Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hindenburg: a man of faith page 5

Hindenburg: a man of faith page 5 by ric gustafson.

Rolf looked out through one of the observation windows at the gray and rainy afternoon. He could see the towers of Manhattan through the clouds. The giant airship flew lower past the Statue of Liberty and Times Square as thousands of New Yorkers pointed and yelled. The Hindenburg quietly flew over Brooklyn as the Brooklyn Dodgers were playing below. As the giant airship flew over the Hudson River and turned south toward New Jersey, black clouds were approaching suggesting a thunderstorm.
As the Hindenburg approached Lakehurst, rain started along with lightening. Captain Pruss decided not to land but to fly southeast over the Toms River and wait for the storm to end. Over three hours, the airship flew and waited but the storm got worse. The storm stopped just as the giant airship approached Lakehurst again. Captain Pruss decided to try and land the airship.
Rolf stared through the observation window as he saw one rope by the bow and one by the stern. The ropes were pulling the airship down toward the mooring mast. Rolf could see that the airship was still pretty high off of the ground. He felt a hand on his shoulder.
" Thank you for everything you did for me" Willy said as he hugged his new friend.
Just then, Rolf heard a popping noise that came from the stern of the airship. Rolf looked out the observation window to see workers down below running away in all directions.
As Rolf looked away from the window, an explosion ripped through the top of the airship and threw both Rolf and Willy onto the B deck catwalk. The airship began to tip onto it's stern and quickly became a ball of flame. Rolf and Willy quickly made their way back to the observation windows. Rolf noticed some burnt bed linens and quickly made two ropes out of them. He broke out two of the giant windows. With flames surrounding them and the ropes secured to what was left of the airship, the two men lowered themselves to the ground. As firemen and Navy personnel threw blankets over them, Rolf and Willy watched as the remains of the Hindenburg fell in a ball of flame to the ground. Both men praised God for protecting them.

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

research help: ' the Hindenburg murders' by Max Allan Collins.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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