Saturday, August 14, 2021

Ismay 2021 page 4

 Ismay 2021 page 4 by ric gustafson

On April 15 1912 at 8:30 am, all the lifeboats from the Titanic were accounted for. Then there was a roll call. The names of the missing became known. When it became known who was lost and who survived, a lot of crying and wailing occured.
The first thing Ismay did onboard the Carpathia was go to the dining room and get something to eat. Then he demanded a stateroom so he could rest. Some survivors were upset to hear that Ismay got the nicest stateroom onboard and some of them had to sleep on the floor. The American public was enraged hearing of the treatment he got onboard. 
Another survivor, Lawrence Beesley was also pointed out by the American public under circumstances similiar to Ismay's. Along with Ismay, he felt no guilt for getting in a lifeboat. Later, Beesley wrote a nine chapter one hundred page story of what happened to him on the Titanic. Ismay did not say a word about the Titanic until they reached America. Four officers survived the disaster. Only one Second Officer Charles Lightoller saw Ismay on the Carpathia. Some said Ismay felt guilt for failing his father who was legendary in the shipping world. He may have felt guilt because his unsinkable liner had failed him. Ismay had to give the White Star Line a notice that the Titanic had sunk with a huge loss of life. News offices in America were informed on Tuesday of survivors.
At New York harbour pier 54, 30000 people saw the Carpathia quietly dock. Ismay was escorted off the ship to the offices of the Cunard. Ismay knew an inquiry was coming.

research help: ' How to survice the Titanic or the sinking of J Bruce Ismay' by Frances Wilson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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