Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Big Picture: God with you

The Big Picture:  God with you by ric Gustafson

When God created man he knew that one day they would reject him, accuse him and kill him. God knows everything. He knows the past, present and future. John 1 says that in the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word is the story of God and his desire for a relationship with you. The Word is God himself. God Jesus and the Holy Spirit are three but they are also one. No one created God he has always been there. God is infinite he goes on forever.
God created to share himself with his creation. God wants to share his glory. We are designed in the image of God. God is perfect in holiness and sinlessness. God's nature is unchangeable.

research help: ' The Big Picture' by Hayley and Michael Dimarco

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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