Sunday, December 31, 2023

come and worship: what the world needs now

 come and worship: what the world needs now by ric gustafson

Worship dominates the Bible. In Genesis, man fell because Adam failed to worship God. In Revelation, life culminates into an eternal worship community. Mark 12 is a call to worship. The first commandment calls for worship. In the Old Testament, worship covered all of life. The Tabernacle was designed for worship. God takes worship very carefully. 
God judges those who fail to worship him properly. The worship of false gods is unacceptable worship. Everyone worships. We are spiritual creatures. One of our basic needs is the drive to worship. False Gods can be material objects or supernatural beings. 
Worshiping God in a wrong form is unacceptable worship. In Exodus 32, the people worshiped a golden calf. That was unacceptable worship. 
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Worship the ultimate priority' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

4/3/1882 page 4

 4/3/1882 page 4 by ric gustafson

After the raid, Jesse, Frank and the others made it back to the James's farm. There they decided to rest in the stable barn.
Bob Ford quietly walked up to Jesse. He was no longer wearing the large coat and stove pipe hat. He was now wearing green pants and a yellow shirt.
Jesse stared at Bob. " How old are you?".
" Actually 19".
Later, Jesse and Bob sat outside a rented bungalow. A mild shower was coming down in the night sky. Jesse sat in a hickory rocker. Bob in a mating chair. It was almost 1:00 am.
" I can't believe I've already robbed a railroad". Bob smiled. " And I'm chatting with none other than Jesse James".
Jesse grinned. " It's a wonderful world".
" You and Frank are my whole life". He smiled. " I even have a book about you and Frank".
" The Trainrobbers by R.W. Stevens".
" That's right". Bob grinned. " I read it every night before I go to sleep".
" It's all lies".
" I don't believe that". Bob frowned. " I even had a shoebox filled with James boys mementos".
" I'm a no good Bob". Jesse got up to go inside. " I ain't Jesus".

research help: ' The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford' by Ron Hansen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Diana's boys page 1

 Diana's boys page 1 by ric gustafson

Some argue that the Princess of Wales was the most celebrated woman of the 20th century. Her death was violent and senseless. She was young only 36. Her death left two emotionally vulnerable sons. Prince William and his brother Prince Harry were nicknamed the heir and the spare. 
Why are we so interested in the lives of these two boys?. One reason is that we are fascinated with the British Royal family. There was Elizabeth II. There was Princess Margaret. There was Prince Andrew. Then came Diana. For seventeen years the former English kindergarten aide captivated England and the world. 
She went public about her disastrous marriage, her depression, bulimia and her suicide attempts. It earned her the respect of millions. Diana was the first member of the Royal family to make a human connection with human suffering. 
The most important thing to the Princess of Wales were her two sons. She formed an unbreakable mother child bond with her two sons. As far as child rearing issues, Diana found herself at odds with the Queen herself. 
On Sunday Aug 31 1997, their lives changed forever.

research help: ' Diana's Boys' by Christopher Andersen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Avengers: the Incredible Hulk

Avengers: the Incredible Hulk by ric gustafson

In the Nevada desert was an abandoned military base. In those concrete bunkers were some of the country's top scientific minds. One of them was Dr Bruce Banner. He was a leading expert on gamma radiation. Banner's years of research on gamma radiation caught the eye of General Thaddeus Ross. 
One day, General Ross and Banner were getting ready to detonate a metal structure called a G bomb. It was full of gamma radiation. It was designed to destroy everything in it's path.
Just then, Dr Banner saw a teenager driving along the path of the bomb. He jumped into a jeep and gunned it. He got out and literally threw the teen into a trench. The bomb went off. The teen was alright. Banner was not. He was thrown unconscious on the ground.
In the hospital one night, Banner noticed he felt strange when it became night. His eyes turned green. His skin became dark gray. His skinny muscles grew to the point where his shirt ripped. He grew to seven foot tall. 
As a green creature, Banner got away from soldiers by smashing a concrete wall. The soldiers tried to stop him. 
" Fan out". a soldier yelled. " Find that Hulk".
" Have to reach home". The Hulk growled. " Must find formula".
When the morning light came. The Hulk became Dr Banner again.
Dr Banner and the Hulk were one. The Incredible Hulk had arrived.

research help: ' The Avengers Assembled' by David Betancourt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 28, 2023

while Idaho slept page 18

 while Idaho slept page 18 by ric gustafson

On Jan 3 2023, Michael Kohberger and his wife got out of a black SUV. They were at the Monroe County Courthouse. They were there to witness their son's extradition hearing. He was to be sent back to Idaho to be charged with four counts of first degree homicide.
Bryan Kohberger came in shackled and handcuffed. He was wearing a red jail issue jumper. He was led into the courtroom by sheriff deputies. In the galley was Kohberger's parents and sisters.
On the morning of Jan 4, Kohberger was flown from Pennsylvania to the Pullman Moscow Regional Airport. From there Kohberger was taken to Latah County Jail. Kohberger was put into a solitary confinement cell. 
Jan 5 was Kohberger's first court appearance. His court appointed public defender was Anne Taylor. 
Judge Megan Marshall told Kohberger of the charges against him. It included unlawful entry into the King Road residence. It included four first degree felony counts of murder. The judge asked Kohberger if he understood the charges. He said yes he did.
As of right now, there has not been a trial.

The End.

research help: ' While Idaho Slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Avengers: Thor God of Thunder

 Avengers: Thor God of Thunder by ric gustafson

Odin was anxious to see his first born. In a cave, his wife Earth Goddess Gaea was in labor. Odin was in love with Firehair. Firehair was known as Phoenix. Phoenix and Odin's warriors included Agomotto, Ghost Rider and Black Panther.
When Gaea gave birth, it began to snow. Coming toward the cave was Laufey the Frost Giant King. He seeked the blood of the newborn. When Laufey flew into the cave, Gaea began to scream. Phoenix flew into the cave and snatched up the baby. Thunder roared. The baby was saved. Gaea named the newborn Thor.
Thor Odinson had a thirst for adventure. He was very close to his adoptive brother Loki. The mystical hammer destined for Thor was called the Mjolnir. It was formed by a metallic ore. Odin knew the hammer contained a living storm. The hammer was Odin's weapon of choice.
Thor could not get the hammer. It was in a vault. When Thor was finally able to get the hammer, he used it in a selfish violent frenzy. Odin was furious at his son. Disappointed, Odin banished his son to Midgard. 
On Midgard, Odin put his son into the body of a human doctor. One day, Doctor Donald Blake was attacked by Kronans. He ran and hid in a cave. He recognized the cave. It was the cave he was born in.
Doctor Blake came out of that cave. But he was not the Doctor any longer. He was wearing Asgardian armor, a red cape and a winged metal helmet.
With the hammer in his hand, Doctor Blake was now Thor God of Thunder.

research help: ' The Avengers Assembled' by David Betancourt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

