Friday, August 24, 2012

the ' Going Home' ticket window

the ' Going Home' ticket window by ric gustafson

I walked by the shiny grey bullet train. I looked to my left to find the ticket window. I had my light brown coat on and I was carrying a small suitcase. I saw the window and walked toward it.
As I walked up to the window, I noticed a small sign above it. It simply said ' Going Home'. I stepped up to the window and reached into my pant pocket for some cash.
" May I help you?" the elderly clerk asked with a slight smile. He was wearing a shiny blue uniform and was sitting behind a glass window.
" Yes" I replied as I put some money into the ticket slot. " I would like a one way ticket to go home".
The clerk stamped a ticket and gave it to me. He also gave me my money back. " Have a safe trip home".
I looked at the ticket. " Wait a minute". I showed it to the clerk. " It says free passage on it".
" That's right". He handed the ticket back to me. " On this train the passage is free, no charge".
" How can that be?".
" Somebody else has already paid the price for your ticket".
" Thank you" I said as a tear came down my face. I picked up my suitcase and began to walk toward the train.
I smiled because I was going home and the passage was free.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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