Wednesday, October 26, 2011

new believer 101 page 4

new believer 101 page 4 by ric gustafson.

Mr McCoy was writing on the blackboard when he noticed that it was 6:00. " It's 6:00, let's get started". He pointed at the blackboard. " Tonight, we will be studying the new believer benefit of direct access to the Father".
" Direct access?" replied a young female with a confused stare.
" How many of you have a daily quiet time with God?".
Just a few raised their hands.
" Prayer is the most direct access to God".
" Quiet time in the morning is hard " a young man said with a yawn. " I'm not a morning person".
" It doesn't matter to God when you pray as long as you do it without ceasing".
" Without ceasing?".
" God wants our prayers 24 hours a day".

research help: Turning Points May 2011

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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