Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Where is your God? page 3

Where is your God page 3 by ric Gustafson

Brett noticed the mile marker. " Only ten more miles to go".
" We have not formally met".
" Sorry". He turned down the radio. " I'm Brett Rowson".
" People call me J.C.".
" Nice to meet you". He quickly glanced around. " I'm really thirsty".
" I think I have two bottles of water in my white bag".  He reached into the small bag that was around his waist.  He took out two bottles. He took off the cap of one and handed it to Brett.
" Thanks". He lifted the bottle to his parched lips and drank deeply. He noticed the mile marker. " Only seven more miles".
J.C. sipped from the other bottle.
For six miles, they drank in silence.
Brett saw the mile marker. " Only one more mile to go". He handed the now empty water bottle to J.C. " Thanks for the water".
J.C. smiled. " Your welcome".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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