Thursday, December 28, 2023

while Idaho slept page 18

 while Idaho slept page 18 by ric gustafson

On Jan 3 2023, Michael Kohberger and his wife got out of a black SUV. They were at the Monroe County Courthouse. They were there to witness their son's extradition hearing. He was to be sent back to Idaho to be charged with four counts of first degree homicide.
Bryan Kohberger came in shackled and handcuffed. He was wearing a red jail issue jumper. He was led into the courtroom by sheriff deputies. In the galley was Kohberger's parents and sisters.
On the morning of Jan 4, Kohberger was flown from Pennsylvania to the Pullman Moscow Regional Airport. From there Kohberger was taken to Latah County Jail. Kohberger was put into a solitary confinement cell. 
Jan 5 was Kohberger's first court appearance. His court appointed public defender was Anne Taylor. 
Judge Megan Marshall told Kohberger of the charges against him. It included unlawful entry into the King Road residence. It included four first degree felony counts of murder. The judge asked Kohberger if he understood the charges. He said yes he did.
As of right now, there has not been a trial.

The End.

research help: ' While Idaho Slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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