Saturday, April 23, 2016

Where is your God? page 2

Where is your God? page 2 by ric Gustafson

" Just lucky sometimes". He picked up his worn suitcase and began to walk away.
" Where is your car?".
" Actually, it is a couple of miles down the road". He grinned. " My car broke down also".
" I'd be happy to give you a lift".
The stranger smiled. " Offer accepted".
Brett put his suitcase into the trunk. " Where are you heading?".
Both men got into the truck. " Waterville".
Brett turned the key. The truck started right up. " Really, that's where I am going". He stared at the stranger. " Why are you going there?".
" Traveling water salesman". He looked at Brett. " How about you?".
" Summer vacation from college".
They started down the highway.
" Actually, my father is the Mayor of Waterville".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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