Thursday, August 2, 2012

playing golf with my friends

playing golf with my friends by ric gustafson

Tonight was a beautiful night to play golf. It was cool out and sunny. I enjoyed playing with my friends tonight and it made me ponder that it was a gift from God.
Job 29:4 talks about the friendship of God. God made the golf course I played on and gave me the opportunity to play with the people that I play with.
God is the best friend you could ever have. He will always listen to you and help you when you need help. God is always dependable and will never abandon us.
John 15:13 says that no greater love is that one will lay down his life for his friends. God sent his only son to lay down his life for us his friends. God loves us more than anything else and that is the best friend you could ever have.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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