Saturday, August 11, 2012

Billy the Kid page 1

Billy the Kid page 1 by ric gustafson

Billy watched Deputy Olinger deal five cards to Deputy Bell.
" Jim, I need to go to the privy".
" Go ahead" he said as he peeked at his hand. " I'll watch things in here".
The Deputy got up from his chair and opened the creaky steel door.
Billy slowly walked out. His hands and waist were handcuffed by a long chain. Leg irons were also attached by a chain.
Jim opened the door and Billy shuffled outside and down the wooden steps. As they neared the privy, he noticed someone hoeing some vegetables near the fence.
" Hello Deputy Bell".
He turned to see that it was Godfrey Gauss, the courthouse's custodian.
" Jim, I need my hands free to wipe myself".
He unlocked the handcuffs and then watched Billy open the front door of the privy. He turned his head back to the custodian. " Godfrey, we need to talk about supplies". Just then, he looked at the privy. The front door was still open and Billy was gone.

research help: ' Lucky Billy' by John Vernon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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