us, he always has been and always will be.

research help: Turning Points November 2012

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

the story of Tillie Pierce page 4

the story of Tillie Pierce page 4 by ric gustafson

By 1862, General Robert E Lee knew that in order to defeat the Union army, he would have to invade the North. To the people of Southern Pennsylvania, there was deep concern. Pennsylvania was a Union state and it was close to the Mason Dixon line. Lee knew that in order to win the war, he had to march into, fight and win a battle in the North. His army needed food and supplies and the North was full of each. Not only that, Lee knew his army needed a boost in morale to continue the war.
Lee wanted to threaten key cities in the North including Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington DC. Taking one of those cities might influence a country like France to join it's fight.
In September 1862, the two armies fought at Antietam near Sharpsburg Maryland. The two day battle was costly for both armies with no clear victory for either side. It was the single bloodiest day of battle in US history. One month later, Confederate forces raided Chambersburg 25 miles west of Gettysburg. They took supplies, horses and burned warehouses. In December 1862, Confederate forces won a victory at Fredericksburg Virginia which was just south of Gettysburg.
Tillie Pierce and the other residents of Gettysburg knew it was only a matter of time before war came to their doorstep.

research help: ' Tillie Pierce' by Tanya Anderson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Always: God is always loving

Always: God is always loving by ric gustafson

Human love is powerful but it is nothing compared to the love of God. God has always loved us and always will. God's love for us is infinite, eternal and more than we could ever ask for or think. God's love is wide, broad, has no limits or boundaries. God's love is long, does not allow prejudice and excludes no one. God loved us before time began and before the foundation of the world. God's love for us is deep, vast, unmeasured and boundless. The height of God's love is high as the heavens above. God loves the world and he loves me always.

research help: Turning Points November 2012

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 10, 2013

I Am: an angry God

I Am: an angry God by ric gustafson

Exodus 4:14- ' The Lord's anger burned against Moses'.

We cringe when we realize that God does get angry at us his people. We must understand that God is not angry at us, he is angry for us. God loves us dearly and wants the best for us always. We should not avoid God's anger but embrace it. He is slow to anger and his patience for us is galore. God's anger comes when we miss out on a design he has for our lives and neglect it. We must understand that God does not get angry with us on purpose. God gets angry at us out of the abundant love that he has for you and for me.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Great Harvest 101 page 7

The Great Harvest 101 page 7 by ric gustafson

Mr Freeman raised his hand to quiet the class. The students were excited because it was the last night of class.  " It's 6 pm and we have a lot to review". He smiled at the students. " Let's get started". He began to write on the white board. " Can anyone tell me what reaping has to do with making disciples?".
A hand went up.
" Yes Roger".
" When a person makes a decision to cut himself from his old sinful self and say yes to a new life in Christ".
" Roger, you are completely correct". He wrote something else on the board. " Can somebody tell me what threshing has to do with making disciples?".
A hand went up.
" Yes Denise".
" It is when a person leaves the affairs of his former life such as habits and desires but it takes time to do and you need support and love".
" That is correct and I want to stress the part that it takes a lot of time to change and you need lots of support and love from others". He wrote something else on the board. " Can anyone tell me what winnowing has to do with making disciples?".
A hand went up.
" Yes Mary".
" A new christian leaves his old life behind and seriously begins to follow Jesus".
" That is correct". He erased the three words and wrote two more on the board. " Frank, what are the two words that I just put on the board?".
" Make disciples".
" That is the message of Matthew 28:19-20 and that is the message that I have been teaching you in this class".
" Class is dismissed, please rise".
The students stood up.
" Leave this classroom, go forth and make disciples of all nations in the name of Jesus Christ".

