Thursday, July 27, 2017

Luke page 14

Luke page 14 by ric Gustafson

Luke was shaking his head at what Paul had just told him. He walked into a room to check on a patient he had recently seen. The cot was empty. He turned to a man standing near. " Where is the wounded man who was resting here?".
He shook his head. " On duty I believe".
" He's wounded". His voice got louder. " He should not even be working".
Luke walked out and found the young man. He examined the wounded wrist. " How's the pain?".
The young man waved it around. " Totally gone".
He led the young man to a nearby bench. He unwrapped the bandage and began to study the wrist. " What happened?". Puzzlement came over Luke's face. " Earlier, your wrist was open tissue and bone".
" Your friend Paul came by and told me that if I believe in Jesus I would be healed". He smiled as he held up his wrist. " Jesus healed me". Grinning, he walked away.
At that moment, Luke got on his knees and gave his life to Jesus.
He was changed forever.

The End

research help: ' Luke's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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