Saturday, April 30, 2016

the Great Oz page 27

the Great Oz page 27 by ric Gustafson

Oscar studied a blueprint. He watched as Tinkers started working on an odd contraption.
One Tinker raised his hand. " What are we building Wizard?".
" It's called a Praxinoscope". He walked over to view their progress. " It allows you to project an image through space".
Later in a lab, Oscar put several ingredients into a pot. As he did so, a bright and impressive flash that made him jump.
On the other side of a factory floor, Glinda watched Munchkins make clothes on a sewing machine. They were also stuffing hay into burlap sacks.
Later, Oscar watched Munchkins loading powder into tubes. Then they sealed them and then attached fuses to them.
Oscar smiled. His fireworks was almost ready.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 26

the Great Oz page 26 by ric Gustafson

Just then, they noticed someone in the doorway. It was China Girl.
" I need someone to tuck me in".
Oscar smiled. " I'll tuck you in".
Later in bed, she looked at Oscar. " Do you grant wishes?".
Oscar stared. " Why are you thinking about that?".
" I'd wish to have my family back".
Oscar kissed her cheek.
She fell asleep.
Just then, a thought came to his mind. He ran into Glinda's room. " Glinda, I've got it".
She looked up from a book she was reading. " You've got what?".
He gave her a reassuring hug. " A way out of this mess".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 25

the Great Oz page 25 by ric Gustafson

Oscar and Glinda stared at a map.
" These four roads lead into the Emerald City". She pointed at the map. " They will be expecting us to be coming from the South".
Oscar pointed at the map. " What is here to the East?".
" The deadly Poppy Fields". She stared at Oscar. " We should stay clear of that".
" Why is that?".
" One good smell and it's everlasting sleep". She now gave Oscar a strange look. " You are not exactly the Wizard I was expecting".
Oscar grinned. " What kind of Wizard were you expecting?".
" I don't know". She thought for a moment. " Noble, inventive, brave and tall".
Oscar smiled. " I'm tall".
Silence filled the room.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, April 28, 2016

there is power in the blood: joy through the blood

there is power in the blood: joy through the blood by ric Gustafson

The blood of Jesus is the ground of our salvation. The blood of Jesus gives us the right to a place in heaven. The blood of Jesus gives us the right to heaven. Jesus by shedding his blood, gives us sinners a right to heaven.
According to Hebrews 12:14, without holiness no man shall see the Lord. When Jesus's blood cleanses us from sin, reconciles us and pardons us, Jesus's blood takes away our sinful lusts and desires. Jesus's blood breaks the power of sin and cleanses us. Jesus's blood also sanctifies us.
Through Jesus's blood, we can have fellowship with God and the Lamb.
I pray through the blood of Jesus that we will live forever in heaven with God and the Lamb. Amen.

The End

research help: ' The Power of the Blood of Christ' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

there is power in the blood: victory through the blood

there is power in the blood: victory through the blood by ric Gustafson

Satan is the great enemy of the human race. According to Revelation 12:10, Satan is the accuser of our brethren. Victory over Satan could not take place until the righteous demands of the law were fulfilled. Only through Jesus's death and the shedding of his blood could those law's demands be fulfilled. Jesus's blood has power over Satan. A Christian has victory in the blood of the Lamb.
We must realize that there is no victory without conflict. We must fight for victory through faith. There is victory in fellowship with the blood of the Lamb. Jesus is the Victor.

research help: ' The Power of the Blood of Christ' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 24

the Great Oz page 24 by ric Gustafson

" Yes Oscar". Theodora raised her hand. Oscar lifted up from the ground. Then he spun several times.
Glinda yelled. " Theodora, stop it".
She flicked her hand. Oscar dropped onto the square.
Oscar stared at the once beautiful woman. " Theodora, what happened to you?".
Glinda stared at her sister. " Our sister has worked her evil on you".
She sneered at Glinda. " I never liked you". She now stared at the crowd. " You all believe in him".
Oscar grinned. " You got the wrong impression of me".
" I opened my heart to you". She began to scream at Oscar. " And you crushed it". She now gave him an evil smile. " That will not happen again".
Glinda looked at Oscar. " The Wizard will save us".
" As for your so called Wizard". She hissed at Oscar. " He will be the first to die".
She cackled as she became a fireball. She flew away.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

there is power in the blood: life in the blood

there is power in the blood: life in the blood by ric Gustafson

Jesus proclaimed that unless we eat his flesh and drink his blood, we have no life in him. With Jesus's flesh and blood, we have the power of eternal life. The blood of Jesus imparts and sustains life. The drinking of Jesus's blood is a blessing of becoming part of his nature. Drinking the blood of Jesus gives us a grasping in our spirit. To eat Jesus's flesh and drink his blood involves participating in Holy Communion.
Through Holy Communion, we drink Jesus's blood. Drinking Jesus's blood gives us life.

research help: ' The Power of the Blood of Christ' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Where is your God? page 4

