Thursday, August 23, 2012

the seashell on the gulf shore

the seashell on the gulf shore by ric gustafson   In memory of trips to beautiful Anna Maria island

One day, a seashell washed up on the gulf shore. The seashell imbedded itself into the sand and stayed there. This seashell is one of God's creations and this particuliar seashell was a little different color and shape than most. The seashell noticed a lot of others who were just like him along that gulf shore. All of them were slightly different in color and shape but still just like him. The seashell enjoyed watching the gulf waves crashing and the sea gulls flying around. ' The gulf is so beautiful' the seashell thought as he saw people swimming and kids laughing while they made sand castles.
The seashell noticed people with plastic bags in their hands. The people were picking up the seashell's friends as they walked along the gulf shore. " Pick me, pick me" yelled the seashell as people kept on walking by. " I am also one of God's creations". The seashell became very sad as he began to feel that he was all but forgotten.
One day, the seashell was picked up, looked at and put into a plastic bag. The seashell was taken home, washed off and reunited with some of his friends. The seashell and his friends are now displayed in a case in the middle of a huge room. The seashell is so proud to be one of God's creations and that he was a seashell on the gulf shore.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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