Friday, December 1, 2023

The First Christmas: the Shepherds

 The First Christmas: the Shepherds by ric gustafson

I was watching sheep on a hill outside Bethlehem. The sheep did not belong to me. The 227 sheep and lambs belonged to a merchant who lived in Jerusalem. I knew the name of each one.
That night, three of us were awake. The others had gone to sleep. There was snow on the ground. The sheep had to poke through the snow to get to the grass. I was wrapped in a sheepskin cloak. 
All of a sudden, I was startled. An angel appeared at our fire. The angel was tall, had red hair and a red beard. His face was wrinkled. His eyes never blinked.
Then the hills lit up. I threw myself on the ground. I covered my head with my hands.
The angel's voice was like music. " Don't be afraid".
My mouth was wide open.
" I bring you good news of a great joy".
Then I heard singing coming from the stars.
" To you there is born today a child who is the Messiah".
The stars sang. " Glory to God in the highest".
There was one more instruction from the angel.
" You will find the child wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger".
Then the stars were silent. The angel was gone.
The shepherds left to find the child. They gave him gifts.

research help: ' The First Christmas' by Stephen Mitchell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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