Wednesday, January 8, 2014

through the eyes of a child revision page 19

through the eyes of a child revision page 19 by ric gustafson

He put the phone down as Kelly squirmed in the bed.
" I need to go to the bathroom". She stared at her kidnapper. " It's hard to ask when I don't know your name".
" Ok". He walked over and untied her. " Come right back because you can't escape".
She got up and tiptoed down the wooden hallway. She noticed that the front door was locked up. She also noticed that all the windows were boarded up.
She went to the bathroom and then walked back to the bedroom.
" See I told you". He grinned as he only tied up one arm and leg. " I told you escaping was impossible".
After a while, she looked at her captor. " Can I study my bible for awhile?".
" Why do you want to read that garbage?".
" Because I'm a Christian and I want to".
He shook his head, walked over to the dresser and opened it. He took out a worn black bible and without a word handed it to her.
" Thank you". She opened it to the book of Psalms. " Would you like me to read some scriptures to you?".
" No" he sneered as he picked up the rifle and began to walk out of the room. " Maurice".

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