Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Luke page 11

Luke page 11 by ric Gustafson

At age 37, Luke had been helping people in Antioch for ten years. He had heard that his old friend Saul had been pursuing followers of that carpenter named Jesus. He was told that Saul was present when one of Jesus's followers was stoned.
One day, Luke went to the harbor to treat returning crew members. All of a sudden, he noticed two men walking off one of the ships. He noticed that one was his old friend.
" Saul of Tarsus".
The small wiry man ran over and hugged him. " Dr Luke, what are you doing here?".
Luke grinned. " I could say the same thing about you".
" Can you believe it". He smiled. " My name is Paul now".
" Paul?".
" I have so much to tell you". He pointed at his companion. " This is Barnabas".
" I'd like to talk to you".
" Me too". He smiled again. " I have so much to tell you".

research help: ' Luke's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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