Friday, October 14, 2011

a carwash christian life page 6

a carwash christian life page 6 by ric gustafson

Psalm 51:10-' Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me'

Your car is now in neutral and going down the track by itself. Water is coming from both sides and is getting the car ready for the next phase. All of a sudden, white foamy suds are now washing the front, sides and back of the car. As the car keeps going, water washes off the car. As the car nears the end, a huge vent begins to dry off the car. As this happens, I ponder the question is my spiritual life spotfree or not.
The God we love and obey is a jealous God and wants 100 percent of our heart at all times. The sinful part of our heart says I'm still keeping part of it for myself. This thinking makes God sad because he wants 100 percent of us. He washes all of us and our car because he wants all of us at all times not just 90 percent.
After the car is dried, the exit is near.

Everybody take care. Love Ric.

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