Monday, August 2, 2021

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 5

 Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 5 by ric gustafson

Lloyd and Fred walked out of the elevator into the dimness of the underground parking.
" Lloyd, you haven't stopped smiling since you heard the news".
" I can't help it". He reached for the door handle of his Lexus. All of a sudden, chest discomfort made him slump to the ground. He clutched his chest. " I feel like I'm dying". His eyes closed to darkness.
Lloyd opened his eyes and looked around the pitch black room. ' Where am I' he thought to himself as the unknown began to invade his thoughts. In the blackness, he noticed a window on a side wall. He inched toward it. He was getting very thirsty. He began to feel as if God had left him. He felt alone. He also began to feel as if he was in a continous flame.
When he peeked out the side window, he could not believe what he saw. He noticed Father Abraham. In his arms was the old man from his work gate.
Thirst and being in a continous flame began to drive him mad.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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