Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hindenburg: a man of faith page 3

Hindenburg: a man of faith page 3 by ric gustafson.

" These are brand new sleeping cabins" Willy said as they walked by the new rooms.
" Willy, have you ever had a bible?" Rolf asked as they began to walk down a narrow catwalk.
" No". He gave Rolf a sad look. " My parents are members of the Nazi party and threw our only bible into a book fire".
They stopped in front of a mass of wires, girders, struts and huge gas cells that made up the heart of the airship.
" Willy, you can have my pocket bible" Rolf said with a big smile as he handed the small black bible to the young man. " I have another one in my suitcase".
" I don't know Mr Muller".
He put a hand on the young steward's arm. " I want you to have it".
" I'll read it in my cabin" he said as tears formed in his eyes. " Thank you".

research help: ' the Hindenburg murders' by Max Allan Collins.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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