Saturday, January 4, 2014

crimes of the century: John Hinckley Jr

crimes of the century: John Hinckley Jr by ric gustafson

A 1976 movie named ' Taxi Driver' influenced a young man named John Hinckley Jr. The movie starring Robert DeNiro and Jodi Foster involved a plot to assassinate a politician though thwarted by bodyguards. Hinckley was obsessed with Foster and tried to play out the movie in real life.
On March 30 1981, he waited outside a Washington DC hotel for President Ronald Reagan to emerge. When he did, Hinckley fired 6 bullets and one hit Reagan in an arm, entered a lung but missed his heart. Three others were injured including Press Secretary James Brady.
Hinckley Jr was found not guilty by reason of insanity and resides to this day in a Washington DC mental hospital.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and Joy. Love Ric

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