Saturday, October 22, 2011

the miracle at Gettysburg page 2

the miracle at Gettysburg page 2 by ric gustafson.

Major Sorrel and Harrison rode toward the South's tents.
" General, do you trust this spy?" General Robert E Lee quietly asked as he watched the two ride away.
" No choice Sir".
Lee shook his head in frustration. " Am I to lead this army based on what a paid spy tells me".
" Sir, we can't afford not to".
" Has anybody heard anything from Jeb Stuart?".
" No Sir".
Lee again shook his head. " Stuart would not leave us blind".
" Harrison also told me that George Meade is in command now".
" Meade" Lee replied as he thought for a moment. " He will be cautious".
" Yes Sir".
Lee pointed toward his new adjutant. " Frederick, can you please bring us a map?". He put it on top of a small table. " Oh General this is my new adjutant Frederick Anderson".
Both men looked at the map. Longstreet pointed out everything Harrison had told him.
" General, what is the name of this small town that all the roads converge on?".
Longstreet bent down to the map. " Gettysburg Sir".
" Very well General" Lee said in a tired voice. " We'll move at dawn".

research help: ' The Killer Angels' by Michael Shaara

Everyone have a great Saturday. Love Ric

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