4/3/1882 page 3

 4/3/1882 page 3 by ric gustafson

Bob Ford now stood next to Jesse. " How much do you think is on this train?".
Jesse straightened his coat over his pearl handle 44 caliber Smith and Wesson and a Colt 45. " I heard there is a hundred thousand in that express car".
Ford smiled. " My fingers are already itchy".
Jesse held up a lantern. " Two years ago we robbed this same railroad".
Bob Ford scratched his chin. " Do you remember Sept 7 1876?".
Jesse gave the young man a sad look. " It's a day I don't want to remember".
" Was that Northfield Minnesota bank owned by General Ben Butler?".
" Yes".
" I knew it". Ford looked at Jesse. " I heard Bill Chadwell died in that raid".
" Also Clell Miller and Charlie Pitts".
Ford stared at Jesse. " I heard you did not get a plug nickel from that raid".
Just then, Jesse heard a noise. He looked down the railroad tracks. He yelled at his brother. " Frank, it's coming".
Bob Ford looked at Jesse. " Is the train coming?".
Jesse put on a blue bandana. He handed Ford a red one. " Stay close to me".

research help: ' The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford' by Ron Hansen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Avengers: Captain America

 Avengers: Captain America by ric gustafson

Irish immigrants Joseph and Sarah Rogers left Ireland and settled in Brooklyn New York. Their son Steven Rogers was born on July 4 1922. Their only child was born on the nation's birthday. Steven's father was a welder. Steven's mother worked in a garment factory.
Tragedy struck twice. Steven's father died when Steven was ten. Steven's mother died right after his 18th birthday. Steven tried to join the military. He was classified as unfit.
Steven was recruited instead for a military experiment called Operation Rebirth. Less than 10 people knew about this secret experiment. Steven was injected with a serum. A machine shot vita rays into Steven's body. 
Then the impossible began to happen. Steven's arms grew four times larger. He became a foot taller. Two minutes into the experiment, Steven Rogers was now 6 foot two and weighing 240 pounds. 
Steven Rogers was now a Super Soldier. He was given training in boxing, wrestling and bodybuilding.
Steven was given a special suit to wear. It was blue with a white star on the chest. He was given a mask with the letter A on it. He was also given a special shield with white stars and blue stripes.
As Captain America, Steven Rogers was a Super Soldier. He wanted to stand against fascism.
Captain America had arrived.

research help: ' The Avengers Assembled' by David Betancourt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 25, 2023

Christianity page 2

 Christianity page 2 by ric gustafson

In 39 BC, a dynasty was born by the Roman Senate. Herod's family came from Idumea described in the Hebrew Scriptures as Edom. Herod recaptured Judea from king Antigonus. Herod first built fortresses. Masada in the Judean desert. Herodion south of Jerusalem. Machareus where John the Baptist was murdered. Herod built a harbor named Caesarea. In Jerusalem, Herod built a palace, a theatre, a hippodrome and an amphitheater for gladiatorial fights. Herod expanded the Jerusalem Temple. The Temple was the center of Jewish worship. It was built by King Solomon. The Sadducees was a group of elite priests whose wealth was mostly from the Temple treasury. The collection of the Temple tax fed the Temple treasury. 
So how was Herod able to finance his construction plans?. Judea was a poor region. Most of the wealth came from the fertile agricultural region in Galilee. Herod used this wealth for his construction plans. It was Herod's idea to change the subsistence way of farming to a large estate farming industry. Herod built a large port in Caesarea to handle surplus produce.
Herod imposed taxes on everything. This included farming, salt, fishing and the production of salted fish. Tax collectors who collected these taxes for Herod became loathed. When Jesus came on the picture, there were a lot of poor malnourished people in Galilee. These people followed Jesus wherever he went.

research help: ' The Story of Christianity' by Jean Pierre Isbouts

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Avengers: Iron Man

 Avengers: Iron Man by ric gustafson

This is the story of Tony Stark. He had uncanny charm. He had intellect beyond his years. One day, he would become Iron Man a founding member of the Avengers. Anthony Edward Stark was nicknamed Tony by his parents Howard and Maria. His father was a scientist and a member of SHIELD. Tony's mother was a world renowned philanthropist.
At 15, Tony graduated from MIT with degrees in physics and engineering. Stark Industries was built on a relationship with SHIELD and the US government. By 22, Tony's focus was on weapons design. As Stark Industries grew, so did Tony's love for life. He became a socialite and a playboy. Alcohol became a problem in his life. Then tragedy struck, Tony's parents died in a car crash. Tony was overcome with guilt.
More tragedy struck, Tony found out he had an ailing heart. He decided to build a device to save his heart. He designed a mini arc reactor with sensors. With the help of an assistant, Tony decided to build himself an armored battlesuit. The new suit was charged up by a generator.
As Iron Man, Tony wanted to safeguard humanity.
Iron Man had arrived.

research help: ' The Avengers Assembled' by David Betancourt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

while Idaho slept page 17

 while Idaho slept page 17 by ric gustafson

Because of a huge mistake made by Bryan Kohberger while visiting his parents in Pennsylvania, Chief Fry got another huge break in the case. Garbage bags of trash taken from a neighbor's trash bin was studied for DNA. A sample of DNA was found on the knife sheath that was found next to the dead body of Maddie Mogen.
It was not an exact match to Bryan Kohberger's DNA. But it was enough to arrest Bryan Kohberger. After midnight on  December 30 2022, nearly fifty agents stormed the home of Michael Kohberger. To the surprise of Kohberger's parents, their son Bryan Kohberger was arrested. 
Bryan Kohberger was taken to the Monroe County Correctional Center in Pennsylvania. He was booked and put into a jail issue jumpsuit. That same day, Chief Fry held a press conference addressing the arrest of Bryan Kohberger. To the surprise of the press and media, Chief Fry announced the arrest of Bryan Kohberger on a warrant for the murders of Ethan Chapin, Xana Kernodle, Maddie Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves. Chief Fry thanked everyone for their patience and kindness over the past six weeks.

research help: ' While Idaho Slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 24, 2023

while Idaho slept page 16

 while Idaho slept page 16 by ric gustafson

On December 12 2022, Bryan Kohberger, along with his father Michael Kohberger, left the WSU campus. The Elantra was packed because they were going to drive across the country to Albrightsville Pennsylvania. This town was in the Pocono Mountains.
What the Kohbergers did not know was that the FBI was watching their every move. Using license plate readers, the FBI was able to track their every movement. On December 15 outside Indianapolis, a Hancock County sheriff's deputy pulled over Kohberger's Elantra. The car was tailgating. They were given a warning. About ten minutes later, Kohberger's Elantra was stopped again for tailgating.
As the Elantra headed east, there was a police BOLO alert for a white Hyundai Elantra possibly associated with the Moscow Idaho murders. Chief Fry did not want Bryan Kohberger to know he was being carefully watched. Kohberger and his father arrived home on December 16 2022.
At home, Kohberger was monitored by the FBI. One day, Kohberger made a huge mistake. He put trash bags into a neighbor's trash bin instead of their own. In darkness, FBI agents snatched up the trash bags. They were sent back to Idaho.

