Saturday, July 1, 2017

Luke page 6

Luke page 6 by ric Gustafson

Luke was walking quietly around the large campus. He was trying to figure out where the orientation meeting was at. Just then, a short sharp nosed man with black eyes stopped him. " My name is Saul".
He shook his hand. " I'm Luke".
He smiled. " Are you a new student?".
" Yes". His voice hesitated. " Are you?".
" No, I'm a local".
They began to walk together.
" What do you plan to do with your education here?".
" I don't know". Saul scratched his chin. " Probably teach or become a rabbi".
At the orientation meeting, Luke and Saul sat together.
Luke looked at his new friend. " What is your family business?".
" Actually it's tentmaking".
" How about you Luke?".
He frowned. " Actually I'm a slave". His voice hesitated. " My master is paying for my education".
Saul grinned. " I like you Luke".

research help:  ' Luke's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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