Sunday, December 31, 2023

4/3/1882 page 4

 4/3/1882 page 4 by ric gustafson

After the raid, Jesse, Frank and the others made it back to the James's farm. There they decided to rest in the stable barn.
Bob Ford quietly walked up to Jesse. He was no longer wearing the large coat and stove pipe hat. He was now wearing green pants and a yellow shirt.
Jesse stared at Bob. " How old are you?".
" Actually 19".
Later, Jesse and Bob sat outside a rented bungalow. A mild shower was coming down in the night sky. Jesse sat in a hickory rocker. Bob in a mating chair. It was almost 1:00 am.
" I can't believe I've already robbed a railroad". Bob smiled. " And I'm chatting with none other than Jesse James".
Jesse grinned. " It's a wonderful world".
" You and Frank are my whole life". He smiled. " I even have a book about you and Frank".
" The Trainrobbers by R.W. Stevens".
" That's right". Bob grinned. " I read it every night before I go to sleep".
" It's all lies".
" I don't believe that". Bob frowned. " I even had a shoebox filled with James boys mementos".
" I'm a no good Bob". Jesse got up to go inside. " I ain't Jesus".

research help: ' The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford' by Ron Hansen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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