Monday, July 10, 2017

4/14/1865 7:00 am

4/14/1865  7:00 am by ric Gustafson

The President of the United States Abraham Lincoln walked out of his bedroom. It was 7:00 am. He was starting his day an hour later than usual. The tall lanky man walked down the hallway slowly. He was wearing a black suit. He was still tired. He had circles under his eyes. The scraggily black beard was thinned at the hairline. His bedroom was in the southwest corner of the White House.
From the hallway, he walked through a door to his office. It was large  and he sat down at a small table near the south window. He picked up a newspaper to read it. The morning was chilly and breezy. Even at this early hour, the street was already full of people. The business day usually started at 7:30.  At 7:30, President Lincoln was still reading the newspaper. He was frowning because Secretary of War Edwin Stanton had just informed him they could not attend the night's play.
On the other side of Washington, John Wilkes Booth was restless. He had hardly gotten any sleep. At twenty six, Booth was a fine horseman, a fencer and a crack shot.
A little while later, he checked out of the National Hotel.

research help: ' The Day Lincoln Was Shot' by Jim Bishop

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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