The End.

research help: Turning Points April 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 8, 2013

the story of Tillie Pierce page 3

the story of Tillie Pierce page 3 by ric gustafson

George and Hettie Shriver lived next door to the Pierces's. Their daughter Sarah was born in November 1855 and their daughter Mary in 1857. In 1860,  Gettysburg was a growing town. It had three newspapers, a telegraph office and many shops and businesses.
In early 1861, troubling news about the Northern and Southern states was growing. People in the South believed  that they should be able to make their own decisions including slavery. Northern states had outlawed slavery in the late 1700's. Slavery was important to the farming economy of the South. When Abraham Lincoln was elected in November 1860, Southerners were worried that he would force the South to outlaw slavery also. In February 1861, several Southern states seperated from the United States. These states formed the Confederate States of America. On April 12 1861, a Federal fort named Fort Sumter was bombarded by the Confederate army. The Union troops there surrendered and on April 15 1861, President Lincoln issued a Declaration of War.

research help: ' Tillie Pierce' by Tanya Anderson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Great Harvest 101 page 6

The Great Harvest 101 page 6 by ric gustafson

Mr Freeman saw the clock and noticed that it was 6:00. " Ok class, let's get started". He smiled. " Next week is our last week of class". He wrote something on the white board. " Tonight we will studying the concept of winnowing as far as a spiritual harvest". He smiled at the class. " Does anybody know how winnowing relates to an actual harvest?".
Nobody raised their hands.
" In an actual harvest, the chaff is seperated from the grain of wheat".
A hand went up. " Mr Freeman, what does winnowing have to do with a spiritual harvest?".
" When a new christian gets serious about his life with Christ, he tries to leave his chaff of sinning behind".
A hand went up.
" Yes Dean".
" So a spiritual winnowing is when we seperate our old sinful lives from our new life under the lordship of Christ".
" Dean, you are 100 percent correct".
He smiled at the class.
" Next week at our last class, we will tie the three concepts into the process of spiritual harvesting and what you can do personally to advance this spiritual harvest".

research help:  Turning Points April 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 7, 2013

the story of Tillie Pierce page 2

the story of Tillie Pierce page 2 by ric gustafson

Tillie Pierce was born in Gettysburg in 1848. At the time of her birth, the town was a farm based community of about 2400 residents. They walked on muddy streets, had picnics in the summer and picked berries in the hot and humid summer. In the fall, they harvested and preserved crops. In the winter, they stayed warm under quilts and stoked fireplaces to stay warm. Tillie Pierce lived on Baltimore Street just three blocks from the center of town.
Next door to the Pierces lived George Shriver and his wife Hettie. They had two little girls and their two houses were very close to each other. Both houses were two story redbrick townhouses with a wood shingled roof. Both homes had two large rooms, a parlor and a sitting room. Both houses had an attic and each had a small backyard.
In July 1863, both families would get closer than they could ever imagined.

research help: ' Tillie Pierce' by Tanya Anderson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the fine print page 3

the fine print page 3 by ric gustafson

Gloria stared at the man in red.
" The fine print at the bottom of this brochure mentions James 1:14-15".
He gave her a sneer as he handed them out to the masses running into the store. " So what if it does!".
She took a tiny black pocket bible out of her purse and opened it to the book of James. " These verses say that temptation can lead to eternal death".
He smiled as someone grabbed one of his brochures and ran into the store." You are the only person who has complained about the fine print at the bottom of this brochure". He gave her a menacing look. " Go inside like everyone else and enjoy yourself".
Just then, Horace ran out of the store. " Gloria, I've got great news".
She threw the brochure on the ground. " What news is that?".
" The bowling center in Salvation wants to interview me".
" That's great" was her reply as the man in red tried to hand her another brochure. " We are leaving".
Horace gave her a perplexed look. " We just got here".
As they walked away, Satan shook his head in frustration. " Almost had him ". He gave an evil smile as he kept handing out the brochures. " Welcome to my Temptation Mega Mart".

