Thursday, August 9, 2012

works of mercy: instruct the ignorant

works of mercy: instruct the ignorant by ric gustafson

In Deuteronomy 30, it says that if we walk in the ways of the Lord our God and keep his commandments we shall live and multiply. In Isaiah 40, the prophet warned that some people have made a willing and deliberate choice to be ignorant.
Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. The problem with instructing the ignorant is that some are even prouder of their learning. In Ephesians 4, it says that some people have the gift of being a pastor or a teacher. The goal of instructing the ignorant is knowledge in the service of love not pride. This work of mercy is demanded of all of us sooner or later. God wants us to impart knowledge to those who lack it. Each of us can point to someone who taught us something about God.

research help: ' The Work of Mercy' by Mark P Shea

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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