Monday, October 10, 2011

the spear soldier page 5

the spear soldier page 5 by ric gustafson

" I am the light of the world".
Cassius heard these words as he tried to muscle his way through the large crowd. One of the soldiers pointed out the Rabbi in white but the crowd was dense around him.
" My Father who sent me is with me, he testifies about me".
Cassius looked around and wondered who is father was.
" After a little while, I will be going back to him who sent me" Jesus said with authority in his voice. " You will look for me but you will not be able to find me".
Cassius found himself frozen in the crowd listening to this Rabbi.
" Everyone who sins willfully is a slave to sin".
" Our Father is Abraham" a Pharisee yelled. " We are not slaves to anyone".
" Before Abraham came to be, I am".
" Blasphemer" yelled someone from the crowd. " Stone him".
The crowd began to yell " stone him".
As some in the crowd began to gather stones, Cassius watched the Rabbi slip away.

research help: ' The Spear' by Louis de Wohl

Everyone take care. Love Ric

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