The End

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 6, 2013

the story of Tillie Pierce page 1

the story of Tillie Pierce page 1 by ric gustafson

The story of Tillie Pierce starts in the great state of Pennsylvania. A road developed running north and south connecting Shippensburg Pennsylvania and Baltimore Maryland. In the 1730's and 40's, settlers moved into York County in south central Pennsylvania.
Samuel Gettys, an immigrant from Northern Ireland, bought 381 acres around 1740. In 1761, he built the Gettys Inn and Tavern which was near the crossroads of the town's two main roads. In 1783, his son James bought 116 acres from his father and laid out a town he named Gettystown. Several streets were laid out from the town's main square like spokes of a wheel. Some of the streets were named Baltimore Street, York Pike, Harrisburg Road, Chambersburg Pike, Taneytown Road and Hagerstown Road.
In 1800, the town was changed to Gettysburg and it became the county seat. Two colleges were established, Lutheran Theological Seminary in 1826 and Gettysburg College in 1832. One of the main businesses in town was carriage making. Farmers nearby grew corn, wheat , rye and hay. Apple and peach orchards helped families make apple butter and peach preserves.
Life in this small Pennsylvania community was quiet, peaceful and happy.

research help: ' Tillie Pierce' by Tanya Anderson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am: a God who grieves

I Am: a God who grieves by ric gustafson

Micah 6:3- ' My people, what have I done to you, how have I burdened you?'.

God loves us so much and longs to have a deep relationship with us. He gives us everything and expects nothing in return except knowing that we love him. God grieves when we reject his love. People every day curse his name or simply ignore him. God's heart grieves deeply because he loves us so much.
Adam and Eve were created to be one with God. When they sinned and wanted to be like God, God's heart was grieved. We cannot understand the Cross unless we understand that we deserve to die. In order to yield to Jesus, we need to understand what he did for us on that Cross. We need to ask for God's forgiveness when we sin and that will bring joy to God's heart.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

the fine print page 2

the fine print page 2 by ric gustafson

Horace and Gloria walked toward the man, who was wearing a red vest and shirt, as he was handing out brochures to customers.
" Hello and welcome to my Temptation Mega Mart". He gave everyone a strange grin as people took them and ran into the store. " Everything inside is free and we are open 24 hours a day".
" Hurry up Gloria" he said as he began to open the glass door. " Before everything is taken".
" I want to get a brochure first" she said as she walked up to the man in red.
" Hello there" he said as he handed Gloria a brochure. " Welcome to my Temptation Mega Mart".
" I'll be inside". Horace ran inside along with everyone else.
Gloria began to read the brochure.
" Welcome, my Mega Mart is full of everything that you desire and we are always open".
Gloria stared at the man in red. " What is this fine print at the bottom that you can barely read?".
" Don't even bother yourself with that" he said as he kept handing out the brochures. " Come inside like your husband and enjoy what I have to offer".
As masses of people entered the store, Gloria kept studying the fine print at the bottom of the brochure.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Great Harvest 101 page 5

The Great Harvest 101 page 5 by ric gustafson

Mr Freeman wrote something on the board as the last of the students took their seats. He noticed that the time said 6:00. " Ok students let's get started". He pointed at the board. " Does anyone remember what Matthew 28:19-20 talks about?".
A hand went up.
" Yes Steven".
" Making disciples".
" That is correct". He wrote a word on the board. " Tonight we will be talking about threshing". He looked at the students. " Does anyone know about threshing as far as an agricultural harvest?".
Nobody raised their hands.
" A head of wheat is seperated from the stalk". " How do you think this relates to a spiritual harvest?".
Nobody raised their hands.
" Spiritual threshing is when someone is seperated from the things of their old life".
A hand went up. " Like what Mr Freeman?".
" Habits, desires and behaviors".
A hand went up. " Mr Freeman, does this happen right away?".
" No, it takes time and people need support and guidance to get through it". " Next week, we will talk about winnowing".

research help: Turning Points April 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I Am: when God became sin

I Am: when God became sin by ric gustafson

II Corinthians 5:21- ' God made him who had no sin to be sin'.