research help: ' While Idaho Slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

4/3/1882 page 2

4/3/1882 by ric gustafson

Jesse rode into Jackson County. He felt safe in a region called Cracker Neck. There Confederate guerrillas protected the James gang. After train robberies, the area gave Jesse and Frank seclusion and protection. Frank joined him. They rode to a farm owned by a man named Snead. While Jesse mingled with thirteen men who had joined them for the robbery, Frank checked the woods around the farm. 
They had picked a good spot for the train robbery. Glendale station was three miles to the east. As he kept checking the curve and the tracks, Frank heard a noise coming from some nearby bushes. Frank put his right hand on his left pistol.
" I'm sorry". A young man walked out of the bushes. " I did not mean to interrupt you".
Frank did not recognize him. " Which one are you?".
" Bob Ford".
Frank glanced over at the group of men. " Ah, Charley's brother".
The young man was wearing  an overlarge black coat and a low slung holster. He had on a gray stovepipe hat. He had brown hair and small ears.
" Frank James". He smiled. " I want to be a gunslinger like you and Jesse".
Frank frowned as he looked him over. " You don't have what it takes".
Bob took out his pistol. " I have a Patterson Colt".
" Go away kid". Frank went back to studying the train tracks. " You give me the willies".
Ford began to walk back. This time, he walked toward Jesse.

research help: ' The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford' by Ron Hansen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 23, 2023

while Idaho slept page 15

 while Idaho slept page 15 by ric gustafson

On November 29 2022, Washington State University Police Officer Daniel Tiengo was looking for registered white Elantras. Tiengo found one registered to a PHD candidate who lived in a student apartment complex. The student's name was Bryan Kohberger. Another campus officer Curtis Whitman found the same white Elantra parked at the Steptoe Village Apartments.
Kohberger's white Elantra had Washington State license plates. But the vehicle was registered in Pennsylvania. Kohberger had changed his registration to Washington the prior week.
Police began to study Kohberger's drivers license. Kohberger was white, 6 feet tall and 185 pounds. This was the description given to investigators by Dylan Mortensen.
Chief Fry and his team began to investigate Bryan Kohberger. At WSU, Kohberger studied criminology. Fry already had Kohberger's cell phone number. On Aug 21 2022, Kohberger had been stopped for a minor driving violation. Fry ran Kohberger's cell through a database. It had been issued by ATand T. Fry got a warrant so they could try to ping any towers servicing King's Road at the time of the murders. Fry was hoping Kohberger's cell phone could place him at the location of the murders.

research help: ' While Idaho Slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 21, 2023

while Idaho slept page 14

 while Idaho slept page 14 by ric gustafson

One day, Chief Fry received the results he had been hoping for. A single trace source of DNA was found on the KA-Bar sheath. They ran the DNA profile through the Combined DNA Index System. No match. Then they submitted the DNA sample to a Genetic Genealogy Service.
On November 30 2022, Steve and Kristi Goncalves had a candlelight vigil in honor of their daughter and the other three victims. Pictures of Kaylee were on a large screen. Steve began to sit through many interviews pleading to the public to help find his daughter's killer. 
In Coeur D Alene Idaho, Maddie Mogen's mother and stepfather waited. Maddie's father Ben Mogen waited. To honor his daughter, He got a tatioo of angel wings.
Xana Kernodle's Aunt Kim raised both Xana and her older sister Jazzmin. Eventually, Xana and her sister lived with their father.
Ethan Chapin and his siblings went to Mount Vernon High School in Washington state. Ethan and his siblings enrolled at the University of Idaho. Stacy and Jim Chapin were proud of their children. November 6 2022 was the last time they saw their son alive. It was a parent and family weekend.
All four victims families struggled waiting for answers.
It was decided by the Moscow Police Department to withhold case details  and progress reports.
So the families had to keep waiting.

research help: ' While Idaho Slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Chrismon tree page 6

 Chrismon tree page 6 by ric gustafson

more Chrismon ornaments

26. Staff ornament- John 10:11 I am the Good Shepherd I know my own sheep and they know me just as my Father knows me and I know the Father so I sacrifice my life for the sheep.
27. Star of David ornament- Revelation 22:16 I Jesus have sent my angel to give you this message for the churches I am both the source of David and the heir to his throne I am the bright morning star.
28. Triumphant Cross ornament- II Chronicles 20:6 O Lord God of our ancestors you alone are the God who is in heaven you are ruler of all the kingdoms of the earth.
29. Scroll ornament- Luke 4: 20-21 He rolled up the scroll handed it back to the attendant and sat down all eyes in the synagogue looked at him intently then he began to speak  to them the Scripture you've just heard has been fulfilled this very day.

The End 

research help: Chrismon Tree LCM church

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Advent: Luke 1: 46-47

 Advent: Luke 1: 46-47 by ric gustafson

Mary's Magnificat is a song of blessing. It is a song of who is coming and what he shall accomplish. He will set people free and save us all. He will save us from dark and lonely places. This will be a child of poor and humble birth. Instead of judgment and pride, Jesus gives us love and mercy. Jesus is our one and only Lord and Savior.
With Mary, we can rejoice in the Good News. We have a spirit of power not of fear. Jesus comes with the light of joy. Let the Magnificat be a song of blessing. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

4/3/1882 page 1

 4/3/1882 page 1 by ric gustafson

On September 7 1881, Jesse James was sitting in a rocking chair. He was looking at three newspapers including the St Joseph Gazette and the Kansas City Times. He had a 44 caliber pistol tucked into a fold. By him was a Holy Bible that belonged to his father the late Reverend Robert S James. 
Jesse Woodson James was born on September 5 1847. He was 5 foot 8 155 pounds. He was vain about his physique. He smoked cigars but did not inhale. He never strayed from his wife. He had chestnut brown hair. He had blue eyes and a two inch beard. He had two partly healed bullet holes.
Two days earlier, the family gave Jesse a birthday party. Jesse's son Jesse Edwards James gave his father some sparklers. Jesse's older brother Frank James gave him a pair of cufflinks. Jesse listened as Frank talked about robbing a train at Blue Cut. His brother Frank was 38.
Jesse yawned. He was now 34 years old. He felt it.

research help: ' The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford' by Ron Hansen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Chrismon tree page 5

 Chrismon tree page 5 by ric gustafson

More Chrismon tree ornaments

21. Lamb ornament- John 1:29 Look the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
22. Lion ornament- Revelation 5:5 see the Lion of the tribe of Judah the Root of David has triumphed.
23. Serpent on a pole ornament- John 3:14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the Wilderness so the Son of Man must be lifted up.
24. Shell ornament- Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
25. Triangle ornament- Matthew 28:18 In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

research help: Chrismon tree by LCM church

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Chrismon tree page 4

 Chrismon tree page 4 by ric gustafson

more Chrismon ornaments

16. Hand ornament- Isaiah 48:13 It was my hand that laid the foundations of the earth my right hand that spread out the heavens above.
17. Heart ornament- I John 4:9 God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him.
18. IHS ornament- Matthew 1:21 And he will have a son and you are to name him Jesus for he will save his people from their sins.
19. IOTA CHI ornament- Philippians 2: 9-11 Therefore God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
20. Keys ornament- Matthew 16:19 Now I say to you that you are Peter which means rock and upon this rock I will build my church and all the powers of hell will not conquer it and I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.