Where is your God page 4 by ric Gustafson

Brett put the silver key into the lock. He quietly opened the front door.
" Brett, is that you?".
" Yes Dad". He and J.C. walked into the small foyer.
Roland Rowson walked out of the kitchen. " I waited for you for two hours". He noticed the stranger standing next to his son. " Is everything ok?".
" Yes Dad". He took off his coat and laid it on a nearby chair. " The car quit running as I was driving through the desert". He pointed at J.C. " This stranger helped me get it going again".
Roland walked over and shook the stranger's hand. " Thank you Mr ?".
" People call me J.C.".
" Dad, J.C. has nowhere to go tonight". He looked at his father. " Can he stay here?".
" Of course".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus People: A Peace Movement

Jesus People: A Peace Movement by ric Gustafson

As believers of God, we need a peace movement in our lives. We need a time of personal quiet time with God. In order to have quiet time with God, we need a quiet place to do that. With our quiet time, we need to spend time in God's Word. Quiet time is spending it in God's presence. Our quiet time with God can be anywhere and at any time.
In this quiet place, we can study God's Word and talk to God in prayer. When we spend quiet time with God each day, he will shower us with his peace.
We can have a personal peace movement. We need to spend quiet time with God each day.

research help: Turning Points August 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 23

the Great Oz page 23 by ric Gustafson

Oscar and Glinda watched in fear as a huge fireball fell into the square. It exploded. Tinkers, Quadlings and Munchkins ran for cover.
When the smoke cleared, A green colored witch stood there. She was wearing a black dress and a big pointy black hat. She glanced around with an evil stare. " You still think your Wizard can save you". She looked at the terrified crowd. " You all sicken me".
Oscar whispered into Glinda's ear. " Who is that?".
" Don't you recognize me Wizard". She gave an evil hiss. " Have I changed that much?".
Oscar finally recognized the cruel heartless green colored woman. " Theodora?".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Where is your God? page 3

Where is your God page 3 by ric Gustafson

Brett noticed the mile marker. " Only ten more miles to go".
" We have not formally met".
" Sorry". He turned down the radio. " I'm Brett Rowson".
" People call me J.C.".
" Nice to meet you". He quickly glanced around. " I'm really thirsty".
" I think I have two bottles of water in my white bag".  He reached into the small bag that was around his waist.  He took out two bottles. He took off the cap of one and handed it to Brett.
" Thanks". He lifted the bottle to his parched lips and drank deeply. He noticed the mile marker. " Only seven more miles".
J.C. sipped from the other bottle.
For six miles, they drank in silence.
Brett saw the mile marker. " Only one more mile to go". He handed the now empty water bottle to J.C. " Thanks for the water".
J.C. smiled. " Your welcome".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus People: Earthen Vessels

Jesus People: Earthen Vessels by ric Gustafson

In the book of Acts, people lived communally. Artists and craftsmen sold their goods. Some people painted, weaved, made music and did pottery. God is the divine Potter. Containers in Jesus's time were made from clay and water. God is the Potter and we are the clay.
God as the Potter has a plan for us his clay. God makes every clay creation different and unique from the next. There is an ultimate purpose for us God's clay. Lastly, God uses every clay creation for his purposes no matter how many imperfections it has.
Thank you God for making me so I can be used for you and your purposes.

research help: Turning Points August 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, April 25, 2016

there is power in the blood: Holy Dwellling through the blood

there is power in the blood: Holy Dwelling through the blood by ric Gustafson

The redemptive work of Jesus leads us into the Holiest. The Holiest is where God lives. The Holiest is the spiritual place of God's presence. In the Holiest is favor, blessing and fellowship with God. Through the Holy Spirit, a life in the Holiest is possible.
We have liberty in the blood of Jesus. The worth of life is through the blood of Jesus. Through Jesus's blood, we can enter the Holiest. Jesus is the great Priest.
How can we prepare to enter the Holiest?. We need to draw near with a true heart. We need to begin with repentance and faith. We need the full assurance of faith. We need a true heart through the Holy Spirit. We need to have a cleansed heart. We need to draw near to God and his Son.

research help: ' The Power of the Blood of Christ' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Where is your God? page 2

Where is your God? page 2 by ric Gustafson

" Just lucky sometimes". He picked up his worn suitcase and began to walk away.
" Where is your car?".
" Actually, it is a couple of miles down the road". He grinned. " My car broke down also".
" I'd be happy to give you a lift".
The stranger smiled. " Offer accepted".
Brett put his suitcase into the trunk. " Where are you heading?".
Both men got into the truck. " Waterville".
Brett turned the key. The truck started right up. " Really, that's where I am going". He stared at the stranger. " Why are you going there?".
" Traveling water salesman". He looked at Brett. " How about you?".
" Summer vacation from college".
They started down the highway.
" Actually, my father is the Mayor of Waterville".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, April 22, 2016

