Friday, August 31, 2012

Beatitudes 2012 page 8

Beatitudes 2012 page 8 by ric gustafson

I walked up toward the young man to thank him for his talk.
" Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God".
I thought to myself I have peace.
" Yes Roger, you are a peacemaker".
How did he know my name I wondered. " How do you know so much about me?".
" You already have peace in your heart".
" How do you know my name?". I looked around and noticed that I was the only person left in the park.
" There is a reason why you are the only person left listening to me".
" Because of my heart".
" Peace in your heart is a blessing from God and a fruit of the Holy Spirit".

research help: ' A Beautiful Offering' by Angela Thomas

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Beatitudes 2012 page 7

Beatitudes 2012 page 7 by ric gustafson

I walked over and threw my garbage into the trash can. I glanced over at the young man. He was still talking even though most of the people had left.
" Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God".
" If you knew how I treated my little sister, my heart is not pure" yelled a young man.
" My Father offers eyes to see".
" What do you mean by that?" asked a confused woman.
" When we are spiritually blind, we are hypocrites".
" What's a hypocrite?".
" Because of impure motives and pride they pretend to be something they are not".
I wondered if my heart was pure or not. I pondered that.

research help: ' A Beautiful Offering' by Angela Thomas

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Beatitudes 2012 page 6

Beatitudes 2012 page 6 by ric gustafson

I opened my blue tupperware container and began to eat my dessert. I glanced at my watch and noticed that my lunch break was about over. I looked over at the young man who was still talking.
" Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy".
A young woman raised her hand. " What do you mean by that?".
She looked at him with a sad face. " Why would God show a bad person like me mercy?".
" God is a friend to sinners and shows mercy equally to everyone".
" He would do that for me!".
" Yes Amy, he loves everyone".
She gave him a strange look. " How did you know my name is Amy?".
" God loves you and wants blessings to come your way".
" What does God want in return?".
" Only that you show mercy to others".
" I can do that".
I looked at my watch. It was about time to go back to work.

research help: ' A Beautiful Offering' by Angela Thomas

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

comfort food: french fries

comfort food: french fries by ric gustafson

The potato has been cultivated for over 7000 years. The conquistadores brought back the nutrient packed root to Europe. Royals cultivated the spud staple because it needed a smaller amount of land for a crop.
In the 19th century, it was believed that the first french fry was invented in Belgium. American soldiers in Belgium in World War I were the first to encounter the tasty spud. America is the only country to call fries french. In England, they are called chips. In France, they are called Frites.
In 1953, John Richard Simplot patented the first frozen fry. In the late 1960's, Simplot struck a deal with McDonald's and the rest is history.

research help: ' Who put the Devil in Deviled Eggs?' by Ann Treistman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Beatitudes 2012 page 5

Beatitudes 2012 page 5 by ric gustafson

I noticed more people were standing up and leaving the park.
" Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled".
" I hunger for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich" a young man said as he held up a sandwich. Some people snickered.
" Do you desire God's presence in your life right now?".
" No".
" Are you thirsty for God's love and companionship right now?".
The young man looked around. " No but I do have my water bottle right here". He proudly held up the plastic bottle.
" When you long to be spiritually filled and want to be in God's presence, your spiritual thirst and hunger will be satisfied".
As I continued to eat my lunch, things he was saying were beginning to make sense.
I noticed more people were leaving.

research help: ' A Beautiful Offering' by Angela Thomas

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

names of God: High Priest

names of God: High Priest by ric gustafson

Hebrews 3:1- ' consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus'

This term refers to God the Son. The writer of Hebrews reminds Jesus's followers to be faithful to God and to be faithful to Jesus.  Jesus is an Apostle who is guided by God. Jesus is also the High Priest a teacher sent from heaven. Early christians faced adversity and Jesus encourages them to faith and steadfastness. Jesus as High Priest encourages us to be faithful in life.

research help: ' Beloved names of God' by David Mclaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

comfort food: macaroni and cheese

comfort food: macaroni and cheese by ric gustafson

Everyone loves hot pasta tossed with cheese and butter. Nobody is sure where this tasty dish was first created. Who invented pasta?. One theory is ancient Etruscans in Italy. Another theory are peasants in ancient China. After the 15th century, drying noodles were perfected in Italy. Industrial England loved the simple dish. Thomas Jefferson and his family are noted for helping homemade macaroni and cheese becoming Southern soul food.
In 1937, the Kraft Cheese Company introduced the first boxed macaroni and cheese. During World War II, it was a hit for families at home. Items put on this savory dish include bacon, bread crumbs, ham, broccoli and peas.

research help: ' Who put the Devil in Deviled Eggs?' by Ann Treistman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Etta P page 5

Etta P page 5 by ric gustafson

Fred Harvey frowned as he worked on his company's record books. He heard a knock at the door. " Come in".
Detective Charles Siringo quietly entered the room.
" Detective Siringo" he replied as he pointed at an open chair near his desk. " Please sit down". He handed a newspaper clipping to the Detective. " Butch Cassidy and his Hole in the Wall gang took $30,000 from an Overland Flyer and then robbed a luggage car at Table Rock and took $ 60,000".
" We discovered Hole in the Wall by accident and two of my men got into the camp".
" What happened?".
" Both men disappeared".
" Well Detective" he said as he pounded his desk in frustration. " I pay your Pinkerton Agency a lot of money to keep the peace".
" Detective, do you know the worst part of the whole thing?".
" No Sir".
" Two of my former girls are now members of their gang".
" We will hunt them down Sir".
" As much as I am paying your agency Detective" he said with a frown. " I expect results".
" Yes Mr Harvey".

research help: ' Etta' by Gerald Kolpan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Etta P page 4

Etta P page 4 by ric gustafson

After they had finished their meal, they were sitting around the dying embers of the campfire.
Butch gave a weak nod to the newest members of the group. " Welcome to Hole in the Wall".
" Why do you call it that?" Etta asked.
" This is the best hiding place in the world".
" Why is that Mr Parker?".
" There is only one small entrance into this canyon" he said proudly as he bit into a piece of cornbread. " Single file on top of that".
" A couple of Mr Pinkerton's men had figured out the hideout" Sundance exclaimed. He took a sip of water from a tin cup. " Their stay was brief".
A small man from across the fire scowled at the women. " This is the safest place you'll ever find".
Butch smiled. " Ben, Etta, Laura, this is Harvey Logan".
" Kid Curry to you" he snarled. He stood up and left.
Sundance sighed. " Don't worry, he's always like that".