research help: Chrismon Tree LCM church

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Chrismon tree page 3

 Chrismon tree page 3 by ric gustafson

more Chrismon tree ornaments

11. Cup ornament- Matthew 26: 27-28 And he took a cup of wine and gave thanks to God for it he gave it to them and said each of you drink for this is my blood which confirms the convenant between God and his people it is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many.
12. Dove ornament- Mark 1:10 As Jesus came up out of the water he saw the heavens splitting apart and the Holy Spirit descending on him like a dove.
13. 5 pointed star ornament- Matthew 2:2 Where is the newborn king of the Jews? we saw his star as it rose and we have come to worship him.
14. Fish ornament- Matthew 4:19  Come follow me Jesus said I will make you fishers of men.
15. 4 direction cross ornament- Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.

research help: Chrismon Tree LCM church

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Advent: Isaiah 61:10

 Advent: Isaiah 61:10 by ric gustafson

Israel felt disgrace and shame when they were led off as slaves into captivity. When the people returned, God gave them a double portion of joy. The city was rebuilt and they were once again honored. They were declared righteous by God. The people were called the bride of God. 
In our darkness, God's promise is given to us. Jesus's light shines brightly on us. The Holy Spirit clothes us with joy and gladness. With the promise, we can stand before God vindicated and whole. Jesus gives us amazing grace. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 18, 2023

the Chrismon tree page 2

 the Chrismon tree page 2 by ric gustafson

more Chrismon tree ornaments

6. CHI-RHO ornament John 1:41 the first two Greek letters of Christ we have found the Messiah which means Christ
7. Christ Child In A Manger ornament- Luke 2:7 She gave birth to her firstborn a son she wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger
8. Circle ornament- Psalm 90:2 Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world from everlasting to everlasting you are God
9. Crown ornament- I Timothy 6:15 At just the right time Christ will be revealed from heaven by the blessed and only Almighty God the King of all Kings and Lord of all Lords
10. Crown of thorns ornament- Mark 15:17 They dressed him in a purple robe and they wove thorn branches into a crown  and put it on his head.

research help: Chrismon Tree by LCM church

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Advent: Isaiah 35:10

 Advent: Isaiah 35:10 by ric gustafson

All of us are on a life journey. Some of us are on a spiritual life journey. When the day is over, we know we are one day closer to that journey ending here. As Christians, we know that that journey will continue in heaven with Jesus. That alone should bring joy. The prophet Isaiah talks about joy and gladness. This earth is darkness. We are full of sighing and sorrow. Even the angels in heaven rejoice. 
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 17, 2023

while Idaho slept page 13

 while Idaho slept page13 by ric gustafson

The day before Thanksgiving, Captain Lanier walked up to a podium at a staging area on the University of Idaho campus. He wanted to address some rumors about potential suspects. The Captain stressed that the two surviving roommates were not suspects. A male seen in a Grub Truck video was not a suspect. The person who drove Kaylee and Maddie home was not a suspect. A male that Kaylee and Maddie talked to the morning of November 13 was not a suspect.
Then Colonel Wills of the Idaho State Police spoke. He told the press that the investigation would take time. He asked for the media's patience. He told the press that they had 103 pieces of evidence, 4000 photographs, over a thousand tips and 150 interviews.
After the press conference, Chief Fry was waiting patiently for the knife sheath to come back from the Forensic Services crime lab. Chief Fry knew it would take time. The sheath that was found next to the body of Maddie Mogen was a very important piece of evidence. The task force worked through Thanksgiving 2022.

research help: ' While Idaho Slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Chrismon tree page 1

 the Chrismon tree page 1 by ric gustafson

In the 1940's at Ascension Lutheran Church in Danville Virginia, an idea was formed. Why nor have a Christmas tree with specific ornaments on it. The ornaments could be created to focus and remember the true meaning of Christmas. The original ornaments made by members of our church was in the 1960's.
1. The Alpha and Omega ornament- Revelation 1:8 I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end I am the one who is who always was and who is still to come the Almighty one.
2. The Anchor ornament- Hebrews 6:19 We have the hope as an anchor for the soul firm and secure
3. The Bells ornament- Psalm 98:4 Shout for joy to the Lord all the earth burst into jubilant song with music.
4. The Butterfly ornament- II Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ the new creation has come the old has gone the new is here
5. The Candle or Lamp ornament- John 8:12 I am the Light of the world if you follow me you won't have to walk in darkness because you will have the light that leads to life.

research help: Chrismon Tree by LCM church

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Advent: Isaiah 40:9

 Advent: Isaiah 40:9 by ric gustafson

When the hope and peace are lit, the light of joy is next. The prophet Isaiah talked about good tidings. He told the people " here is your God". God came and saved his people who were in bondage. The people were now free. Jesus gives us that grace and that promise of joy. Jesus gives us that grace and sets us free from our bondage to sin and death. When we receive that grace, we need to tell others the good news. Joy should be loud and jubilant. God's promise is for all. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Advent: Luke 2: 13-14

 Advent: Luke 2: 13-14 by ric gustafson

The first song of the angels is the first song of peace on earth. The shepherds heard it. The shepherds were the first to hear the word ' favor'. Luke 2 says and on earth peace among those whom he favors. We want our own peace and security. But that is not the peace we need. 
God grants us the favor we need. Jesus is the light of peace. Jesus favors us with forgiveness and love. To those who hide in darkness, Jesus's light shines through. There in the darkness, we are favored by Jesus the light of peace. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 15, 2023

Advent: Luke 2: 29-32

Advent: Luke 2: 29-32 by ric gustafson

There was a man at the temple waiting for the Messiah. His name was Simeon. He had knowledge and faith. He knew his death was near. He longed for ' the consolation of Israel. When Simeon was able finally to see the child, he was overwhelmed with peace. According to Luke 2, Simeon was able to say Master now you are dismissing your servant in peace according to your word for my eyes have seen your salvation. Jesus is faithful with his promises. Jesus is the child of promise.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 14, 2023

while Idaho slept page 12

 while Idaho slept page 12 by ric gustafson

On November 16 2022, there was a press conference in the Moscow City conference room. Chief Fry stood in front of a podium. He was flanked by his sheriff, his prosecutor, a colonel from the Idaho State Police and Scott Green who was President of the University.
Chief Fry wanted to give the press accurate information about the case. Rumors about potential suspects was spreading online. Chief Fry, based on details at the scene, believed it was an isolated targeted attack. Chief Fry told the press that they did not have a suspect at this time.
University President Scott Green gave condolences to the victim's families. Idaho State Police Colonel Kedrick Wills also gave his condolences.
After the press conference, Chief Fry hoped two things would help the investigation. First, the Ka-Bar model 1217 leather sheath that was found next to one of the bodies was sent for DNA analysis. Second, the Idaho State Police forensic team found a latent shoe print outside Dylan Mortensen's bedroom. They discovered the shoe print using a dye called Amido Black. Now they had a specific piece of evidence and the killer's shoe size. Detective Lawrence Mowery was put in charge of obtaining access to the victim's social media accounts and their cell phone records. 
One day, Officer Payne noticed a white sedan on one of the cameras making five passes in front of 1122 King Road the morning of November 13. The last pass was at 4:20 am.
Chief Fry had found the miracle he had been looking for.

