Friday, April 1, 2016

the night the lights went out page 7

the night the lights went out page 7 by ric Gustafson

Else flashed the light at him. " What do you mean you don't have it?". She sneered at him. " What happened to it?".
" I'm not sure". He started to walk up the creaky stairs. " I had it when the bible study began".
They reached the top of the stairs.
" Maybe somebody in your bible study group took it".
" Else, that is not a very nice thing to say". He closed the door and walked into the kitchen. " These are my dearest friends".
" How else can you explain that you had it and now you don't".
" I can't explain it". He walked back toward the bible study group. " I just know that none of my friends would take it".
He sat down and the bible study group finished their lesson. Everybody left quickly because of the weather.
Later on, the lights came back on.
Else began cleaning and straightening the living room. She noticed something under the cushion of the sofa chair. She reached underneath and pulled out Jesse's wallet. " Jesse, I found your wallet".
" See" he exclaimed as he smiled and put it into a back pant pocket. " I told you my church friends would not take it".
Else shrugged and went back to cleaning. " What else was I to think".
Jesse walked over to the window and smiled. The wind had died down and the rain had stopped.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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