research help: ' Etta' by Gerald Kolpan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 27, 2012

Etta P page 3

Etta P page 3 by ric gustafson

The encampment was well hidden with a rock face hundreds of feet up. He was sitting at the edge of the campfire warming himself. He looked like an Irishman and was shorter than Etta. Ben led the two up to the edge of the campfire.
The man grinned as he stood up. " My name is Robert Leroy Parker but my friends call me Butch". He stared at the two women. " Ben, who are these beautiful women?".
" Butch, this is Laura Bullion and this is Etta Place".
He scratched his chin in thought. " Grand Junction's Etta Place".
" The same" a tall broad shouldered man said as he crawled out of his small tent. He walked over to the campfire. " Miss Place, I'm Harry Longbaugh" he said nervously as he played with his long moustache. " Some people call me Sundance or Kid".
" How did you obtain that name Mr Longbaugh?".
" Well Miss Place" he replied as he smiled and tipped his bowler hat. " Sundance was the name of a jail I spent some time in".

research help: ' Etta' by Gerald Kolpan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Etta P page 2

Etta P page 2 by ric gustafson

Deputy Chester Braithwaite Jr was standing outside the jail. All of a sudden, he felt cold steel at his temple.
" I need the keys to the cell or I will shoot you dead".
Laura Bullion dragged the stunned deputy inside and then threw the keys to Etta.
Etta unlocked the cell as her friend bound and then gagged the deputy.
Ben Kilpatrick looked at his watch. It read 4:15 am. He knocked on the door of the bank. Yawning, Chester Braithwaite Sr opened the door. He felt a revolver enter his mouth. Ben quickly closed the door. He pointed the revolver at the banker. " Give me the keys to the safe or you are a dead man". He put the money into a canvas bag, tied up the banker and ran out the back door.
Etta and Laura were waiting for him with a fresh mount.
" Where are we going?" Ben asked as they quickly rode out of town.
Etta and Laura smiled at each other. " The Wyoming Territory".

research help: ' Etta' by Gerald Kolpan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Etta P page 1

Etta P page 1 by ric gustafson

Etta looked out the window of the parlor car at the rocky walls of the Little Cliffs. She had just woken up from a long nap because of the long train ride. From Chicago, the train window showed her a Missouri prairie and the plains of Kansas.
She was impressed with the El Capitan even though it was only a parlor car seat. Her employer, the Fred Harvey Company rented this train from the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad. The year was 1898 and the town of Grand Junction Colorado had only been in existence for sixteen years. The train was full of girls like herself who were going to Grand Junction to start a new chapter in their lives. Their new job was to run the Harvey House and be a Harvey Girl.
After several months of serving meals to patrons, she was starting to feel comfortable in her new job. Etta and her friend Laura Bullion shared a room together and enjoyed each other's company.
On May 29 1899, someone attempted to rape Etta. She resisted and tried to get on her horse to get away. The man pulled a revolver and tried to shoot her. Etta reacted by taking her Winchester 73 rifle out of her saddle holster and shot him dead.
The man Etta murdered was Earl Charmichael Dixon and he was a Grand Junction mining heir.
Etta Place was believed to be the first woman in Grand Junction to be charged with first degree murder.

research help: ' Etta' by Gerald Kolpan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Shiloh miracle page 2

the Shiloh miracle page 2 by ric gustafson

Lieutenant Nicholls horse stopped because of the mud. He pulled out a little black worn pocket bible and quickly turned it to the Psalms. As he glanced at it, he heard a noise next to him. He turned. " Captain Mitchell".
" Sir, we have been ordered to stop because of the mud and rain".
" Where are we?". He put the small bible back into his saddle pouch.
" Well Sir" he replied as he pulled out a torn map from his pouch. He pointed at it. " This bridge across the Duck River is the only way we can go".
' God, please help us' he thought as he looked back at his troopers. " Captain, we are in a very vulnerable spot". He looked up the road toward a bend. " Do we have any orders from Colonel Forrest?".
" Yes Sir, if we see the enemy we are not to engage".
The troopers quietly rode toward the river. They stopped. Nicholls and Mitchell quietly crawled up to an embankment.
Nicholls saw movement across the railroad bridge. " What do you see in those glasses Captain?".
He looked toward the bridge and then turned. " Sir, I see an entire Yankee column heading toward the bridge".

research help: ' A Blaze Of Glory' by Jeff Shaara

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the American Dream: Prius

the American Dream: Prius by ric gustafson

In 1997, Toyota came out with the first gas electric hybrid car. This car was called the Prius. The car ran on batteries until a small gasoline engine kicked in. In 2004, a new Prius came out with better tires, more room, more power and better gas mileage.
In 1996, General Motors came out with the EV1. It was a two seater and could not haul a family. In August 1995, Toyota hired Hiroshi Okuda as their new president. In December of that year, he wanted a team to develop an idea for a hybrid car. One of their main problems was the battery. Okuda wanted a battery that would last the life of the car. Between 1995 and 1997, Prius production people worked on the car's flaws. They developed  a system with a single gasoline engine and two electric motors. The car had two radiators, one that cooled the engine and the other the electric motor.
Toyota unveiled the Prius in October 1997. Before the Prius hit the US market in 1999, Honda came out with it's own hybrid named the Insight. Beginning in 2002, some Hollywood stars bought Prius's as a status symbol. In 2004, General Motors Hummer took over some of Prius's glory.
In 2011, the new Honda Insight, the CR-Z, the Ford Fusion, Ford Escape and the Chevrolet Volt began to give the Prius competition.