Where is your God? page 1

Where is your God? page 1 by ric Gustafson

Brett Rowson opened up his cell phone. He quickly dialed a number. " AAA".
" Yes, do you need roadside assistance?".
" Yes, my car engine just died". He nervously looked around. " I'm at". He stopped when he realized that someone was standing behind him.
" Need some help?".
He turned to see a young bearded man with a large brown suitcase.
" Need some help with your engine?".
" As a matter of fact I do". He wiped desert sweat from his forehead. " How did you know I was having engine trouble?".
The stranger smiled. " Mind if I take a look?".
Brett wiped more sweat from his face. " No".
The stranger opened the hood and peered inside. He took a wrench and a screwdriver from his bag. He began to tinker with the engine. A few minutes later, he closed the hood and smiled. " Get in and start it up".
" Sir, do you need roadside assistance?".
" No". Brett closed the phone and then put it into a pant pocket. He opened the door of the Chevy Malibu and got into the driver seat. He put the key into the ignition. He turned the key. The car started right up.
The stranger smiled.
" How did you do that?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, April 21, 2016

the spider and the fly page 9

the spider and the fly page 9 by ric Gustafson

Samson stared at the crowd as he stood behind the heavy weight. It was the last powerlifting competition of the school year and he was tired. Ever since his strength went away, he had lost the last three competitions to Anthony Wheeler.
He noticed that his hair was growing back. Every day this week, he had been getting stronger and stronger. As the competition went on, Anthony Wheeler was doing great and the audience was cheering him on.
When it came time for Samson to lift the weight, the crowd began to boo him. He silently prayed to God. ' God, please forgive them". He looked up to his God in heaven. " Please give me the strength to lift this heavy weight one more time".
Samson put his tired hands on the weight bar and lifted it high into the air.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the spider and the fly page 8

the spider and the fly page 8 by ric Gustafson

One night as Samson and Delilah were watching a movie at her parent's house, he fell asleep. She quietly went upstairs and got a pair of clippers. She came back down and silently began to cut the back of Samson's hair. After she had cut off quite a bit, she shook him. " Samson, somebody is trying to harm me".
He woke up with a jolt. " What happened?".
" Get up". She shook him again. " Someone's trying to harm me".
Samson tried to get up off the couch. He could barely move.
She slid the scissors and hair underneath the sofa.
" What's happened to me?" Samson yelled as he flopped back onto the couch.
Delilah grinned. " Why Samson, I don't know".
Samson gave her a strange look. It seemed as if all the strength he had was suddenly gone.
Delilah knew why.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

the 20th Century: Shirley Temple

the 20th Century: Shirley Temple by ric Gustafson

The first true child star of the 20th Century was Shirley Temple. Temple was born in 1928. Her mother introduced her to acting when she was just three years old. By the time she was six, Temple was an international celebrity. The small child could sing, dance and act.
During the 1930's, Temple starred in several box offices films. From 1935 to 1938, Temple was the top grossing star at the box office. By 1940, her child star career was coming to a close.
Later in life, Temple became an American diplomat in Czechoslovakia and Ghana.

research help: ' The 20th Century in 100 moments' by Quarto Publishing Group

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the spider and the fly page 7

the spider and the fly page 7 by ric Gustafson

One night, Samson and Delilah were studying for school late.
Samson fell asleep.
Quietly, Delilah brought in a loom and put seven braids of Samson's hair in it. She shook Samson awake. " Samson, somebody's trying to harm me".
Samson woke up. His hair came out of the loom without a scratch. " Where are they?".
After that night, Delilah did not talk to Samson for a long time.
One day, he noticed her in a hallway with some friends. " Hi Delilah". The others walked away. " How come you don't talk to me any more?".
" Because Samson, all you do is lie to me". She stared at him with hurt in her eyes. " Goodbye Samson".
He knew this moment was coming. " Wait Delilah". Quietly, he walked up and whispered into her ear. " I'm a Nazirite". His voice hesitated. " If you cut my long hair, I will become like everyone else".
Delilah smiled. She knew that he had finally told her the truth.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Kommandant page 3

the Kommandant page 3 by ric Gustafson

After the war, I joined the Free Corps. Some others and myself beat a man to death and I was sentenced to ten years in prison. In prison, I listened to inmates and their thinking. Reading was one way of spending time behind bars.
As the years went on, my belief in God faded away. I officially left the church in 1922. After six years, I was released from prison. Right away, I joined a group called the Artamans. They were a group of patriotic young men and women.
During the time with the Artamans, I met my future wife. We married in 1929 and had three children right away. In June of 1934, Heinrich Himmler asked me to join the SS. My desire to become a soldier again became a priority.
Himmler asked me to join a guard troop at a concentration camp.
I had never heard of a concentration camp before. It was new to me.

research help: ' The Commandant' by Jurg Amann

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Jesus People: Flower Power

the Jesus People: Flower Power by ric Gustafson

The term ' flower power' was coined by poet Allen Ginsburg in 1965. People were asked to be decked in flowers as a form of a anti war demonstration. When we become Christians, we become a fragrance and aroma to God. Aromas are mentioned forty six times in Scripture. Fragrances are mentioned more than twenty times. Through the prophet Ezekiel, God's people became a pleasing fragrance to God.
After God's Son died for our sins on a cross, our lives became a living sacrifice. Now we who belong to Jesus are a sweet fragrance to God. When we live a sacrificial life, we give off an aroma that is pleasing to God.
Jesus, the Lamb of God, is the aroma that leads to life. There is no other.