research help: ' while Idaho slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

while Idaho slept page 11

 while Idaho slept page 11 by ric gustafson

James Fry was the Chief of Police in Moscow Idaho. Fry went to the University of Idaho and obtained a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. He joined the Moscow Idaho Police Force in 1995. His wife Julie was now the Treasury Manager for the city of Moscow. In 2016, Fry became the Chief of Police. Because Fry went to the University, this case became personal.
After Fry did his own walkthrough of 1122 King Road, he had his investigators scanning for tire tracks and taking swabs from the windowsills. Some of the officers were canvessing the neighborhood looking for potential witnesses. Some of the officers were combing the woods in the rear of the house.
Inside 1122 King Road, there was blood on the walls, floors and on the bedroom mattresses. The bodies had remained where they fell. There was no sign of sexual assault.
Fry knew that the house had a reputation for being a party house. Fry knew that the killer could of been a previous visitor during one of their parties. The killer may have known one of the females living at the house. The killer might of known of the interior layout of the home.
Fry knew this was going to be a tough case. He knew his small Police Department did not have the time or the resources to handle this case. Fry asked the Idaho State Police and the FBI to help him.

research help: ' while Idaho slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Advent: Isaiah 11:6

 Advent: Isaiah 11:6 by ric gustafson

So how do we have peace in this sinful world?. Isaiah 11 says the wolf shall live with the lamb the leopard shall lie down with the kid the calf and the lion will feed together and a little child shall lead them. This is a world of fear. Isaiah sees with eyes of faith. Grace will abound over all fear. A little child shall lead them. Jesus Christ is the child who came for us all. Jesus suffered on the cross. Jesus was raised on the third day. Jesus suffered rejection and death. But because of Jesus, peace can truly reign.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Advent: Micah 5:5

 Advent: Micah 5:5 by ric gustafson

Micah 5:5 says and he shall be the one of peace. Who is the ' one of peace'?. It is the coming shepherd king who will come from humble origins. He will come from Bethlehem the city of David. According to Micah 5:4, he shall be great to the ends of the earth. 
The one of peace searches for us and gives us grace. Jesus the Christ gathers all nations and all from the margins of the world. Jesus gives the light of peace to all. 
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

while Idaho slept page 10

 while Idaho slept page 10 by ric gustafson

Officer Smith and Payne entered the home from the front just off the communal parking lot. Crime scene analysts in jumpsuits were swabbing the doorframes and windows for DNA and prints. Smith and Payne walked up a stairwell to the second floor. The smell of death was still strong.
Just inside the bedroom door was the body of Xana Kernodle. The young woman's wounds appeared to have come from a large knife or another edged weapon. Farther in the bedroom was the body of Ethan Chapin. The young man had sharp force injuries. It was more than likely from the same edged weapon.
Smith and Payne walked up to the third floor. Inside the bedroom of Madison Mogen were the deceased bodies of Kaylee and Maddie. Both of the young women had numerous stab wounds.
Payne noticed a tan leather knife sheath next to the body of Maddie Mogen. The sheath was for a military blade knife called a Ka-Bar. Leaving this important piece of evidence next to one of the victims was very important to the investigation of this horrible crime.

research help: ' while Idaho slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Advent: Jeremiah 33:15-16

 Advent: Jeremiah 33: 15-16 by ric gustafson

When the people of Israel went into exile, they lost everything. They lost their temple, homes and their king. The people plunged into darkness. The people wondered if hope and peace would come again. Jeremiah 33 says in those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David and this is the name by which it will be called ' the Lord is our righteousness'. 
The prophet Jeremiah talked about a new king in the line of David. This one will bring peace and righteousness again to the land. 
Jesus Christ is the light that shines in the darkness of this world. Yes we will suffer loss. But Jesus brings us his Father's peace and hope for our future. Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 11, 2023

while Idaho slept page 9

 while Idaho slept page 9 by ric gustafson

At around 4:00 pm on November 13, Officer Brett Payne got a call. Payne was 33 and a military vet. He was a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division. He had only been an officer in the Moscow Idaho Police Department for only two years. He was Rookie of the Year in 2020. He had never conducted a domestic homicide investigation before.
On November 13, Payne a call to go to 1122 King Road. Officer Payne arrived at that address to secure the location and crime scene processing. He was told there were four homicides committed in the residence. The four students were murdered 8 hours before a 911 call was made. The call was done by Hunter Johnson a friend of Ethan Chapin.
When Officer Payne arrived at the address, a small crowd had already gathered. A State Police Forensic Services team had arrived. Some of Payne's fellow officers were already looking for potential witnesses.
Officer Payne began working with Officer Corbin Smith.

research help: ' While Idaho Slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Christianity page 1

 Christianity page 1 by ric gustafson

How did Christianity begin?. According to Mark 1:14, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the good news of God. Christianity began with the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus has been described as a Jewish Rabbi, a reformer, as the Messiah and the Son of God. Jesus was the reason for a religious movement that would sweep across the Roman Empire and across the world.
Jesus was born in Lower Galilee. This was a region where he spent much of his youth and adult life. Galilee was different from Judea to the south. Galilee was surrounded by foreign territory. There was Sidon and Tyre to the Northwest. There was Roman Syria to the Northeast. There was Ammon and Moab to the East. It was mostly landlocked. It had access to the Sea of Galilee. Galilee was a large agricultural region with great valleys.
Then King Herod came in 37 B.C.E.