Thank you for reading these stories of vehicles that changed America.

research help: ' Engines of Change' by Paul Ingrassia

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 25, 2012

the Shiloh miracle page 1

the Shiloh miracle page 1 by ric gustafson

Lieutenant Colonel Nathan Bedford Forrest sat on his horse and watched as civilians carried foodstocks out of the warehouse. He watched as a Lieutenant rode up and then stopped alongside.
" Should we shoot them Sir?".
" No Lieutenant Nicholls" he replied as he watched a civilian run past them carrying a box of food. " If we do, we will be no better than the Yankees".
" Sir, what is going to happen to Nashville?".
" We are going to leave and carry with us all that we can" he said as the looting let up for a moment. " Everything else we will burn".
" Sir".
" Yes Lieutenant".
" I just got a report that the Yankees are near the Cumberland River near Edgefield".

research help: ' A Blaze OF Glory' by Jeff Shaara

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the American Dream: Ford F-Series

the American Dream: Ford F-Series by ric gustafson

Texas is the capital of Pickup Truck America. For decades, either you had a Ford or a Chevy pickup. In the 1970's, the status of pickup trucks changed. Country music began to embrace the pickup along with Southern California.
The story of the pickup truck begins in 1927 when Ford introduced the Model A. It was a fully assembled truck with a forty horsepower four cylinder engine. In 1929, Chevrolet came out with a pickup with a six cylinder engine. In 1948, Ford came out with the F-Series which was three different models. F-1 was the smallest, followed by the F-2 and then the heavy payload F-3. In 1954, The F-Series revamped the cab with armrests, a dome light and a sun visor. The F-Series competition came from the General Motors GMC and Chevrolet's V8 truck.
During the 1970's, sales of compact pickups soared. In the early 1970's, Dodge and Ford introduced Super Cab pickups that also had Crew Cabs. 2004 and 2005 were the peak years for the pickup. More than 3.2 million pickups were sold. New pickups were emerging such as the Nissan Titan and the Toyota Tundra. By 2010, sales of pickups had fallen to their lowest levels. In 2011, the Ford F-Series still remained America's best selling vehicle.

research help: ' Engines of Change' by Paul Ingrassia

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 24, 2012

the ' Going Home' ticket window

the ' Going Home' ticket window by ric gustafson

I walked by the shiny grey bullet train. I looked to my left to find the ticket window. I had my light brown coat on and I was carrying a small suitcase. I saw the window and walked toward it.
As I walked up to the window, I noticed a small sign above it. It simply said ' Going Home'. I stepped up to the window and reached into my pant pocket for some cash.
" May I help you?" the elderly clerk asked with a slight smile. He was wearing a shiny blue uniform and was sitting behind a glass window.
" Yes" I replied as I put some money into the ticket slot. " I would like a one way ticket to go home".
The clerk stamped a ticket and gave it to me. He also gave me my money back. " Have a safe trip home".
I looked at the ticket. " Wait a minute". I showed it to the clerk. " It says free passage on it".
" That's right". He handed the ticket back to me. " On this train the passage is free, no charge".
" How can that be?".
" Somebody else has already paid the price for your ticket".
" Thank you" I said as a tear came down my face. I picked up my suitcase and began to walk toward the train.
I smiled because I was going home and the passage was free.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the American Dream: Jeep

the American Dream: Jeep by ric gustafson

In 1986, Lee Iacocca wanted to buy the American Motors Corporation. AMC's best known vehicle was the Jeep. This vehicle with a stiff suspension and a harsh ride helped the Allies win World War II. Others at Chrysler were not happy with Iacocca's idea. AMC's money woes worried Chrysler during their time of economic recovery. Iacocca believed that the sturdy Jeep with it's four wheel drive was more reliable than the Minivan.
During World War II, the army needed a four wheel drive vehicle with a four cylinder engine. American Bantam Company got the contract and it built a vehicle in five days. The army called it the general purpose vehicle or Jeep. This sturdy vehicle hauled guns, ammunition and people and sometimes served as attack vehicles. During the war, 650,000 jeeps were built. Willys-Overland helped Bantam with production.
After the war, a civilian jeep was introduced called the CJ. In 1954, Willys Motors introduced the CJ-5 which came with wider and softer seats, curved fenders and rounded hoods. In 1963, Willys Motors became Kaiser Jeep and introduced the Jeep Wagoneer. It offered four doors and an automatic transmission, floor carpeting and softer seats. In 1973, the Jeep Cherokee was introduced. In 1986, the Jeep Wrangler YJ replaced the CJ and featured square headlights. In 1992, Chrysler came out with the Jeep Grand Cherokee which featured unibody construction and a V8 engine. A 1952 Jeep CJ is on display in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. It is on display as an American cultural icon.

research help: ' Engines of Change' by Paul Ingrassia

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 23, 2012

the seashell on the gulf shore

the seashell on the gulf shore by ric gustafson   In memory of trips to beautiful Anna Maria island

One day, a seashell washed up on the gulf shore. The seashell imbedded itself into the sand and stayed there. This seashell is one of God's creations and this particuliar seashell was a little different color and shape than most. The seashell noticed a lot of others who were just like him along that gulf shore. All of them were slightly different in color and shape but still just like him. The seashell enjoyed watching the gulf waves crashing and the sea gulls flying around. ' The gulf is so beautiful' the seashell thought as he saw people swimming and kids laughing while they made sand castles.
The seashell noticed people with plastic bags in their hands. The people were picking up the seashell's friends as they walked along the gulf shore. " Pick me, pick me" yelled the seashell as people kept on walking by. " I am also one of God's creations". The seashell became very sad as he began to feel that he was all but forgotten.
One day, the seashell was picked up, looked at and put into a plastic bag. The seashell was taken home, washed off and reunited with some of his friends. The seashell and his friends are now displayed in a case in the middle of a huge room. The seashell is so proud to be one of God's creations and that he was a seashell on the gulf shore.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the American Dream: BMW

the American Dream: BMW by ric gustafson

BMW started in 1916 as a company named Bayerische Flugzeugwerke. The company began in Munich and it's logo was a circle with blue and white panels. During World War I, the company built engines for biplanes. In 1928, BMW's first car the Austin Seven was debuted. During World War II, BMW used slave labor to build the first jet engines. After the war, BMW kept it's Munich plant and built the Isetta. It was a bubble car that had only a driver and passenger seat and a single door.
In 1961, a new model emerged called the BMW 1500. It had a three box design and a 1.5 liter four cylinder engine. Despite it's success, BMW still lagged behind Mercedes-Benz. In 1968, The BMW 2002 debuted. The car's light weight and tight construction was a hit with consumers.
In 1973, The BMW 3 series came out. The new lineup included two door coupes and four door sedans. In 1992, a BMW plant was built in Spartanburg South Carolina.