research help: Turning Points August 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

the Kommandant page 2

the Kommandant page 2 by ric Gustafson

When World War I began, I asked my mother if I could volunteer with the Red Cross. I saw the seriously wounded in the hospital. I saw the dead and the dying. I wanted to be a soldier and I did not want to miss this war. I was able to join even though I was only fifteen.
I remember my first taste of combat. Our cavalry unit was attacked by New Zealanders and Indians. It was in this attack that I killed my first enemy. In early 1917, I was wounded . I recovered at a hospital in Wilhelma. When the war ended I was seventeen. I was decorated with the Iron Cross.
Now with the war over, I was not sure what to do.

research help: ' The Commandant' by Jurg Amann

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, April 18, 2016

the Jesus People: Sandals and Scandals

the Jesus People: Sandals and Scandals by ric Gustafson

Jesus Christ was a sandal wearing stranger from Galilee. Jesus was unconventional. Jesus and his followers defied the establishment. Jesus and his followers ate with sinners, cared for Gentiles, spent time with the unclean and unwell. Jesus preached a message of peace and love.
People were scandalized how simple Jesus's life was. People could not understand Jesus's godliness, his teachings or the power of his touch. Common people embraced his message. Religious authorities did not know what to do with him.
Reading the bible, going to church and witnessing for Jesus is countercultural. To be a Jesus Person, we need to count the cost, take up our cross and follow Jesus daily.

research help: Turning Points August 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Kommandant page 1

the Kommandant page 1 by ric Gustafson

I am Rudolf Hoess and I was the Kommandant at Auschwitz. I will try to recall to the best of my memory the events of my life. My family lived in an average home outside of Baden Baden. I lived in this house until I was six. I had no playmates and enjoyed going into the nearby Black Forest.
I enjoyed riding horses and liked spending time in the stables. I had a huge love for animals and basically I was a loner.
When I was six, we moved to Mannheim and I was heartsick for my animals and the forest. On my seventh birthday, I was given a pony that I named Hans. I enjoyed riding Hans in nearby Haardt Forest.
I was raised in a strong military family. My father was a fanatic Catholic. From my childhood up, I was trained in an awareness of duty. Attention to duty was greatly respected in my parents home. Each person in my family had certain responsibilities. My father expected all of his orders and instructions to be carried out. At this time my sisters were four and six years old. I respected my parents very much.
My father died when I was young.

research help: ' The Commandant' by Jurg Amann

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, April 15, 2016

the spider and the fly page 6

the spider and the fly page 6 by ric Gustafson

One night over at Samson's parents house, Samson and Delilah were studying for school. Later on, Samson fell asleep. Delilah quietly took some new ropes out of a duffel bag. She tied up Samson in them. She shook him up. " Samson, somebody's about to attack me".
Samson woke up. " What's going on?". The ropes literally came off of him.
The next day.
They were walking through a park.
" Samson, I am so mad at you".
Samson gave her a perplexed look. " Why?".
" Because you keep lying to me".  She gave him a stern look. " I'm just about to break up with you".
Samson gave her a big hug. " I want to keep seeing you".
" Well".
" I'll tell you another myth".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the 20th Century: Charles Lindbergh

the 20th Century: Charles Lindbergh by ric Gustafson

Charles Lindbergh was the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic. He was also the first to fly nonstop across the Atlantic. In 1919, a New York hotel owner offered a $ 25,000 reward for someone to do what Lindbergh did. Lindbergh accepted the challenge. Lindbergh did his attempt in 1927. On May 21 of that year, he took off from Long Island and landed in an airfield in France. 150,000 people were waiting to greet him.
He was welcomed back in the US with a ticker tape parade in Manhattan. Later that year, he was honored with the Medal of Honor. As his fame grew so did tragedy. His twenty month old son was kidnapped and murdered in 1932. That murder was dubbed ' the Crime of the Century'. After the tragedy and trial, Lindbergh moved his family to Europe. During World War II, he was criticized for having racist views toward the Jews and being sympathetic to Nazi Germany.
Through good and bad, Charles Lindbergh was a 20th Century celebrity.

research help: ' The 20th Century in 100 moments' by Quarto Publishing Inc

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, April 14, 2016

the spider and the fly page 5

the spider and the fly page 5 by ric Gustafson

One evening, Samson and Delilah were watching a movie at her parent's house.
Later on, Samson fell asleep.
Delilah quietly walked over to the front door. She opened it to reveal Anthony Wheeler holding a small black bag.
" Quietly, he's asleep". He quietly walked over to a sleeping Samson and opened his bag. He took out seven fresh bowstrings that had never been dried out. He quietly tied up Samson with them. Then he left.
She woke up Samson with a scream. " Wake up Samson". She screamed again. " Somebody's trying to harm me".
" What's going on" Samson yelled as he stood up. The bowstrings snapped off of him like twigs.
The next day, Samson gave Delilah a ride home.
She gave him an icy stare. " That was a mean trick you pulled on me".
Samson stared at her. " I said it was a myth not a true fact".
" Do you care about me Samson?".
" Of course".
" Then tell me another myth".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the 20th Century: Babe Ruth

the 20th Century: Babe Ruth by ric Gustafson

During the 1920's, the nation's most famous athlete was George Herman Babe Ruth. Because of his background and personality, he contradicted the culture of the times. Ruth was born and raised in a rough neighborhood of South Baltimore. His family was Catholic and his father owned a saloon.
Ruth changed baseball by hitting home runs at an incredible rate. In 1919, the broke the single season home run record. That year, the Boston Red Sox traded him to the New York Yankees. In 1920 and 1927, he set the home run record.
Off the field, Ruth loved food, beer and women. In 1930, Ruth was making more than the President of the United States.
All in all, George Herman Babe Ruth was a celebrity of the 20th Century.

