Thursday, August 5, 2021

Horatio's lucky penny page 3

 Horatio's lucky penny page 3 by ric gustafson

Marsha Schuster started to write some numbers on a white easel.
The people, sitting at a long wooden table, looked on.
" This last quarter was not very good financially for the shelter".
Dede Benson, the shelter's youth director, raised her hand. " Why?".
" The city has cut some of our funding". Marsha frowned. " Also our private contributions have gone down also".
Richard Conklin's hand went up. " Marsha, what can we do to help?".
" John".
" Yes Marsha".
" This is John Ellis". Marsha smiled. " He's the new member of this team".
Everyone at the table smiled at him.
" John, could you talk to Horatio Longley?". She gave a nervous smile. " He is the shelter's largest private contributor".
" Sure".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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