research help: ' Engines of Change' by Paul Ingrassia

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

the Passion 2013: The cross maker

the Passion 2013: the cross maker by ric gustafson

The soldier slowly walked through the dusty yard. He entered through an open mud door and stopped in front of a small table. He banged a fist on the table.
A gentleman walked out of the back. " Yes".
" I am a member of Centurion Flavius Artemis's detail". He grinned as he pointed at his uniform. " I was told to come and pick up nails and three crossbeams".
" Three crossbeams?" asked the ironsmith. He reached under the table and handed the soldier the burlap sack.containing the still warm iron nails.
" Yes" the soldier said as he opened the sack and glanced inside. " Two thieves and a carpenter from Galilee".
" Why waste wood on a peasant carpenter?".
" He claimed to be the Son of God" he said as the man brought out a crossbeam, walked outside and put it into a cart.
" He still doesn't sound like a threat to the Roman government". He brought out the other crossbeams and put them into the cart.
" His claim alone makes him a candidate for crucifixion".
The soldier picked up the nails and walked out. " You ask too many questions" he said as he touched his sword. " Now get back to work".

research help: ' The Day I Was Crucified' by Gene Edwards

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

taste page 2

taste page 2 by ric gustafson

Our sense of taste is largely due to what we smell. Seventy five to ninety five percent of taste is smell. We smell aromas through smell molecules called volatiles. Some foods like citrus fruit contain many volatiles and some like salt very little.
The nose is lined with a thin layer of mucus. This mucus is full of tiny hairs called cilia. When a smell enters the mucus, cilia help flush smell particles down the throat. When a smell signal reaches the brain, a memory of that signal remains. Humans are very sensitive to smell.

research help: ' Taste what you're missing' by Barb Stuckey

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

the American Dream: Chrysler Minivan

the American Dream: Chrysler Minivan by ric gustafson

In 1979 and 1980, the Chrysler Corporation was bankrupt. Lee Iacocca and Hal Sperlich were in charge of the corporation. Both of these men were behind the creation of the Ford Mustang. To save Chrysler, the men came up with the idea of a new type of vehicle. This vehicle would define the baby boomer generation. This vehicle would be the Minivan.
Their idea was a van that would have a front wheel drive platform. This would eliminate a heavy drive shaft. The two men developed two compact sedans, the Dodge Aries and the Plymouth Reliant. Sperlich's vision was for a trucklike vehicle on a car chassis.
In May 1983, an ad showed a vehicle that had a short hood and a large passenger compartment. It was a one box design and it was called a van for all seasons. This was the Minivan.
The minivan had a four cylinder engine and a five speed manual transmission. It got 24 miles a gallon in the city and 35 miles a gallon on the highway. It came with two rows of seats which held up to five people and was priced around $9000.
It did have it's share of problems including a side door that stuck and had trouble climbing some hills. The competition came out with the Ford Aerostar and Chevrolet Astro. Later, GM came out with it's own van called the Chevrolet Lumina. Through the 80's and most of the 90's, Chrysler dominated the minivan market.
In the mid 1990's, a new vehicle came and changed the market forever.

research help: ' Engines of Change' by Paul Ingrassia

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 20, 2012

the American Dream: Honda Accord

the American Dream: Honda Accord by ric gustafson

Soichiro Honda was born in 1906 southwest of Tokyo. He became a self taught engineer just like Henry Ford. In 1948, he started a company called Honda Giken Kogyo and they built motorcycles. The company became Honda Motor and in 1959, hit the US market with it's first motorcycle. The Super Cub 50 had a four stroke engine and a step on for women.
In 1962, Honda unveiled his first car, the S360. In 1963, the S500 came out. In 1976, the Honda Accord was introduced. It was bigger than the Honda Civic but lighter than the Chevrolet Nova. It had large windows and a low dashboard. It had a four cylinder engine and a overhead camshaft. It had a five speed manual transmission and broad gear spacing.
Shige Yoshida joined Honda in the early 1960's and came up with the idea of building a plant in Ohio. He wanted to call the workers ' associates'. Marysville Ohio was picked and opened in 1982.
In 1989, Honda sold 362,707 Accords. That same year, Soichiro Honda became the first Asian to be inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame.

research help: ' Engines of Change' by Paul Ingrassia

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 19, 2012

the Inn 2012 page 2

the Inn 2012 page 2 by ric gustafson

Joseph tiredly drove the SUV into the parking lot and parked in one of the empty stalls.
" Joseph, I pray there is room here for us" Mary said as she felt her bump. " I feel that the baby will be coming any time now".
" I know" he replied with a tired sigh. " Every motel we've tried tonight is booked solid because of the Rodeo in town".
Joseph got out and walked around the vehicle. He opened Mary's door and helped her to get out. " Hopefully we can stay at this Holiday Inn".
Both of them prayed to God as they walked through the entrance door.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the American Dream: Pontiac GTO

the American Dream: Pontiac GTO by ric gustafson

One car built by Pontiac had a tiger theme attached to it. The tiger advertising theme was the idea of a Detroit ad agency executive named Jim Wangers. The Cruisin Tigers was a club of men who were in their 50's and 60's. This car was the Pontiac GTO.
John Z DeLorean worked for General Motors and the GTO was his idea. DeLorean was the son of immigrants and his father was a factory worker at Ford. He eventually left the family and John's mother had to raise the family by herself. He studied engineering in Detroit and in 1961, became the chief engineer at Pontiac. DeLorean's dream was to build a grand touring car similiar to a race car.
GTO stood for Gran Turismo Omologato which meant a touring car ready to go. The car was to be the Pontiac Tempest Lemans with some major changes.
The car was to have a 389 V8 engine which gave it 325 horsepower and stacked dual headlights. In 1965, DeLorean became the head of Pontiac. In September of 1965, the car changed it's name to just the Pontiac GTO. Two main competitors evolved which were the Chevrolet Chevelle and the Camaro. Other competitors included the Plymouth Barracuda and the Oldsmobile 442.
In 1968, the GTO remodeled with a new front bumper and different colors.
In 1969, DeLorean divorced his wife and then married Kelly Harmon.
In 1973, DeLorean left General Motors, divorced Harmon and married Cristina Ferrare.

research help: ' Engines of Change' by Paul Ingrassia

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Inn 2012 page 1

the Inn 2012 page 1 by ric gustafson

Joseph tried to focus on the white line. He yawned as he turned up the radio.
" Joseph" Mary said as she squirmed. " I'm beginning to feel very uncomfortable".
He glanced at the mile marker as they drove by it. " Only three miles to go".
" When do you start at the carpentry shop?".
" Monday".
" I hope we can find a place to stay overnight" she said as she squirmed again. She stared out the passenger window. " The baby feels like it could come at any time".
They sat in silence as they passed the town's entrance sign.
" Joseph, I'm praying to God that there is a place for us to stay".
Joseph grinned. He was praying to God also.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Psalm 117

Psalm 117 by ric gustafson

This little two sentence chapter is the shortest chapter in the Bible.

