Monday, December 4, 2023

Advent: Psalm 39:7

 Advent: Psalm 39:7 by ric gustafson

Sometimes darkness is quite personal. In Psalm 39 David writes and now O Lord what do I wait for my hope is in you. It is the final days before his death. He talks about the darkness of his own sufferings and sins. His troubles are too much for him to bear. Yet David puts his trust in God. He declares God as the source of his hope.
We cannot put our trust in our own strength and resources. God in Jesus is the bedrock of all of our hope. We wait for Jesus by faith. On the cross, Jesus takes away our sufferings. By Jesus's resurrection, we have the light of glory. Jesus will take us home to heaven. In heaven there will be no more suffering.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Light of Grace' by Michael Hoy

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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