research help: ' The Story of Christianity' by Jean Pierre Isbouts

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Advent: Isaiah 64:8

 Advent: Isaiah 64:8 by ric gustafson 

Peace is reconciliation with God. Only in peace can we come to God. God is our loving and gracious Father. Isaiah 64:8 says yet O Lord you are the Father we are the clay and you are the potter we are all the work of your hand. As people of God, we carry the heavy burden of our sins. God will not overlook our sins. God will forgive our sins through his Son Jesus. We stand in Jesus's mercy and grace. We trust in Jesus's peace. We pray to God. That is the light of our peace.
The sharing of peace is our reconciliation. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 10, 2023

while Idaho slept page 8

 while Idaho slept page 8 by ric gustafson

the following chain of events are based on affidavits supporting the arrest of a suspect
The person opened the glass door. The person stepped into the kitchen. Quietly, the person walked up a small stairway to the third floor. There, the person stabbed to death Kaylee Goncalves and Madison Mogen. The person stabbed the two to death with a long fixed blade hunting knife. The two might of died immediately. 
The person quietly walked back downstairs. The person walked across the second floor landing and the small hallway off the kitchen. At the doorway of Xana's bedroom stood Ethan Chapin. He was stabbed several times and then thrown into the bedroom. Only 5-3 Xana Kernodle gave the attacker a fight. Her arms bore defensive wounds. But to the attacker, she was no more difficult to kill than the others.
At 4:20 am, the person got back into the Elantra. The person drove out of Moscow Idaho heading south. After a time, the Elantra headed north into Washington. The destination of the Elantra was Washington State University.
But there was something the person forgot. It became very important to the investigation. On the bed next to the bloody dead body of Maddie Mogen was the sheath of the attacker's knife.

research help: ' While Idaho Slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Advent: Isaiah 2:4

 Advent: Isaiah 2:4 by ric gustafson

The light of shalom is the light of peace. The light of peace penetrates even the worst of darkness. Hostility and violence are in abundance in this dark world. The seeds of discord disrupt the community of faith. Isaiah 2:4 says they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.
Jesus came into our world as a little child. He shined his light of peace over the darkness of this sinful world. Jesus gave us eternity because of his death on a cross.
Through faith, we have Jesus's amazing grace. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 8, 2023

while Idaho slept page 7

 while Idaho slept page 7 by ric gustafson

the following chain of events is based on an affidavit supporting the arrest of a suspect.

In the early morning of November 13, a white four door Hyundai Elantra was idling outside 1122 King Road. It was cold outside. Around 3:30 am, the neighborhood was quiet. By 3:30, the Elantra had already passed 1122 King Road three times. The last time it passed, the Elantra went past 1122 King Road, turned at the Queen Apartments and then stopped. The Elantra was hidden in the dark behind the house. From a small cluster of woods, someone could see Kaylee Goncalves's bedroom. On the floor beneath was the sliding glass door. 
A few minutes after 4:00 am, someone shut the Elantra off. Someone stepped out onto the pavement. Someone had been surveilling 1122 King Road at least a dozen times. The person who got out of the Elantra was dressed totally in black. The person had a mask over his face. The person quietly walked through the bush toward the sliding glass door. 

research help: ' While Idaho Slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Advent: Galatians 4:4-5

 Advent: Galatians 4:4-5 by ric gustafson

We will have a conflict with darkness. The light of Jesus is our redemption. Galatians 4 says God sent his Son born of a woman born under the law in order to redeem those who were under the law so that we might receive adoption as children. We must be redeemed. Then we can receive adoption as God's children. In the fullness of time, this event was the birth of a child. His name was Jesus. Jesus came for us. He was born a human being. He took his place with us under the law. Then Jesus died and was raised. Jesus saved us. 
There is a battle between light and darkness. With sin, Jesus is our only hope. Jesus's light rejects darkness. Because of Jesus, we have redemption and adoption as the children of God.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Advent: Matthew 12:21

 Advent: Matthew 12:21 by ric gustafson

Jesus's light shines through any darkness. Jesus's light enfolds us. Jesus's light shines to all society and this world. Matthew 12:21 says and in his name the gentiles will hope. Jesus's light is universal. 
Darkness rules this world. There are a lot of people without hope. Jesus's grace extends to all. Through his birth, his death and his rise from the grave, Jesus has won the victory of righteousness. Jesus holds us with mercy and grace. Jesus loves us more than anything else. 

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

while Idaho slept page 6

while Idaho slept page 6 by ric gustafson

Living on the second floor of 1122 King Road was Dylan Mortensen. She was a sophmore at the University. She was tall and blonde. Her bedroom was on the opposite side of the house. A large common area seperated her bedroom from Xana's. She was from Boise. She was raised by her mother and stepfather. She could of gone to college in Boise but decided to go to the University of Idaho. She was happy with her corner bedroom on the second floor of 1122 King Road. 
On the 13th of November, Dylan woke up before 2:00 am. She had heard Ethan and her other housemates. She fell back asleep. She woke up again shortly after 4:00 am.
Dylan told detectives she heard Kaylee and her dog Murphy upstairs on the third floor. She could hear movement upstairs and the dog barking. She yelled at them to be quiet. She got up and opened her bedroom door. She looked toward the shared kitchen. She looked down the hallway toward Xana's bedroom. Nothing. She closed the bedroom door.
Then she heard what to her sounded like crying coming from Xana's bedroom. For a second time, she opened her bedroom door. Nothing. She closed the door again.
Then she heard more crying. She opened the bedroom door a third time. Right away, she noticed a man dressed in all black. He was tall and wore a black mask. He looked athletic and had bushy eyebrows. He quietly walked past Dylan and left the house through the sliding glass door. Dylan, now scared, shut her bedroom door and locked it. Who was that?.

research help: ' While Idaho Slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

while Idaho slept page 5

 while Idaho slept page 5 by ric gustafson

At 1122 King Road, Bethany Funke had a first floor bedroom. There was a window that faced the front parking lot. She could see and hear vehicles coming into the driveway. During the week, it was quiet. On the weekends, it was a different story.
Bethany grew up in Reno. Her father was a dentist. Her mother was a school aide. Bethany was in the same sorority as Xana and Maddie. Bethany was 19 and blonde.
On the night of November 12, Bethany came home at 1:00 am. Right away, she got into bed and fell asleep. She told detectives she did not hear Kaylee and Maddie come home from the Grub Truck. Bethany told detectives she did not hear a white Hyundai Elantra drive by the house at 3:30 am. The car was caught on a neighborhood security camera. Between 3:30 and 4:00 am, the Elantra made three passes by 1122 King Road. Bethany slept through it all.

research help: ' while Idaho slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Advent: Romans 8:25

 Advent: Romans 8:25 by ric gustafson

The light of hope is the light of Jesus. Hope is active and passionate. Romans 8:25 says but if we hope for what we do not see we wait for it with patience. Jesus's light never loses it's glow. Even in the midst of suffering. The flame of hope lights a path of grace and promise. 
We are set free in hope. Our hope is grounded. That hope is rooted in Jesus. Jesus is with us in our sufferings. Our final liberation is coming. Hope lights a flame in our spirit. Jesus wants us to share that hope with others. 
We press on in hope. We wait on Jesus. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Advent: Jeremiah 31:17

