Thursday, August 12, 2021

Ismay 2021 page 2

 Ismay 2021 page 2 by ric gustafson

At 11:40 pm, an iceberg tore a 300 foot gash along the starboard side of the huge liner. The liner was traveling at 22 knots The gash sliced open four compartments. Everyone had a different reaction to the sound. Some thought it was like the scraping of a nail. Ismay woke up and thought that one of it's propellers had come off. Ismay put on some slippers and began to walk down a passageway. He asked a steward what had happened. The steward did not know. Ismay went back to his room, put on an overcoat and black trousers over his pyjamas. 
Ismay went up to the bridge and spoke to Captain Smith. Captain Smith informed him they had struck an iceberg. He asked the Captain if the liner was damaged. The Captain replied yes. As Ismay left to find the Chief Engineer Joseph Bell, chaos was starting. Stewards were getting passengers to put on their lifejackets and come up to the deck. Bell told Ismay that he hoped the pumps would hold off the water for a while. Then Ismay heard Captain Smith give the order for the lifeboats to be prepared. He also ordered that women and children would get in first.

research help: ' How to survive the Titanic or the sinking of J Bruce Ismay' by Frances Wilson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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