research help: ' The 20th Century in 100 moments' by Quarto Publishing Group

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

women of the bible: Job's wife

women of the bible: Job's wife by ric Gustafson

Job in the bible became an unofficial patron saint of misery. Much has been written of his patience, his trials and his suffering.
Job's wife suffered as much as Job did. She lost all ten of her children. She lost all of her financial security. She cared for her husband when he was covered with boils. Nobody came to comfort her in their troubles.
Job's wife believed that her husband had done something to displease God. And that was why everything bad was happening to her husband. She believed that her husband was being punished for that. She urged her husband to put an end to his suffering.
Years later, she would have the opportunity to reflect on what happened. She was blessed with the same amount of children that they lost. Their financial security was restored fully.
For Job and his wife, their season of suffering had passed.

research help: ' Extraordinary Women of the Bible' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the 20th Century: Buffalo Bill Cody

the 20th Century: Buffalo Bill Cody by ric Gustafson

One of the first 20th Century's celebrities was William Buffalo Bill Cody. Growing up in Kansas, Cody was an army scout during the Civil War. Cody was a buffalo hunter killing the beasts to feed the army. In his late twenties, Cody began acting in wild west road shows. This variety show took place under a large circus tent. The show displayed skills of sharpshooting, trick riding and rope tricks. Also displayed were western stories between Americans and Indians. At the age of 33, Cody wrote his memoir called ' The Life and Adventures of Buffalo Bill'. In 1883, he started his own road show. Two of his white performers, Annie Oakley and Wild Bill Hickok became famous.
By 1900 the start of the 20th Century, Cody was one of the most famous Americans in the world.
William Buffalo Bill Cody died in 1917.

research help: ' The 20th Century in 100 moments' by Quarto Publishing Group

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the spider and the fly page 4

the spider and the fly page 4 by ric Gustafson

Samson and Delilah were sitting in plush seats of a movie theatre.
" Want some popcorn?" he asked.
" Sure".
He handed her the large box. The lights grew dim and then the movie began.
" I'm looking forward to the movie".
" I am too". She took a large handful. " I'm just happy being with you".
After a while, Delilah whispered into Samson's ear. " How do you get your great strength?".
" I don't really know". He took a handful of the popcorn. " All I know is that I'm really strong because I am a Nazirite".
She looked at him with a puzzled stare. " You mean there is no way you can become weak".
" Mom has told me of two or three ways". He took another handful of popcorn and kept watching the movie. " I think they are myths".
Delilah smiled. " Please tell me".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

the spider and the fly page 3

the spider and the fly page 3 by ric Gustafson

" Thanks for the ride Samson". He drove up to the curb of Delilah's parents house.
" Your welcome". He put the Ford Fusion into park. " Anytime". He noticed a group of boys playing basketball. " Is one of them your brother?".
" Yes, my brother Edwin". She hugged Samson and got out of the car. " Thanks again for the ride".
He smiled and drove off.
She walked by her brother.
" Who was that?".
" I know who it was" replied Anthony Wheeler. He bounced the basketball to Edwin. " His name is Samson". He frowned at his friend. " He beats me at powerlifting all the time". He grinned. " I sure wish I could find out where his strength comes from".
Edwin shot the ball into the basket. " Why are you interested in him anyway?".
She smiled. " He's cute, sweet and treats me nice". She looked at her clothes. " I sure wish I had some money so I could buy some new clothes and impress him".
Later that evening.
There was a knock on her bedroom door. She was working on homework. Edwin walked in and sat on the edge of her bed.
" Anthony and I have a favor to ask".
" What favor is that?".
" Find out for us how Samson gets his great strength". He pulled out a wad of money and threw it on the bed. " Also here is 200$ so you can go clothes shopping".
" I don't know". She frowned. " He's a sweet guy".
" I know". He put a loving arm around his sister. " We are simply asking that you find out where he gets his incredible strength".
She stared at the money. " Ok". She scooped up the money and put it into her fanny pack.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, April 11, 2016

there is power in the blood: Serving the Living God by the blood

there is power in the blood: Serving God by the blood by ric Gustafson

Holiness can only be achieved by fellowship with the Holy One. There is a connection between sanctification and relationship. Intimacy with God is the highest blessing for man. The blood of Jesus opens the way for us to be in God's presence. Intimacy with God is a spiritual reality. As God's children, we make our thoughts and wishes known to the Father. Fellowship with God becomes an influence on our character and life. Jesus's blood has irresistible power. Our love will be set on fire by the love of God.