Psalm 117:1- ' Praise the Lord, all nations, Laud him all peoples'. We need to praise the Lord at all times and in all places. All the nations and peoples should praise the Lord.

Psalm 117:2- ' For his loving kindness is great toward us and the truth of the Lord is everlasting, Praise the Lord'. The Lord loves us so much and the Lord's truth is everlasting and forever.
Praise the Lord always and forever.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 18, 2012


F7 by ric gustafson

I walked off the elevator and looked to my left. The waiting area contained a sink, counter, table and four chairs. This morning it was quiet. In the right hand corner was a black colored candy machine. As I walked by, I stopped and looked into the glass. My stomach began to growl and I stared at the tempting treats that were displayed. My stomach was grumbling because I had not eaten much for breakfast. I stared again through the glass and then felt in my pockets for change.
I looked around again. ' Why not' I thought as I took four quarters out of my pant pocket and deposited them into the slot. I pushed F7 for a Hershey's chocolate bar with almonds. I heard something drop so I reached in. I pulled out a Hershey's wrapper that felt like it did not have a candy bar inside.
" What in the world" I muttered loudly as I took off the wrapper. I took out a little piece of paper. I opened it. It simply said ' God loves and feeds you'. I walked away with a grumbling stomach but a satisfied heart.
God provides for our physical needs but most of all provides spiritual food for our souls.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Physician

names of God: Physician by ric gustafson

Luke 5: 30-31- ' And Jesus answering said unto them, they that are whole need not a physician but they that are sick'

This term refers to God the Son. The term physician can be a doctor or a healer. In this passage from Luke, Matthew had invited Jesus to dine with his friends. The Pharisees were not pleased with the kind of people Jesus was spending time with. Jesus explained that these people were exactly who he wanted to see. Jesus is the Physician and the medicine that we need to restore us to perfect health.

research help: ' Beloved names of God' by David Mclaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the American Dream: Ford Mustang

the American Dream: Ford Mustang by ric gustafson

In the early 1960's, Ford was doing a lot of market research. The data showed that a youth boom was about to happen. During this time period, Americans between ages 15 and 19 would increase by 41 percent.
In April 1964, Ford introduced a new car. It was aimed at the youth and had a sporty style like the British roadsters. It's price was affordable at under $2,500 and was large enough for a family of four. This new car was called the Mustang.
In November 1960, a young man by the name of Lee Iacocca started at Ford. He was born in Allentown Pennsylvania and got a master's degree in mechanical engineering. One of his first ideas was to sell cars on an installment plan. In 1960, The Falcon was introduced and was a big seller that year. In 1961, Iacocca came up with the idea that became the Mustang. He wanted a poor man's Thunderbird that would be lightweight, sporty and reasonable price wise.
When the Mustang debuted in the spring of 1964, it was a hit. It's price was under the $2,500 and sported extras including floor carpeting and bucket seats. In the year 1964, more than 263,000 Mustangs were sold. It featured floor mounted gear shifting and a six cylinder Falcon engine. In 1966, 549,436 Mustangs were sold.
By the late 1960's, sales of Mustangs declined. The Plymouth Barracuda and the Chevrolet Camaro were coming out and were gaining sales.

research help: ' Engines of Change' by Paul Ingrassia

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 16, 2012

the Fall page 10

the Fall page 10 by ric gustafson

Pellecus was observing God's new creation when he noticed his lord approaching. " Welcome to God's creation" he said as he pointed toward a field of flowers and beautiful shrubs.
" Thank you my friend" Lucifer replied as he noticed the meadow and stream. " I have interesting news from Kara".
" What news is that my lord?".
" It seems that Michael and Gabriel have been inquiring about our activities".
" What do we do now my lord?".
" We will continue with our plans but be more cautious".
" Your plan is to govern this new creation instead of God".
" Lord Lucifer, what if that does not come true?".
" Then my friend" he cackled with a strange laugh. " We will have to take other measures".

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Dorcas page 2

Dorcas page 2 by ric gustafson

Aema and Ona cried as they looked at their friend.
" I hear footsteps on the stairs" Lina replied.
Seima and a burly man who looked like a fisherman entered the room.
The Apostle Peter walked up to the bed.
" See the clothes she was making for the poor" Aema said in a sad voice as she pointed toward a corner of the room.
" Everyone please leave the room".
Seima and the three women quietly left.
Peter knelt down at the edge of the bed and began to pray. " Tabitha, get up" he said in a loud voice.
She opened her eyes, glanced around the small room and then sat up. Peter took her hand and helped her out of the bed. He yelled downstairs. " All of you can come back".
Seima and the women entered the room. In disbelief, they saw that their friend was standing next to the Apostle. Crying in celebration, they walked over and hugged Peter and their friend.

research help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

the American Dream: Chevrolet Corvair

the American Dream: Chevrolet Corvair by ric gustafson

In 1959, General Motors was trying to figure out how to compete with the Volkswagen Beetle. At the top of Chevrolet was Ed Cole and one day he brought an idea to Harlow Curtice, head of General Motors. His idea was for a car that had an air cooled engine which would eliminate the need for a water pump and radiator. If the engine was mounted in the rear and joined to the transmission over the drive wheels, no drive shaft would be needed. With an 8o horsepower engine and a top speed of 88 miles an hour, not only was it fast but could also hold six people.
Ed Cole was born in Michigan in 1909.  His parents were dairy farmers and eventually he found a place at the General Motors Institute in Flint. In 1952, Ed became Chevrolet's chief engineer. In December 1957, Cole's car idea was approved by the General Motors Board.
One problem with the Corvair became evident right away. Regular tires would not work because most of the weight was in the rear. The U.S. Rubber Company designed a new tire that rode on wide rims. The air pressure of the back tires was also increased. When the Corvair debuted in 1959, it got the nickname of a six passenger compact car. The new car had a light and short engine that fitted in the rear and was air cooled. The car was so light it was easy to drive without power steering.
Some critics of the new car were harsh. They complained about the lack of trunk space and that the price of the car was not much different than a full size car. Some complained about the stability of the car and that sometimes it oversteered. In 1962, The Corvair Monza Spyder coupe was introduced.
By 1965, 106 lawsuits were against General Motors because of the Corvair. General Motors began investigating a young lawyer named Ralph Nader. After a hearing and newspaper articles from Nader attacking the Corvair, General Motors fought back. In 1966, Nader sued General Motors for invasion of privacy. Because of these events, Congress passed the Motor Vehicle Safety Act in 1966.
In the 1970's, Ford introduced the Pinto which replaced the Corvair in popularity.