 Advent: Jeremiah 31:17 by ric gustafson

The words of hope in this bible verse are directed to Rachel. The bible verse says there is hope for your future says the Lord your children shall come back to their own country. Rachel weeps for her children. Who is her children?. It is the chosen people. They are now being taken away into captivity in exile. They are rejected. Because of hope, these beloved will not be abandoned. Despite their transgressions, God promises that they will be brought home. 
Even though we have sufferings, sin, death and evil, Jesus can and will take all of that away from us. Why?. Because Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 4, 2023

while Idaho slept page 4

 while Idaho slept page 4 by ric gustafson

On the night of November 12, Ethan took his sister Maizie to her sorority formal. This was an early evening event. Family was important to Ethan. Then Ethan and Xana met up. Their first stop was at 9:00 pm. It was at the Sigma Chi house. Ethan lived there with his fraternity brothers. 
Later in the evening, the two walked uphill to 1122 King Road. 1122 King Road was an odd looking home that was shaped by three tiers. The front door was locked by a coded security pad. Along the back was a hillside to the east of the house. There was a second story deck that had a sliding glass door. This entered into a common area. 
People avoided the front door and usually came into the house through the sliding glass door in the back. It was frequently unlocked.
When Ethan and Xana entered 1122 King Road that night, the house was quiet.

research help: ' while Idaho slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

while Idaho slept page 3

 while Idaho slept page 3 by ric gustafson

Ethan Chapin was athletic and tall. He was raised just north of Seattle. He was tall but described as a gentle giant. He always had a smile on his face and always had a positive attitude. All of the Chapin siblings enrolled at the University of Idaho. The school was only a few hundred miles from where they grew up.
At the University of Idaho, Ethan studied Recreation, Sport and Tourism Management. In his freshman year, he met Xana Kernodle. They became friendly. Then they started dating. Xana was a Marketing Major. She was athletic like Ethan was. Xana was raised in Post Falls Idaho. This was 120 miles south of the Canadian border. She lived full time with her father. Her father worked in the building trades. When Xana came to the University of Idaho, shortly after that she met Ethan. Life was good.

research help: ' while Idaho slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Advent: Psalm 39:7

 Advent: Psalm 39:7 by ric gustafson

Sometimes darkness is quite personal. In Psalm 39 David writes and now O Lord what do I wait for my hope is in you. It is the final days before his death. He talks about the darkness of his own sufferings and sins. His troubles are too much for him to bear. Yet David puts his trust in God. He declares God as the source of his hope.
We cannot put our trust in our own strength and resources. God in Jesus is the bedrock of all of our hope. We wait for Jesus by faith. On the cross, Jesus takes away our sufferings. By Jesus's resurrection, we have the light of glory. Jesus will take us home to heaven. In heaven there will be no more suffering.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 3, 2023

The First Christmas: the donkey

 The First Christmas: the donkey by ric gustafson

I was tired. It took six days but we made it. I got my master here safely. It was cold and snowy but we made it. There was no place to stay because of the census. Luckily, the Innkeeper let us stay in his stable. 
It had been a busy day here in this stable. Shepherds came bearing gifts. Wise Men came bearing gifts. Angels came to see the baby boy just born to my master. Donkey's go back to a Moabite prophet named Balaam. We are stubborn. It is one of our character traits. You can command a horse. A donkey you need to negotiate. There is a prophecy that the coming Messiah will come riding on one of us.
The ox in the next stall is a decent stablemate. He is well mannered. I would not have one as a friend. They are dull and lumbering. We eat less and move more quickly. The excitement is that a baby boy was born here. 
Hopefully, I will be able to return my master soon back home.

research help: ' The First Christmas' by Stephen Mitchell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Advent: Isaiah 9:2

 Advent: Isaiah 9:2 by ric gustafson

The people of Israel were in the darkness of exile. They felt judgment and abandonment. But in the darkness, God brings a new message. Isaiah 9:2 says the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light those who lived of deep darkness on them light has shined. God's message is a promise and hope. That message is that a great light has shined upon them.
Darkness can overcome us. We need a new message. We need a promise of hope that is beyond darkness. 
On this first day of Advent, we need the light of Jesus. Jesus came to be that light. He died on a cross. Jesus gives us that light of grace. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

while Idaho slept page 2

 while Idaho slept page 2 by ric gustafson

When Kaylee and Maddie left the bar, they were joined by an acquaintance, His name was Jack Showalter. He wanted to make sure the two girls got home safely. Just after 1:30 am, the trio stopped at the Grub Truck. It was a popular outdoor canteen for late night snacking. The canteen was usually full of University students returning from the bars.
Kaylee and Maddie waited ten minutes for their food. Maddie was cold with her coat not zipped up. Showalter was dressed more warmer than the two girls. Kaylee called for a rideshare. 
The two girls were mostly ignoring Showalter. So he decided to talk to a male next to him. When the rideshare arrived. the two girls jumped in. They ignored Showalter again and did not say goodbye.
This was the last time anybody at the Grub Truck saw the two girls alive.

research help: ' While Idaho Slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 2, 2023

While Idaho slept page 1

 While Idaho slept page 1 by ric gustafson

On November 12 2022, Kaylee Goncalves and Maddie Mogen were going out for a night of fun. Their destination was the Corner Club in downtown Moscow Idaho. Kaylee and Maddie were college roommates and best friends. It was an overcast Saturday night. Moscow Idaho was a quiet college town.
The temperature in Moscow Idaho that night was 32 degrees. Kaylee wore a light sweatshirt and trendy jeans with holes across the knees. She wore white sneakers. Maddie wore frayed jeans and a pink T shirt. 
The Corner Club in Moscow Idaho had the style of a concrete bunker. It was a typical sports bar with numerous TV sets on the walls. That night, Kaylee and Maddie drank long neck bottles of beer. The bar's camera showed the two getting happily buzzed.
College Thanksgiving break was only a week away. Kaylee was excited. She was already graduating at the end of the semester. She had already accepted a job in Austin Texas. After getting her degree, she was going to Europe for a month. Then she was going to begin the next phase of her life. 
At the bar, the two chatted with Jack Ducoeur. He was Kaylee's on again off again boyfriend. Also that night, Maddie had a long conversation with one of the bartenders. His name was Adam Lauda.
Kaylee and Maddie did not leave the bar until after 1:00 am.

research help: ' While Idaho Slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Preadvent: Romans 14:17

 Preadvent: Romans 14:17 by ric gustafson

God wants us to have peace on earth and goodwill to all. God wants us to have joy in our hearts. And what does God give us to have those things?. Romans 14:17 says for the kingdom of God is not food and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. God gives us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will breathe heavenly peace in us. Then we can share that peace with everyone.
God wants us to be people of peace. We need to be grateful for the blessings God gives us every day. God gives us every day everything we need. Praise God's name.

research help: ' On the way to Bethlehem' by Emily Jaminet

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 1, 2023

The First Christmas: the Shepherds

 The First Christmas: the Shepherds by ric gustafson

I was watching sheep on a hill outside Bethlehem. The sheep did not belong to me. The 227 sheep and lambs belonged to a merchant who lived in Jerusalem. I knew the name of each one.
That night, three of us were awake. The others had gone to sleep. There was snow on the ground. The sheep had to poke through the snow to get to the grass. I was wrapped in a sheepskin cloak. 
All of a sudden, I was startled. An angel appeared at our fire. The angel was tall, had red hair and a red beard. His face was wrinkled. His eyes never blinked.
Then the hills lit up. I threw myself on the ground. I covered my head with my hands.
The angel's voice was like music. " Don't be afraid".
My mouth was wide open.
" I bring you good news of a great joy".
Then I heard singing coming from the stars.
" To you there is born today a child who is the Messiah".
The stars sang. " Glory to God in the highest".
There was one more instruction from the angel.
" You will find the child wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger".
Then the stars were silent. The angel was gone.
The shepherds left to find the child. They gave him gifts.

