Tuesday, July 11, 2017

4/14/1865 8:00 am

4/14/1865  8:00 am by ric Gustafson

It was 8:00 am and President Lincoln was eating breakfast. He was enjoying his usual one egg and one cup of coffee. The President, Mrs Lincoln and Tad were listening to Robert. He was telling them stories about General Grant. Mary wanted to see a play that evening at Ford's Theatre.
Robert Lincoln was twenty one, handsome, had brown hair and a moustache. Mary Lincoln was ten years younger than the President. The President called her ' Mother'.
After breakfast, Lincoln walked back to his office. His office was in the southeast corner of the White House. Around an oak table, were cabinet meetings. The table was covered by a green tablecloth. Around the office were chairs  and two sofa's. On a nearby small table was a bible. Upstairs, a maid was cleaning rheir bedroom.

research help: ' The Day Lincoln Was Shot' by Jim Bishop

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric          

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