Saturday, October 1, 2011

a carwash christian life page 2

a carwash christian life page 2 by ric gustafson.

Psalm 25:5- ' In you I wait all the day'

My wife and I are still waiting for that little light to turn green and the door to open. I wonder if I ask the right way when I pray. Do I ask in a sincere truthful manner from the heart or do I ask in which I think about myself and my sinful desires.
I believe that God is waiting to turn that light to green and open that closed door when we ask with a truthful and open heart. God knows that when our heart is open he will open that door. God also knows how quickly that red light will come on, our heart will harden and the door will close.
I believe that God wants us to pray and ask him with a sincere and open heart. When we do, I believe the light will turn green and the door will open. Then we will be able to enter the carwash and continue our journey.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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