research help: ' The First Christmas' by Stephen Mitchell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The First Christmas: the Ox

 The First Christmas: the Ox by ric gustafson

I am a sociable animal by nature. I became excited when I saw my master bring in two humans and a donkey. The man put the donkey into a stall next to mine. I poked my head over a partition to get a better look. The donkey was a jenny and young. Probably five years old. She looked tired.
I was right. She lay down in a corner of the stall and fell asleep. As far as donkeys are concerned, I have seen quite a few come through here.
At one point, the donkey was asleep and so were the two humans. I chewed on my curd. It was quiet for an hour or two. It was a silent night.
Then the woman began to moan. The man started wiping her brow. After a period of time, a child came into this world. He was a tiny creature a beautiful baby boy.
I will protect this child. I will.

research help: ' The First Christmas' by Stephen Mitchell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 30, 2023

the First Christmas: the Innkeeper

 the First Christmas: the Innkeeper by ric gustafson

It was snowing when the man and girl arrived. They had been on the road for six days. The man led a donkey. The girl was on the donkey. Her belly was swollen.
They had tried to find lodging at four inns already. Bethlehem was swelling with pilgrims because of a census. All the inns were full. The two were very concerned. Night was falling.
I was in my forties. I had a brown beard and a scar over my left eyebrow. I studied the two before me. The girl was 14 or 15. She was wearing a shawl and a woolen tunic. The man was in his twenties. He had large hands and a full beard. I shook my head. Several people this week had given me the same sad story. 
I was about to tell them to go away. Then I thought about the small stable that was behind my inn. I showed it to them. It smelled like straw and manure. There were four stalls. Plus there was enough straw to make beds for two people.
I put a torch in the holder on the wall. I walked out the door.

research help: ' The First Christmas' by Stephen Mitchell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

3/30/1981 page 15

 3/30/1981 page 15 by ric gustafson

As Agent Parr nudged President Reagan toward the open rear door of the limo, Hinckley Jr knew it was now or never. Nobody was paying attention to him. He pulled the gun from his pocket. He crouched. He gripped the gun's handle with both hands. He aimed. He pulled the trigger.
The first bullet hit Reagan's press secretary Jim Brady. The bullet smashed into his head. He fell close to Hinckley Jr. The second bullet hit Officer Thomas Delahanty. He was hit in the back. The third bullet went over Reagan's head. The fourth bullet hit Agent Tim McCarthy. He was hit in the chest. The fifth bullet hit the door of the limousine. Nobody knew what happened to the sixth bullet?.
Agent Parr threw President Reagan into the back of the limousine. It sped off toward the George Washington University Hospital. When it arrived, Reagan hobbled into the hospital. He complained of not being able to breathe. He was led to the trauma bay. They noticed blood on the President's left hand.
A surgical resident named G Wesley Price noticed the small slit in the President's skin. It was half an inch long. It was five inches below Reagan's left armpit.
It was bullet number six.
The President had been shot.

The End.

research help: ' Rawhide Down' by Del Quentin Wilber

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Preadvent: Psalm 147:3

Preadvent: Psalm 147:3 by ric gustafson

One of the gifts of Jesus is the gift of healing. It is physical healing. It is also the healing of the heart. Jesus wants us to be happy. He does not want us to hurt. Psalm 147:3 says he heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. When our heart hurts, we hurt. Jesus wants to heal us. Jesus will heal our broken heart. When we suffer, Jesus suffers. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' On the way to Bethlehem' by Emily Jaminet

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

3/30/1981 page 14

 3/30/1981 page 14 by ric gustafson

Agent Jerry Parr checked his watch. It was 2:27 pm. He watched as President Reagan finished his speech. Parr walked to the edge of the stage. Reagan shook a few hands. He walked off the stage. Parr fell into step behind the President. Reagan walked into the hotel's holding room. There the White House aides were waiting for him. 
Several Secret Service agents rushed outside. One agent now stood between the rope line and the VIP entrance. One agent stood at the curb near the limousine. Five agents were now surrounding the limousine. 
President Reagan was now walking toward the VIP entrance. Walking ahead of the President was Jim Brady and Mike Deaver.
When Reagan walked out the VIP entrance, Agent Parr was right behind him. Even though the President was briefly out in the open, Agent Parr was trying to prod him toward the limousine. As they neared the now open rear door of the limo, Agent Parr heard gunfire.
Pop Pop Pop. Parr knew somebody was trying to kill the President.

research help: ' Rawhide Down' by Del Quentin Wilber

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

3/30/1981 page 13

 3/30/1981 page 13 by ric gustafson

Outside the Hilton, Agent Drew Unrue repositioned the Presidential Limousine. The President would now have to walk from the VIP entrance to the limousine. Reagan would have to walk parallel to the rope line. The danger of this would be the brief time that the President  would be very close to the spectators. The limousine was moved for security reasons. If the nose of the limousine was pointed toward T Street, the limousine could make a quick get away.
Agent Granger did notice that the rope line was very close to where the President would come out of the VIP entrance. The rope line was slightly moved. It was still close to the growing crowd of spectators already waiting for the President. Hinckley Jr was watching everything that was going on.
At one point, Agent Mary Ann Gordon, who was the motorcade's advance agent, checked the line of vehicle's of the motorcade. When it was all in order, she got into the lead vehicle. Agent Unrue started the engine of the limousine. The other agents and police officers returned to their posts. Then Agent Gordon checked her watch. The time was 2:20 p.m.

research help: ' Rawhide Down' by Del Quentin Wilber

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Preadvent: John 1:1-5

 Preadvent: John 1:1-5 by ric gustafson

Jesus is one with God. God is the source of all creation and master over all things. John 1 says in the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God. The Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him. Jesus is the bright light over all darkness. No matter how we struggle in this life, God gives us his Son. Jesus created us to be loved. All things come from a loving God and his Son Jesus. Thank you Jesus for creation. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

'research help: ' On the way to Bethlehem' by Emily Jaminet

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 27, 2023

Preadvent: Hebrews 6:19-20

 Preadvent: Hebrews 6:19-20 by ric gustafson

We need an anchor in our life. We need this anchor for our soul. And what is this anchor?. The bible verse for today says we have this hope a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul a hope that enters the inner shrine behind the curtain where Jesus a forerunner on our behalf has entered. 
Jesus is our anchor. He keeps us where we need to be. He prevents us from drifting away from him. Jesus is our lighthouse. A light when storms arrive. Jesus gives us hope.

research help: ' On the way to Bethlehem' by Emily Jaminet

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric