Saturday, August 28, 2021

Jesus my son page 4

 Jesus my son page 4 by ric gustafson

Matthew, Peter and John stood outside Peter's home. Peter led them into a courtyard. " Make yourselves at home".
" Can it be Matthew?".
He turned to see James the Just smiling at him. He was one of Jesus's brothers.
They embraced.
" I have heard good things about your work in Capernaum". He smiled. " Thank you for coming to help us".
Matthew grinned. " I was happy to come".
James had Mary's features but was taller than Yeshua.
Later, the group retired to the roof to talk.
" Matthew". James folded his hands. " We need your help keeping records of gifts".
Peter sighed. " We have too many hands collecting contributions".
" I am here friends". Matthew smiled. " I will be your accountant".

research help: ' A Woman of Words' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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