research help: ' Engines of Change' by Paul Ingrassia

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

the American Dream: Volkswagen Beetle

the American Dream: Volkswagen Beetle by ric gustafson

In May of 1938, Adolf Hitler dedicated a car for the masses and asked Henry Ford for his input. The hippie kids of the 1960's loved the car and the Volkswagen Microbus was born.
Ferdinand Porsche was born in 1875 in Maffersdorf Germany. In 1925, he became the chief engineer at Daimler-Benz. In 1934, Porsche proposed to Hitler the idea of a people's car. He proposed that the car have a rounded body, a rear mounted engine that would help the car in the cold and ice. Hitler was pleased and awarded the contract to Porsche. When Hitler annexed Austria in 1937, the people's car was introduced.
In the 1950's sales of Beetles and Microbusses surged from 31,000 in 1955 to 150,000 in 1959.  The Corvair produced by Chevrolet also had a rear aircooled engine. Famous people to own a Beetle includes Paul Newman, Princess Margaret and John Lennon. In 1969 a movie called The Love Bug was the highest grossing movie of the year. In the movie, a Beetle named Herbie helped his owner win a car race. By 1972, the popularity of Beetles diminished with the arrival of the new Honda Civic.
In 1998, Volkswagen introduced the New Beetle. It had the original Beetle shape but had a new front mounted liquid cooled engine and front wheel drive.

research help: ' Engines of Change' by Paul Ingrassia

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 13, 2012

Dorcas page 1

Dorcas page 1 by ric gustafson

Aema cried as she stared at her friend. " I can't believe she's gone".
" Look at all the clothes she was making to help the poor" Lina said quietly as she pointed toward one corner of the room.
Ona looked at her friend's face. " She had the beauty of a gazelle and was an emblem of beauty".
Aema smiled at the others. " I know what we should do". She pointed at Ona. " Please go downstairs and fetch me Seima".
She ran downstairs and then returned with a young man.
" Seima, do you know the village of Lydda?".
" Yes, it is about twelve miles from here".
" Can you quickly go there and see if the Apostle Peter can return with you?".
" I will try".
" Good and please take someone with you".

research help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the American Dream: Cadillac

the American Dream: Cadillac by ric gustafson

In 1949, Chrysler hired Virgil Exner to help design it's cars. At the time, it was losing market share. It's cars had a three box design, hood, cabin and trunk. In 1952, chrome cones were on the front bumpers. In 1953, Exner got the title of director of styling and the company needed help. Chrysler's market share dropped thirteen percent in 1954. GM's new cars which sported a new V8 engine and the new Ford Thunderbird put a lot of pressure on Exner and his new designs.
Exner's new cars for Chrysler wowed the public. Not only the tail fins were different but the new cars sported push button automatic transmission.
The 1959 Cadillac Series 75 was a marvel to behold. The car stretched more than twenty one feet and had a 300 horsepower V8 engine.  It had double decked lights and a huge front grille.
In the 1987 movie Tin Men, the two main characters are aluminum siding salesmen who both own tail finned Cadillacs.
Virgil Exner retired from Chrysler in 1961.

research help: ' Engines of Change' by Paul Ingrassia

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 12, 2012

the American Dream: Corvette

the American Dream: Corvette by ric gustafson

In December 1953 came the debut of a car made by Chevrolet. It had a curvy sleek body and a six cylinder engine. It was called the Corvette. Early sales of the car was low despite the price tag of $4000. Chevrolet was going to discontinue the model.
After World War II, kids wanted cars with extra horsepower so they could race them. A man by the name of Zora Duntov started working for Chevrolet and observed the EX 122. He thought that he could design a better one. He talked to the management at Chevrolet about the Corvette and suggested that it become the symbol of the hot rod movement. He was also asked to develop a new fuel injection system.
The Corvette had it's share of problems. It did not have exterior door handles nor windows. Instead it had plastic side curtains. At the time the Corvette's main competition was the Ford Thunderbird. In 1955, Chevrolet came out with a new V8 engine.
In 1968, Duntov became the chief engineer for the Corvette. In 1994, Duntov helped with the opening of the National Corvette Museum. Duntov died in 1996 at the age of 86. His ashes reside at the Corvette Museum.
In 2008, the new Corvette ZR1 was launched.

research help: ' Engines of Change' by Paul Ingrassia

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the American Dream: Model T

the American Dream: Model T by ric gustafson

In early autumn 1908, Henry Ford started producing a car called the Model T. The design of the car was simple, practical and affordable. The design was light and it had a flexed chassis. It's nickname was the Tin Lizzie because of it's mobility. It's original price was $ 850 and by 1924 was only
$ 260. The mass production of the Model T started the mass production of cars in this country.
The Model T ruled the roads from 1908 to 1927 when the Roaring Twenties came.
Henry Ford was born in July of 1863 in Dearborn Michigan. In 1893, he came up with a design for a simple car that had a two cylinder engine and four bicycle tires. In 1903, Ford started the Ford Motor Company and started with the four passenger Model A. The Model T in 1908 had a different form of steel called vanadium. The Model T could get up to 40 miles an hour and nearly 20 miles on a gallon of gas.There were three floor pedals, no gas gauge and no fuel pump. In 1913, Ford started the moving assembly line.
After 1923, sales of Model T's declined. It's chief competitor was GM's Chevrolet. In May 1927, Ford said that he was discontinueing the Model T.

research help: ' Engines of Change' by Paul Ingrassia

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Billy the Kid page 2

Billy the Kid page 2 by ric gustafson

Billy stumbled through the door and did not see Deputy Olinger. He noticed the Winchester, .50 caliber Sharp and then saw the Whitneyville. He saw Olinger enter the room. " Hello Bob" he said as he pointed the shotgun at his chest. He shot and killed him instantly. Billy hobbled out the front door and down the steps to where Godfrey held the reins to a pony. " Godfrey, help me with these shackles". The old man picked up an ax and broke open the chains.
" Thank you" Billy said as he swung up into the saddle and turned the pony into a trot. " I won't forget it".
Deputy Bell walked out and took a shot with the Winchester. It missed.
Billy rode off in a gallop toward Las Tablas and the Capitans.

