Monday, August 27, 2012

Etta P page 3

Etta P page 3 by ric gustafson

The encampment was well hidden with a rock face hundreds of feet up. He was sitting at the edge of the campfire warming himself. He looked like an Irishman and was shorter than Etta. Ben led the two up to the edge of the campfire.
The man grinned as he stood up. " My name is Robert Leroy Parker but my friends call me Butch". He stared at the two women. " Ben, who are these beautiful women?".
" Butch, this is Laura Bullion and this is Etta Place".
He scratched his chin in thought. " Grand Junction's Etta Place".
" The same" a tall broad shouldered man said as he crawled out of his small tent. He walked over to the campfire. " Miss Place, I'm Harry Longbaugh" he said nervously as he played with his long moustache. " Some people call me Sundance or Kid".
" How did you obtain that name Mr Longbaugh?".
" Well Miss Place" he replied as he smiled and tipped his bowler hat. " Sundance was the name of a jail I spent some time in".

research help: ' Etta' by Gerald Kolpan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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