Thursday, October 13, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 36

the miracle on Titanic page 36 by ric gustafson.

David opened his eyes after praying for quite a while to see a frightened young woman sitting right next to him.
" Sir, please help me".
A strange noise made people run toward the stern. The grand lights that made the ship illuminate went dark. The bow of the great ship was dipping faster into the icy water.
David could hear glasses and plates crashing to the floor in the first class dining room.
" I can't find my lifebelt" the young woman pleaded as she hung unto David's arms. " My name is Abbie Malone, please save me".
' God, please help us' David prayed as he and the young woman scrambled to the railing at the stern of the ship. After a while, the stern raised up into the sky and passengers were hanging onto the railing for dear life.
A large voice tried to convince David that giving the young woman his lifebelt was a dumb idea. A small voice told David that she needed it more than he did. The small voice prevailed.
"Here, take my lifebelt" he said with a smile as he put it on her. " My name is David".
" Bless you David" she replied as they both reached the railing of the stern and now hung on for dear life.
David closed his eyes to pray when he heard a splash. The young woman could not hold on any longer. He heard a grinding noise and saw that the bow of the ship had broken apart from the stern and had completely gone under the ocean. The stern was now going under too.
" Lord" he said quietly as he knew his arms could not hold out much longer. " Remember me your servant".
When he could not hold on any longer, he let go of the railing and fell into the icy dark water.

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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