Sunday, August 26, 2012

the Shiloh miracle page 2

the Shiloh miracle page 2 by ric gustafson

Lieutenant Nicholls horse stopped because of the mud. He pulled out a little black worn pocket bible and quickly turned it to the Psalms. As he glanced at it, he heard a noise next to him. He turned. " Captain Mitchell".
" Sir, we have been ordered to stop because of the mud and rain".
" Where are we?". He put the small bible back into his saddle pouch.
" Well Sir" he replied as he pulled out a torn map from his pouch. He pointed at it. " This bridge across the Duck River is the only way we can go".
' God, please help us' he thought as he looked back at his troopers. " Captain, we are in a very vulnerable spot". He looked up the road toward a bend. " Do we have any orders from Colonel Forrest?".
" Yes Sir, if we see the enemy we are not to engage".
The troopers quietly rode toward the river. They stopped. Nicholls and Mitchell quietly crawled up to an embankment.
Nicholls saw movement across the railroad bridge. " What do you see in those glasses Captain?".
He looked toward the bridge and then turned. " Sir, I see an entire Yankee column heading toward the bridge".

research help: ' A Blaze Of Glory' by Jeff Shaara

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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