research help: ' Lucky Billy' by John Vernon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 11, 2012

the story of Sarai page 15

the story of Sarai page 15 by ric gustafson

Abram and Sarai walked up the stone steps and then knelt down.
" Rise" said a voice from the left.
Pharaoh Mentuhotep II sat on his gilded throne. He wore a striped headpiece, a jeweled collar and a fake beard. " Remove the veil".
Sarai removed the face covering.
" You have beautiful hair:.
Pharaoh smiled at Sarai. " I accept you as my wife". He clapped his hands. " Take her to the Queen's quarters".
Abram could only stare in disbelief as guards led his beloved Sarai away.
" What is your name?".
" Abram ben Terah, my lord".
" What is your sister's name?".
" Sarai, my Lord".
Pharaoh pointed to a nearby servant. " Take this man and give him his pick of my menservants and maidservants and the best of my flocks and herds".

research help: ' Sarai' by Jill Eileen Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Billy the Kid page 1

Billy the Kid page 1 by ric gustafson

Billy watched Deputy Olinger deal five cards to Deputy Bell.
" Jim, I need to go to the privy".
" Go ahead" he said as he peeked at his hand. " I'll watch things in here".
The Deputy got up from his chair and opened the creaky steel door.
Billy slowly walked out. His hands and waist were handcuffed by a long chain. Leg irons were also attached by a chain.
Jim opened the door and Billy shuffled outside and down the wooden steps. As they neared the privy, he noticed someone hoeing some vegetables near the fence.
" Hello Deputy Bell".
He turned to see that it was Godfrey Gauss, the courthouse's custodian.
" Jim, I need my hands free to wipe myself".
He unlocked the handcuffs and then watched Billy open the front door of the privy. He turned his head back to the custodian. " Godfrey, we need to talk about supplies". Just then, he looked at the privy. The front door was still open and Billy was gone.

research help: ' Lucky Billy' by John Vernon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 9, 2012

works of mercy: instruct the ignorant

works of mercy: instruct the ignorant by ric gustafson

In Deuteronomy 30, it says that if we walk in the ways of the Lord our God and keep his commandments we shall live and multiply. In Isaiah 40, the prophet warned that some people have made a willing and deliberate choice to be ignorant.
Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. The problem with instructing the ignorant is that some are even prouder of their learning. In Ephesians 4, it says that some people have the gift of being a pastor or a teacher. The goal of instructing the ignorant is knowledge in the service of love not pride. This work of mercy is demanded of all of us sooner or later. God wants us to impart knowledge to those who lack it. Each of us can point to someone who taught us something about God.

research help: ' The Work of Mercy' by Mark P Shea

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

taste page 1

taste page 1 by ric gustafson

This story is about taste and we cannot start without the building blocks of taste.
The first building block of taste is Sweet. One simple carbohydrate compound is sucrose or sugar.
Most people describe sweet tastes as pleasant. Other sweet tastes are fruit and dairy products.
The second building block of taste is Sour. Acidity in food make taste sour. Citric and acetic are two kinds of acid. High levels of acid make taste unpleasant. Acids preserve some foods such as pickles.
The third building block of taste is Bitter. Tolerance for bitter foods differs per individual. Coffee, tea and red wine are bitter drinks that can be tolerated. Caffeine is very bitter and can be toxic at a high level.
The fourth building block of taste is Salt. Sodium chloride is added to food as salt. Salt is critical because we cannot store excess sodium so we seek it in food. We need salt to survive.
The fifth building block of taste is Umami. Glutamates are amino acids that are in foods such as beef and mushrooms. MSG is the salt of glutamic acid and is added to food as seasoning. Other things high in umami are cooked tomatoes and Parmesan cheese.

research help: ' Taste what you're missing' by Barb Stuckey

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 6, 2012

Beatitudes 2012 page 4

Beatitudes 2012 page 4 by ric gustafson

I took a sip from my bottled water and kept listening to the young man.
" Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth".
" I am not meek" yelled a young man who jumped up. " I wear tattoos, a black leather jacket and over there is my cool Harley".
The young man smiled. " Why are those things so important to you?".
" Because riding my motorcycle, the tattoos and the jacket make me feel important".
" God already knows how important you are".
He scratched his chin. " He does".
" Nothing you do surprises God who knows you inside and out".
" I can just be myself".
" That's all God wants".

research help: ' A Beautiful Offering' by Angela Thomas

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 5, 2012

works of mercy: bury the dead

works of mercy: bury the dead by ric gustafson

In Genesis 1, God said that all creation was good. Scripture points out that we are a unity of body, soul and spirit. Our body is a temple of God himself. Burying the dead is a work of mercy. In Mark 14, a woman pours ointment over Jesus and he proclaimed that the woman was anointing his body for burial. Death shows that sin cannot win, our power is not eternal and that God is not mocked. Our salvation was won by Jesus Christ. We have a physical body and a spiritual body. Our physical bodies will return to dust but our spiritual bodies will be in heaven with God and Jesus forever.

research help: ' The Work of Mercy' by Mark P Shea

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

works of mercy: ransom the captive

works of mercy: ransom the captive by ric gustafson

In Luke chapter 4, Jesus proclaims that he has sent me to proclaim release to the captives. He was not talking about physical slavery but spiritual slavery. In I John 5, Satan is described as being the evil one. Jesus says that if we continue in his word, know the truth, the truth will make us free. He says in John 8 that if the Son makes us free, we will be free indeed. Jesus was talking about slavery to sin and all the evil in this world that goes with it. When we as captives to sin accept Jesus's ransom, we please Jesus and then we can spread the news of this ransom to others.

research help: ' The Work of Mercy' by Mark P Shea

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a time to forgive prelude

a time to forgive  prelude  by ric gustafson

Ecclesiastes 3: 2-8

A time to give birth and a time to die
A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted
A time to kill and a time to heal
A time to tear down and a time to build up
A time to weep and a time to laugh
A time to mourn and a time to dance
A time to throw stones and a time to gather stones
A time to embrace and a time to shun embracing
A time to search and a time to give up as lost
A time to keep and a time to throw away
A time to tear apart and a time to sew together
A time to be silent and a time to speak
A time to love and a time to hate
A time for war and a time for peace

