Friday, September 30, 2011

a carwash christian life page 1

a carwash christian life page 1 by ric gustafson

John 10:9-' I am the door; if anyone enters through me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture'.

We drive up to the entrance of the car wash and I notice to the left is a bright red light and that the entrance door is closed. I put the Saturn into park and I'm wondering when is the light going to turn green and the door will open. Is the christian life like that sometimes where things are going great and then all of a sudden, the light is red and the door is closed.

Matthew 7:7-' Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you'.

Our house went through a major remodeling project and sometimes it was hard to be patient and wait. There were times when I thought to myself I want the new cabinets and the new sink and I want them now. I knew it was the wrong attitude to have. The red light was still on and the door was still closed.
God's timing is not our timing and he knows what's best for us. Our remodeling project got finished and it looks great. God's will must always be done not mine. God is in charge of our lives and his timing is always perfect.

Everyone have a great weekend. Love Ric

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