research help: ' The Power of the Blood of Christ' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the spider and the fly page 2

the spider and the fly page 2 by ric Gustafson

Samson picked up the heavy silver trophy. Clapping erupted from the audience. He had won his third state high school powerlifting trophy. Samson dominated the sport. Sports dominated the Clarkson Cougars.
Samson knew that his main rival was Anthony Wheeler of Boulay High School. Samson prided himself because of his long hair. His mother told him that he was a Nazirite and that his long hair made him strong and powerful. The school had tried to make him cut his hair to no avail.
Sally, Samson's mother walked over to her tall son. She gave him a peck on the cheek. " Well done Samson".
" Thanks Mom". He turned away and began to stare at one of the Boulay cheerleaders. " Mom, I'll be home later".
He walked over to a pretty blonde. " Hi, I'm Samson".
She giggled along with her fellow cheerleaders. " Hi, I'm Delilah Mabre".
He had been warned by his mother to stay away from Boulay cheerleaders because of their wild reputations.
" Can I give you a ride home?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, April 9, 2016

the spider and the fly page 1

the spider and the fly page 1 by ric Gustafson

Principal George Harris was putting some picture frames into a cardboard box. There was a knock on his door. " Come in".
A young woman peeked in. " Hi Principal Harris". She smiled. " I'm Janelle Bacon from the Good News Network". She walked up to his desk. " The station would like to honor your retirement and your involvement in Clarkson's community projects".
" Thank you".
She opened up a writing tablet. " My first question is what do you consider your greatest contribution to Clarkson High School?".
The Principal thought for a moment. " Probably our sports programs".
" Any particular sport?".
He thought again. " Probably powerlifting".
" Why powerlifting?".
He smiled. " Because of one student".
" And who is that?".
" His name was Samson".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, April 8, 2016

Horatio's lucky penny page 8

Horatio's lucky penny page 8 by ric Gustafson

Horatio was sitting at a small table in his study. He was eating his normal breakfast of bacon, eggs and toast. He always had the stock market channel on so he could see how his stock was doing. This morning, he noticed that Johnson Financial Group stock was already in the red..
He dialed his stock advisor on his cell phone. " Mark, what's going on with the stock this morning?".
" Horatio, I've been hearing that there could be a shakeup going on at Johnson Financial Group". His tired voice hesitated. " I also heard something scandal wise could be going on with that new accountant that you hired".
" Mark, what are you talking about?".
" I will keep you informed as the day goes on".
As the day went on, the stock price for Johnson Financial Group kept going lower and lower.
Around noon, Horatio's cell phone rang.
" Horatio, this is Mark". The scared voice hesitated. " You need to sell part of your stock before it's too late".
Horatio stared at the plaque. " My lucky penny has convinced me to stay the course and everything will be ok".
" Horatio, you are making a huge mistake". He began to plead with his friend. " All of your stock is in one fund and you will lose everything".
As the afternoon went on, the price for Johnson Financial Group went to a all new low.
Horatio's cell phone rang.
" I'm sorry Horatio" his friend exclaimed. " I tried to get you to sell".
Horatio walked over to a nearby window and looked out. " What happened Mark?".
" Horatio, you lost everything".
In disgust, Horatio threw the cell phone at the lucky penny plaque. It fell off the wall and smashed.

December of that year.

An employee of Dominick's walked out the back door and threw trash into the green dumpster. As he did that, he noticed the homeless man standing over a nearby grate trying to stay warm.
Horatio shivered as he tried to keep his cold tired bones warm.

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Horatio's lucky penny page 7

Horatio's lucky penny page 7 by ric Gustafson

" Horatio, I became a Christian after completing the treatment program". He pulled a little green bible from his shirt pocket. " This changed my life".
Horatio gave him a strange stare. " Oh!".
" I study his Word all the time now". He opened it up. " I believe with all my heart everything that is in it".
Horatio sighed. " I don't believe in God". He smiled and pointed at his plaque. " Just my lucky penny".
" You believe in just that coin for everything in your life".
" Of course". He pointed at the plaque. " What's happened to me bears that out".
" Well my friend, God is in charge of my life". He smiled and put a loving arm around his friend. " Give your life to Jesus and you will never regret it".
Horatio grinned. " I'm happy with my life". He pointed around the room. " My lucky penny has given me everything I need".
" Ok Horatio". John got up from the table and hugged his friend. " God bless and I will pray for you". He quickly left.
Horatio walked over to his plaque. " Who needs God when we have each other".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Horatio's lucky penny page 6