A time to forgive

Saturday, August 4, 2012

works of mercy: visit the sick

works of mercy: visit the sick by ric gustafson

Some people in this world view disease as punishment for sin. Jesus on the other hand does not use ritual defilement with moral defilement. Jesus stated that disease was an image of sin not evidence of sinfulness in the person. Jesus touched and healed lepers. To Jesus, sickness was not identified with sinfulness. Jesus wants us to visit the sick not cure them. By visiting the sick we bring dignity to the sufferer. Jesus calls us to honor human dignity by visiting the sick.
Jesus warns that whatever we do to the least of these, we do to him.

research help: ' The Work of Mercy' by Mark P Shea

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 3, 2012

works of mercy: harbor the harborless

works of mercy: harbor the harborless by ric gustafson

Jesus wants us to show hospitality to everyone that we meet. Caring for guests was prevalent in the Old Testament and the book of Ruth centers on taking in and caring for strangers. The word hospital derives from the concept of hospitality to others. Other than bringing strangers in, we can help at homeless shelters, runaway shelters and battered women shelters. We can personally be involved or give them our financial support. Jesus wants us to harbor the harborless and help others in need.

research help: ' The Work of Mercy' by Mark P Shea

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

works of mercy: clothe the naked

works of mercy: clothe the naked by ric gustafson

In Luke 12:23 Jesus tells us that the body is more than clothes. Clothes also express the heart of the wearer. There are people all over the world who cannot afford clothes. Jesus said that he was naked and we clothed him. When we clothe someone who does not have any clothes, we are clothing Jesus.
When we clothe someone, we are giving someone dignity which makes Jesus happy. Clothes were made for man not man for clothes.
Jesus wants us to put on the new man and put off the old man.

research help: ' The Work of Mercy' by Mark P Shea

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

works of mercy: give drink to the thirsty

works of mercy: give drink to the thirsty by ric gustafson

seventy five percent of the earth's surface is covered by water. The majority of the human body is made of it. Jesus said I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. Jesus was thirsty on the cross and he was given vinegar. When we give a cup of cold water to someone, we are also giving it to Jesus. Jesus gives living water to thirsting souls who long for it. Jesus asked a Samaritan woman for a drink. He gave the thirsty woman living water. People thirst for what earthly water cannot satisfy. Jesus gives us living water for our thirsty souls to drink in.

research help: ' The Work of Mercy' by Mark P Shea

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

works of mercy: feed the hungry

works of mercy: feed the hungry by ric gustafson

Jesus said I was hungry and you gave me food. He knows when we try to help others with good intentions. Jesus wants us to do the most with what we have. Most of us cannot have a ministry to directly feed the poor but we can do with what we have. Feeding the hungry is more than just giving them a physical meal. People are starving for real meaning in their lives. In a world of hungry people, Jesus calls us to feed them. We can feed their souls with God's Word and God's promises. Jesus wants us to feed people physically and spiritually.

research help: ' The Work of Mercy' by Mark P Shea

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

little drummer boy page 5

little drummer boy page 5 by ric gustafson

Eli banged on his drum as the regiment stopped at the old wooden bridge. It was midday and the sun was blaring down on the soldiers. Eli and Mick watched as mule wagons and ambulances crossed the bridge first. After a long period of time, the regiment started walking again to the beat of Eli's drum. They walked across the tall mountains of northwest Georgia. Lieutenant Simpson knew the Rebs were east of them waiting for them.
The regiment stopped at Snake Creek Gap.
" Lieutenant, why are we stopping here?"Mick asked as he took a sip from his canteen.
" We need to chop down trees and lay them down across this muddy track for the wagons and ambulances to get through". He looked at Eli and smiled. " Little drummer boy, your chance to get into a battle is just right over this Gap".

research help: ' The Storm Before Atlanta' by Karen Schwabach

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 2, 2012

playing golf with my friends

playing golf with my friends by ric gustafson

Tonight was a beautiful night to play golf. It was cool out and sunny. I enjoyed playing with my friends tonight and it made me ponder that it was a gift from God.
Job 29:4 talks about the friendship of God. God made the golf course I played on and gave me the opportunity to play with the people that I play with.
God is the best friend you could ever have. He will always listen to you and help you when you need help. God is always dependable and will never abandon us.
John 15:13 says that no greater love is that one will lay down his life for his friends. God sent his only son to lay down his life for us his friends. God loves us more than anything else and that is the best friend you could ever have.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

little drummer boy page 4

little drummer boy page 4 by ric gustafson

Eli and Mick were resting under a large tree.
" Get up lads" Lieutenant Simpson said loudly as he shook Eli. " New orders just came in".
" What orders are those Sir?" Mick asked as he stood up and yawned.
" The 107th is going to be part of a new corps, the 20th". He swatted at a fly that had just landed on him. " Our new commander is going to be General Hooker".
Eli picked up his drum. " What are our orders Sir?".
" We are to take only what we can carry and travel light including no tents".
" Where are we going Sir?" Mick asked as he swatted at a mosquito.
" Georgia" he replied with a grin. " That's all I know".

research help: ' The Storm Before Atlanta' by Karen Schwabach

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Beatitudes 2012 page 3

Beatitudes 2012 page 3 by ric gustafson

As I started to eat a peeled orange, I noticed that a couple of people had left after hearing the young man's words.
" Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted".
" I sure mourn when I see how much is in my checkbook" snickered a young woman.
" Have you mourned something in your life?".
She stared at the young man with sad eyes. " Yes". Tears began to form and then fall down her face. " My father died two months ago".
The young man walked over and then wiped away her tears with his scarred hands. " Did you mourn alone or with others?".
" Alone".
" God wants you to mourn with others so the healing can begin".
I noticed more people standing up to leave.

research help: ' A Beautiful Offering' by Angela Thomas

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Beatitudes 2012 page 2

Beatitudes 2012 page 2 by ric gustafson

I sat down on a bench and began to eat my lunch. The young man waited for people to sit down at the benches.
As I began to eat my tuna fish sandwich, the young man began to talk. " Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven".
" Does that mean I have to be dirt poor in order to get to heaven" yelled a young man.
The young man grinned at him as others chuckled. " God doesn't look at rich or poor, he looks at your heart".
" What is he looking for in my heart?" snickered a young woman who was munching on an apple.
" Pride, which is the foundation of sin".
" The foundation of sin?" asked a confused man.
" God wants us to depend on him and not on our worldly riches".

research help: ' A Beautiful Offering' by Angela Thomas

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric