Saturday, August 25, 2012

the Shiloh miracle page 1

the Shiloh miracle page 1 by ric gustafson

Lieutenant Colonel Nathan Bedford Forrest sat on his horse and watched as civilians carried foodstocks out of the warehouse. He watched as a Lieutenant rode up and then stopped alongside.
" Should we shoot them Sir?".
" No Lieutenant Nicholls" he replied as he watched a civilian run past them carrying a box of food. " If we do, we will be no better than the Yankees".
" Sir, what is going to happen to Nashville?".
" We are going to leave and carry with us all that we can" he said as the looting let up for a moment. " Everything else we will burn".
" Sir".
" Yes Lieutenant".
" I just got a report that the Yankees are near the Cumberland River near Edgefield".

research help: ' A Blaze OF Glory' by Jeff Shaara

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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