Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Luke page 8

Luke page 8 by ric Gustafson

Before returning to Antioch, Luke wrote a note to Theophilus. He wrote that he valued and regarded him. His goal for writing it was that his master would be proud of him. Reaching Antioch, he was brought to the master's villa. He was ushered to the outside veranda. Luke noticed Theophilus and his wife sitting at a table.
Luke's master noticed him and stood up. " Here's the man of the hour".
Luke handed him the scroll he wrote. " Master, I wrote this for you".
He hugged his slave. " Thank you Luke".
Just then, a slave walked in and whispered something into his ear.
" Luke, do you remember Diabolos?".
" Yes Master". He scratched his chin in thought. " He is your driver".
" We sent him for a shipment by a different route to avoid bandits".
The slave whispered into his ear again.
" He has not returned". He stared at the slave. " Get two other slaves and torches". His voice hesitated. " Arm yourselves and go find him".

research help: ' Luke's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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