Horatio's lucky penny page 6 by ric Gustafson

Horatio poured some lemonade from a large glass pitcher into a glass. He took a sip. " Would you like some John?".
The day butler set a plate of sandwiches, fruit and potato chips in front of them.
"Sure". His friend bit into a roast beef sandwich. " Thank you for lunch".
" My pleasure". Horatio poured a glass and handed it to him. " I miss the guys from the tent colony".
" So tell me what happened that now you have all this".
Horatio thought for a moment. " After I found my lucky penny near Dominick's that day". His voice hesitated. " A miracle happened on my walk back to the tent colony".
" What happened?".
" I noticed something green in the snow". He took a sip of the lemonade. " It was a wet one hundred dollar bill".
His friend took another bite of his sandwich. " What did you do with it?".
" I took it to somebody at the shelter who knew about investing in the stock market". He smiled at his friend. " He invested it for me and now I'm making a fortune just off the interest".
John scratched his chin. " And you think that everything that has happened to you is because of this penny that you found in the snow".
" That's right". He took another sip of his lemonade. " It's the only explanation I can think of".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

there is power in the blood: sanctification through the blood

there is power in the blood: sanctification through the blood by ric Gustafson

The term sanctification means ' union with God'. Sanctification is the fullness of blessing purchased for us by the blood of Jesus. Sanctification is a blessing that follows cleansing. God is the Holy One alone.
One meaning of sanctification is separation. Sanctification can only take place when it's roots come down into the depths of our personal life, our will and our love. Sanctification can take place only in a personal fellowship with Jesus. Jesus suffered for the purpose of sanctification. Consecration and surrender are part of sanctification.

research help: ' The Power of the Blood of Christ' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Horatio's lucky penny page 5

Horatio's lucky penny page 5 by ric Gustafson

Horatio kept staring at John. " I'm sorry to stare but you look familiar". He stared again. " Have we met before?".
" I don't think so". He scratched his beard. " I became part of the staff after going through the resident treatment program".
Horatio smiled. " Montana John". He gave him a hug. " Remember me Horatio from the tent colony".
John grinned. " Horatio who used to bring back containers of food from restaurant dumpsters". He frowned. " You disappeared and I thought that something bad had happened to you".
Horatio walked over to a plaque that was one of the walls. " This is what happened to me".
John walked over and studied the plaque. " A penny?".
" That's right". He was looking at it as if it was a shrine. " This lucky penny completely changed my life".
" How is that?".
" That day outside Dominick's completely changed my life". He smiled. " The only explanation I can come up with is this lucky penny".
" So what happened from the tent colony to this fancy house?".
" Have lunch with me and I will explain everything".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

there is power in the blood: cleansing through the blood

there is power in the blood: cleansing through the blood by ric Gustafson

In the Old Testament, there were offerings, sacrifices and cleansings. Cleansing is more than a pardon. There was cleansing by water, blood and fire. In the New Testament, cleansing is inward work in the heart and is subsequent to a pardon. After a pardon comes a cleansing. This is inward and reception of the blood of Jesus in the heart of the believer.
First, the conscience is purified. When the conscience is cleansed, then the heart is. To fully enjoy this blessing, knowledge is necessary. Second, there must be a desire. Lastly, we must separate ourselves from things that are unclean.

research help: ' The Power of the Blood of Christ' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Horatio's lucky penny page 4

Horatio's lucky penny page 4 by ric Gustafson

Horatio was studying his stock portfolio when the intercom rang. He pushed a button on a large oak top desk. " Yes Evelyn".
" John Ellis from the Elkington Homeless Shelter has a 10:00 appointment to see you".
" Oh that's right". He glanced at his Rolex watch. " Send him in".
Evelyn led a young man into the spacious office and study.
" Hi, I'm Horatio Longley". He pointed toward a nearby couch. " Please have a seat".
" Thank you". He sat down on the small blue couch. " I'm John Ellis and I represent the Elkington Homeless Shelter".
" What can I do for you Mr Ellis?".
" Mr Longley, as you know the city has cut our funding in half". He played nervously with his tie. " And our expenses have skyrocketed because of more young mothers and families coming in".
Horatio sighed. " Yes, I know about the struggles the shelter is having".
" Mr Longley, we appreciate what you've given to us in the past". He smiled. " But right now, we could really use your help".
" Mr Ellis, I am a very generous man". He looked intently at the young man. " I was homeless myself for a long time". He frowned. " I know what it's like to be hungry and have no place to go".
" Mr Longley, we could really use your help right now".
Horatio stood up and shook the young man's hand. " I will help the shelter".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, April 3, 2016

there is power in the blood: reconciliation through the blood

there is power in the blood: reconciliation through the blood by ric Gustafson

One of the blessings of the blood of Jesus is reconciliation. Sin has made reconciliation necessary. God's holiness foreordained reconciliation . The blood of Jesus obtained it. A pardon results from it. In reconciliation, God's objective is the destruction of sin. Sin has an effect on God and us. Sin has power on us. God can not overlook sin. Sin is disobedience going against the authority of God. Man is guilty. Guilt is debt.
God's holiness is infinite and perfection. Can the guilt of sin be removed?. The answer is yes. Jesus accomplished this by having a willing and perfect obedience. He completely surrendered to the will of his Father. Jesus became flesh and became the second Adam.
The good news was that the blood of Jesus was shed. Atonement for sin was made. Sin has been blotted out because of the blood of Jesus. With reconciliation comes a pardon.

research help: ' The Power of the Blood of Christ' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Horatio's lucky penny page 3

