Wednesday, April 13, 2016

women of the bible: Job's wife

women of the bible: Job's wife by ric Gustafson

Job in the bible became an unofficial patron saint of misery. Much has been written of his patience, his trials and his suffering.
Job's wife suffered as much as Job did. She lost all ten of her children. She lost all of her financial security. She cared for her husband when he was covered with boils. Nobody came to comfort her in their troubles.
Job's wife believed that her husband had done something to displease God. And that was why everything bad was happening to her husband. She believed that her husband was being punished for that. She urged her husband to put an end to his suffering.
Years later, she would have the opportunity to reflect on what happened. She was blessed with the same amount of children that they lost. Their financial security was restored fully.
For Job and his wife, their season of suffering had passed.

research help: ' Extraordinary Women of the Bible' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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