Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Avengers: Thor God of Thunder

 Avengers: Thor God of Thunder by ric gustafson

Odin was anxious to see his first born. In a cave, his wife Earth Goddess Gaea was in labor. Odin was in love with Firehair. Firehair was known as Phoenix. Phoenix and Odin's warriors included Agomotto, Ghost Rider and Black Panther.
When Gaea gave birth, it began to snow. Coming toward the cave was Laufey the Frost Giant King. He seeked the blood of the newborn. When Laufey flew into the cave, Gaea began to scream. Phoenix flew into the cave and snatched up the baby. Thunder roared. The baby was saved. Gaea named the newborn Thor.
Thor Odinson had a thirst for adventure. He was very close to his adoptive brother Loki. The mystical hammer destined for Thor was called the Mjolnir. It was formed by a metallic ore. Odin knew the hammer contained a living storm. The hammer was Odin's weapon of choice.
Thor could not get the hammer. It was in a vault. When Thor was finally able to get the hammer, he used it in a selfish violent frenzy. Odin was furious at his son. Disappointed, Odin banished his son to Midgard. 
On Midgard, Odin put his son into the body of a human doctor. One day, Doctor Donald Blake was attacked by Kronans. He ran and hid in a cave. He recognized the cave. It was the cave he was born in.
Doctor Blake came out of that cave. But he was not the Doctor any longer. He was wearing Asgardian armor, a red cape and a winged metal helmet.
With the hammer in his hand, Doctor Blake was now Thor God of Thunder.

research help: ' The Avengers Assembled' by David Betancourt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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