Horatio's lucky penny page 3 by ric Gustafson

Marcia Schuster started to write some numbers on a white easel. The people sitting at a small wooden conference table looked on. " This last quarter was not very good for the shelter".
" Why?" asked Dede Bensen. She was the shelter's family director.
Marcia gave s slight frown. " First, the city has cut our funding in half". Her voice hesitated. " Second, private contributions have gone down also".
Richard Conklin's hand went up. " Marcia, what can we do to help?".
She grinned. " Until the city raises our support". Her voice hesitated again. " We need to ask our private contributors if they could help us more". Her eyes glanced around the table. " John".
" Yes Marcia". The newest member of the shelter's staff smiled.
" I would like you to talk to Mr Horatio Longley". She gave a nervous smile. " He is the largest private contributor to this shelter".
" Sure".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Horatio's lucky penny page 2

Horatio's lucky penny page 2 by ric Gustafson

Horatio slowly walked through the deep snow. He was walking toward his favorite place which was the warm grate next to Dominick's Restaurant. It was Christmas Eve and the restaurant was quiet. He was always cold no matter how many layers he had on. The Italian Restaurant was Horatio's favorite because of the amount of food that they threw into the dumpster.
As Horatio stood over the grate, his hands began to warm up. He stomped his boots in order to get the circulation in his feet going again. He walked over to the green dumpster and peered inside. He took out some Styrofoam containers which contained pizza, pasta and garlic bread.
Horatio closed the dumpster. Just then, he heard the back door of the restaurant open. He ducked behind the dumpster. Then he noticed something shiny on the cold snowy ground. The restaurant door closed. Horatio kneeled down to pick up the shiny object. He noticed that it was a new shiny penny.
A worn smile came across his face. " This must be my lucky day". He put the penny into one of his worn threadbare pant pockets. Then he picked up his Styrofoam containers and began to walk back to the tent colony.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

there is power in the blood: redemption by blood

there is power in the blood: redemption by blood by ric Gustafson

The soul is in the blood. Blood is offered to God on the altar. Therefore the blood has redemptive power. The blood of Jesus has wonderful power. It was through the blood that God raised up Jesus from the dead. Because of Jesus's shed blood, death was defeated and sin had been removed. Satan himself was defeated and Jesus's blood had opened the grave.
Heaven was opened because of Jesus's blood. Because of the blood, the throne of grace remains settled. How does blood redemption work?. First, it works through faith. The Holy Spirit supplies power to the water and the blood. The blood and the Spirit bear testimony together.

research help: ' The Power of the Blood of Christ' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, April 1, 2016

Horatio's lucky penny page 1

Horatio's lucky penny page 1 by ric Gustafson

John Ellis took off the plaque from the wall and put it into a large cardboard box. He heard a knock on his door. " Come in".
His friend and co worker Franklin Monroe walked in. " We're going to miss you around here".
" It's time" he replied as he took the last plaque off of his wall. " I would like to spend more time with my wife and grandkids".
Franklin smiled. " The shelter won't be quite the same without you". He glanced at the plaque on the desk. " That's a strange plaque".
John grinned as he handed it to his friend. " This was given to me by a resident who passed away".
Franklin studied it carefully. " It has a single penny encased in it".
" Would you like to hear the story behind this penny?".
" Sure".
John and Franklin sat down. Memories started to come back to John.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the night the lights went out page 7

the night the lights went out page 7 by ric Gustafson

Else flashed the light at him. " What do you mean you don't have it?". She sneered at him. " What happened to it?".
" I'm not sure". He started to walk up the creaky stairs. " I had it when the bible study began".
They reached the top of the stairs.
" Maybe somebody in your bible study group took it".
" Else, that is not a very nice thing to say". He closed the door and walked into the kitchen. " These are my dearest friends".
" How else can you explain that you had it and now you don't".
" I can't explain it". He walked back toward the bible study group. " I just know that none of my friends would take it".
He sat down and the bible study group finished their lesson. Everybody left quickly because of the weather.
Later on, the lights came back on.
Else began cleaning and straightening the living room. She noticed something under the cushion of the sofa chair. She reached underneath and pulled out Jesse's wallet. " Jesse, I found your wallet".
" See" he exclaimed as he smiled and put it into a back pant pocket. " I told you my church friends would not take it".
Else shrugged and went back to cleaning. " What else was I to think".
Jesse walked over to the window and smiled. The wind had died down and the rain had stopped.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

He is Risen: imitating Jesus

He is Risen: imitating Jesus by ric Gustafson

The ultimate aim of all followers of Jesus is to imitate him. How do we do that?. First, we need to study the original. We need to study the words, priorities, boldness, commitment, love and his interactions with others. Second, like the Apostle Paul admitted imitating Jesus is an ongoing pursuit. When we stumble we need to confess our failure, learn from it and move on. We should not dwell on it. We should draw wisdom from the failures. We should resolve to try again and again. We should make it a goal to live in a way that helps others see Jesus.
Thank you Jesus that I am one of your followers and I can try to imitate you.

The End.

research help: ' Walking with Jesus' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric