Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mary of Magdala page 10

Mary of Magdala page 10 by ric gustafson

As the family prepared for Hanukkah, Mary helped her mother with special potato pancakes called latkes and fritters called bimuelos. That night, strange voices invaded her head. She prayed and begged HaShem to heal her.
On sunset the first day of Hanukkah, Jared lit the shamash candle. One more candle was lit each night. By the last night, all the candles were lit. Mary's father gave her gold coins each night. She put them into a leather box she was given for a birthday two years earlier.
As her father read the 30th Psalm, Mary pondered some thoughts. When would HaShem heal her?. Is HaShem angry with her?. Why doesn't he heal her now?. One day, she found Eliab. " Eliab, how did Father find me ?".
" A slave led us to the house where you were".
" What did you see?".
" We went to the house and saved you from your kidnapper".
I found out from Father that my future husband was coming tomorrow.

research help: ' Mary Magdalene' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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