Sunday, October 30, 2011

new believer 101 page 6

new believer 101 page 6 by ric gustafson.

Mr McCoy smiled as the students took their seats. He looked at the clock on the far wall. " It's 6:oo, let's get started". He began to write on the blackboard. " Tonight is our last night of class".
All the students hollered their approval.
"Tonight, we will be studying the fifth and last new believer benefit".
" What is that Mr McCoy?" yelled a young man.
" A security system that endures".
" Mr McCoy, what do you mean by a security system?".
Bill smiled at the young woman. " In John 10, it says that no one can snatch them out of my hand".
" So we can always know that nothing can seperate us from God's love" asked a young woman.
" Romans 8 explains that, nothing will alter that plan".
The class ended. " Thank you Mr McCoy".
" Thank you for taking this class".

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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