One of the truths of the cross is that Jesus can identify with us. In this passage to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul states that Jesus became sin. In his agony on the cross, Jesus knew what it was like to be a thief, an addict, outcast and all that is evil. Jesus felt our shame, pain, brokenness and our misery. Jesus felt the loss and the guilt of sin. When Jesus cried out ' My God My God, why have you forsaken me?' he was feeling seperation from his Father. Jesus took our sin onto himself so that we could be free and saved from Satan. We should never forget the Cross and the sacrifice that God had to do so we could be with him forever.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the roar of the Lyon chapter 1 page 2

the roar of the Lyon chapter 1 page 2 by ric gustafson

Dwayne nervously tapped his foot on the carpeted floor as he watched the nicely dressed young man walk out of the office. ' I wonder if he got the job' he thought as he watched the young receptionist talk on the phone. She put the phone down and then smiled at Dwayne.
' Must be right out of high school' was his thought as he heard the intercom ring on her desk. She pushed a grey button. " Yes Mr Lyon". " Ok". She pointed at Dwayne. " Mr Lyon will see you now". She pointed down a long hallway. " First door on your right".
He stood up, walked down the hallway and knocked on the first door on the right.
" Come in".
He opened the door to reveal a sparse cream colored office with only one picture on a wall behind a massive oak desk. A medium built man with a gray beard walked over and extended a hand. " Hi Dwayne, my name is J Lyon".
" I'm Dwayne Hodgins".
He pointed to a chair across from his desk. " Please have a seat".
The two men sat.
Mr Lyon opened a manila folder that he had by his phone. " You have a very impressive resume".
" Thank you".
" A college degree in Finance and you were with a very respectable investment firm".
" The firm downsized and I was let go".
" I see that you are involved in several christian organizations". He closed the folder and put it on the edge of his desk. " Dwayne, are you a christian?".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 3, 2013

the roar of the Lyon chapter 1 page 1

the roar of the Lyon chapter 1 page 1 by ric gustafson

Dwayne Hodgins's hands slightly shook as he tried to straighten his black tie. " Why is this so hard to do?" he mumbled as he tried it again. " Honey, can you come here please?".
Marcia Hodgins heard her husband's frustrated voice as she finished mixing up some orange juice. She put the pitcher into the white refrigerator and quietly walked up the six blue carpeted steps toward their bedroom.
" Honey, please help me with my tie" he asked as he put a silver money clip and a brown wallet into a back pant pocket. " I can't go to this interview with my tie the way it is".
She walked in and stopped behind her husband of ten years. " You'll be fine". She put her arm through his and straightened his black tie.
" I'm just worried about this interview" he replied as he put a comb through his salt and pepper hair. " I really want this job".
" Pray on the way" she said with a smile as she kissed him on the cheek. " God will take care of the rest".
" Ok".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 2, 2013

the roar of the Lyon prelude

the roar of the Lyon prelude by ric gustafson

I Peter 5:8- ' Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour'.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time chapter 6 page 3

No Time chapter 6 page 3 by ric gustafson

Professor Raupp smiled. " It's interesting how these insects with very tiny brains can think like that?".
" Can think like what?".
" How they know in a seventeen year cycle when to come back".
Jessica stared at the tree. " They are one of God's mysteries".
Professor Raupp mopped his brow and put his straw hat back on. " Jessica, who is your next delivery?".
She looked at her notebook. " Alan Parkson".
" Interesting fellow" he replied as he picked up a stick. " Bryson, did you have a treehouse when you were a kid?".
" I sure did".
" I think you and Alan will have a lot in common".
" Bryson, we better go". They turned to leave.
" Oh Bryson, do you know what I've learned from watching these insects?".
" What is that?".
" There is no time in heaven".

research help: An Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric