Saturday, July 8, 2017

4/14/1865 Prelude 2

4/14/1865  Prelude 2 by ric Gustafson

President Lincoln and Stanton were sitting in the carriage. All of a sudden, gun shots hit the carriage door.
Stanton turned toward Lincoln in fear. " Mr President?".
The carriage door opened slowly. A man with a moustache entered.
Stanton lunged at him.
Booth pushed him away. He raised the derringer at Lincoln.
Lincoln, being an ex wrestler, gripped Booth's wrist hard. He dropped the derringer. Lincoln hit booth twice in the head.
Booth pulled out a knife. He slashed at Lincoln.
Lincoln grabbed a finger. The knife fell onto the carriage floor.
Booth cried out in pain.
Lincoln hit him in the temple. Then he slammed his head against the carriage door.
Scared and badly hurt, Booth slid out the door and ran away.
Just then, a soldier with a carbine entered. " Are you alright Mr President?".
" Yes". Lincoln looked at Stanton. " Are you alright Mr Stanton?".
" Yes Mr President". He sighed. " I am".
" Sir, did you see who did this?".
" I did".
" Who was it Sir?".
" John Wilkes Booth".

research help: ' The Day After Gettysburg' by Robert Conroy and J R Dunn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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