Wednesday, December 6, 2023

while Idaho slept page 5

 while Idaho slept page 5 by ric gustafson

At 1122 King Road, Bethany Funke had a first floor bedroom. There was a window that faced the front parking lot. She could see and hear vehicles coming into the driveway. During the week, it was quiet. On the weekends, it was a different story.
Bethany grew up in Reno. Her father was a dentist. Her mother was a school aide. Bethany was in the same sorority as Xana and Maddie. Bethany was 19 and blonde.
On the night of November 12, Bethany came home at 1:00 am. Right away, she got into bed and fell asleep. She told detectives she did not hear Kaylee and Maddie come home from the Grub Truck. Bethany told detectives she did not hear a white Hyundai Elantra drive by the house at 3:30 am. The car was caught on a neighborhood security camera. Between 3:30 and 4:00 am, the Elantra made three passes by 1122 King Road. Bethany slept through it all.

research help: ' while Idaho slept' by J. Reuben Appelman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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