Sunday, December 24, 2023

4/3/1882 page 2

4/3/1882 by ric gustafson

Jesse rode into Jackson County. He felt safe in a region called Cracker Neck. There Confederate guerrillas protected the James gang. After train robberies, the area gave Jesse and Frank seclusion and protection. Frank joined him. They rode to a farm owned by a man named Snead. While Jesse mingled with thirteen men who had joined them for the robbery, Frank checked the woods around the farm. 
They had picked a good spot for the train robbery. Glendale station was three miles to the east. As he kept checking the curve and the tracks, Frank heard a noise coming from some nearby bushes. Frank put his right hand on his left pistol.
" I'm sorry". A young man walked out of the bushes. " I did not mean to interrupt you".
Frank did not recognize him. " Which one are you?".
" Bob Ford".
Frank glanced over at the group of men. " Ah, Charley's brother".
The young man was wearing  an overlarge black coat and a low slung holster. He had on a gray stovepipe hat. He had brown hair and small ears.
" Frank James". He smiled. " I want to be a gunslinger like you and Jesse".
Frank frowned as he looked him over. " You don't have what it takes".
Bob took out his pistol. " I have a Patterson Colt".
" Go away kid". Frank went back to studying the train tracks. " You give me the willies".
Ford began to walk back. This time, he walked toward Jesse.

research help: ' The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford' by Ron Hansen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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